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Possible flourish nerf?

27 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Oatmonster

If you lowered the base attack speed to what it would be with a med attack speed but then give it a base ASI med, it wouldn't change the attack speed for people without extra ASI but would put a cap on how much ASI you could get.

Portrait de Luguiru
Tootpick nerfing

Lower the knockback, attack interruption, and about 15% of the damage on Final line.

Portrait de Kive
not going to rate idea

nerfing one of the best/ most preferred swords is a very very dangerous situation. The main reason why I say that is the mad amount of hate OOO will get, the hate will by far outweigh the praise. I moreover like the way OOO has been handling the situation by BUFFING the things that are too weak and making them stand a chance aginst the poppular things

Portrait de Guarder
Flourishes are supposed to be

Flourishes are supposed to be really fast swords...

Portrait de Iron-Volvametal
Zero, reporting in.

Yeah, but they're not supposed to have the Range of an Obviously Larger Sword, as well as the Knockback Force of one.

Portrait de Severage

If I were to add my 2 cents, I think the knockback needs to stay.

The knockback actually saves my opponents when it pushes them out of range. That'd be like taking the knockback off of Polaris. You'd just slaughter them.


Portrait de Paweu
Silkwing, D24, Max Sword

Silkwing, D24, Max Sword damage:
Combuster (neutral damage to fiends): 325
Barbarous Thorn Blade: ("effective" damage to fiends): 336
Explain to me, why do you want to nerf flourishes again? To make them useless in PvE? No? Then come up with something better than lowering the already low base damage because I'd ditch it if it was nerfed by even 1%.

Portrait de Infidelslayer

No to damage reduction, this blade doesn't hit so hard as Paweu pointed out.

But I give my vote to alter the first swing by reducing its range and interrupt chance. Give these properties to the second and third swing.

At its current stats the flourish/BTB first swing is unbalanced. Other than that I have no complaints about it.

*vanishes in a blinding light*

Portrait de Sacrontine

I don't get all the hatred for flourishes, it's not an overpowered sword at all.

Portrait de Draycos
~The Cobalt Dragon

All it really needs is a change to the first attack (make SCing it slower?), or a PVP-only flat damage nerf. Otherwise it's completely balanced; it's just stupidly powerful in PVP.

Portrait de Oatmonster
I do agree that the damage

I do agree that the damage per hit of the flourish is fine and my proposed idea doesn't change the damge per hit at all. Essentially what I'm proplosing is cap to limit the ASI to what is now verh high. It would in now way affect the speed of the flourish as soon as you crafted it.

Portrait de Aemicus
You all are probably

You all are probably complaining about the flourish in lockdown, because I really can not see how you would want to fight fiends with anything less than the flourish as it is now. If that is the case, please be quiet and leave, because they are not going to nerf a sword just because it happens to be a little more powerful that others in a PvP game which is not integral to the storyline. Also, you need to stop complaining and find ways around it. I can switch between a flourish and a shockburst brandish without any detrimental effects to my scores.

Portrait de Luguiru

Disregard my first post, I was distracted by Wakfu. The rapier swords are fairly stable in their current standing but the Flamberge and Rigadoon lines are fairly weak, lacking 32% base damage compared to Final and Barbarous lines in raw pierce values. The attack interruption is useful against fiends (Greavers) to prevent being nailed, but apparently is overpowered in Lockdown; I do not play Lockdown so I would not know.

Have some cartoons while I do Wakfu.

Portrait de Tsubasa-No-Me

They are supposed to be Precision Stabbing Utensils. I Personally would LOVE to have my Fearless Rigadoon Stab on all three blows... It maks for dispatching those menders and silkwings much more fine-like.

Besides, if you see me using my Rigadoon, you'll know that I like to Dance with it. Using or not using the First and Second hits, and Flying into Those Devilite's Faces with the last blow.

Flourishes are fast, stabby things. Not Broadswords. =.(\

Too apathetic to care for ~Sig

Portrait de Damienfoxy
Leave knockback to heavy

Leave knockback to heavy swords only, anything else with knockback is obviously OP, speed+knockback means no chance.

And take ASI's off the heavies like GF and DA... That's just stupid as all hell. Seriously, one hit kills a defender with dual max heart pendants... Yeah, that's a f$+*! Fair fight...

Portrait de Infidelslayer


ASI makes one hit kill a defender with 2X penta heart trinkets?

Impossible.....even on max damage!

Also heavy swords are fairly easy to dodge if the player is not using the flourish's first swing (for interruption and breaking shield).

Speaking of guardian and shield breaking, how come it takes 3 hits from flourish to break the guardian's shield? It resist piercing and normal damage!

*vanishes in a blinding light*

Portrait de Damienfoxy
I know it's impossible. But

I know it's impossible. But TH is pulling it off, and i know there's somthing fishy about that guy

Portrait de Infidelslayer

Who is TH?

He might be spamming the first swing of the flourish . It hit so fast that you can barely see it.

After he thinks you took enough, pulls out DA/GF for the final blow. I have seen this tactic a lot of times and its near impossible to counter if this guy have some extra ASI boost (other than the one provided by the Striker).

*vanishes in a blinding flash of light*

Portrait de Damienfoxy
Not allowed to discuss others

Not allowed to discuss others on the forums i believe. And no, he would sit and camp the enemy base, grand faust, one swing took me out in a defender with full skolver

Portrait de Infidelslayer


With deathmark or without? It makes a big difference....

And about skolver recons...Stagger Storm or Ash of Agni FTW!

Portrait de Damienfoxy
No he didn't curse me. Just

No he didn't curse me. Just one single whack, i'm dead, then i see him do the second swing after i'm dead and take out another.

So i don't trust this player

Portrait de Poopsie

just making sure if you see it right, on this video, the slow motion actually shows damage dealt before the swing animation actually happened.

Portrait de Infidelslayer

The Wondrous Wonderful World Of High Latency......

I live there....

*vanishes in a blinding flash of light*

Portrait de Asukalan
I love how people seek their

I love how people seek their miracle cure in Flourish Nerf, completly forgotting that if OOO will take away flourish a new weapon will emerge from its shadows and become "the new flourish". What the? An avalanche of topics "omg this weapon is nawo too OP, nerf nerf nerf it! ooo plwease"

Portrait de Damienfoxy
It is because the flourish

It is because the flourish has an obvious range overage. You can keep the damage it does, just fix that stretch armstrong range of ubertardness

Portrait de Sacrontine

Again, please don't call for weapon nerfs just to balance Lockdown, if that's what you're trying to do. Lockdown is a mini-game that was created as an afterthought to the real deal. The main game (that is to say the PvE) should always take priority when balancing gear, and since Flourish isn't overpowered in PvE, it should not be nerfed. Simple as that.

Portrait de Damienfoxy
Flourish is too powered in

Flourish is too powered in pve, because you have that STUPID long range, thats adding about another inch to the actual sword itself.

Portrait de Oatmonster

I'm sorry, I forgot to take into account the effects this might have on PVE, graveyarding the topic