I'm going to try something new here. Please post feedback related to the map Stadium here! Discuss what you think of the special stage mechanics, the flow, or anything else concerning this map. Some topics you might discuss: Bombshells, team-only barriers that allow the "home team" to shoot through them, etc.!

I liked the openness. It was really fun, and made everything a lot more skirmishy, and less "run away if you get hit because it's easy to lose your foes" and more "big epoch battlz." I believe the block barrier above the center point can be removed, it hinders gunners greatly. Great map, and a good twist to the others.

But it maybe a bit too big for people to capture points. But other than that, its cool.

This map makes for awesome larger scale battles! More chance to fight as opposed to capping, a nice change from the old maps. The space in the middle is excellent for duels.

Stadium is awesome! Well done on the idea. I think the rockets are a cute addition but I don't think many people will consider using them. Though I do love the explosion is does.
ROCK JELLY! <3 (you should put more of these in the game ;))
This has got to be the most confusing map out of the 3. So easy to get lost and not know where you're going. Makes the game harder so I think it's good in the long run. But after playing awhile, I understood where to go.
I think it's interesting that you've added in spikes for all of the maps. I think we need more maps with hazards. Makes it interesting and different.
Those fires are scary. I'm also intrigued by the healing point though I noticed that it healed slower and that's prob why it has a smaller heart.
The 'team screens' are interesting. Makes me think that it gives the team who owns it advantages and I don't know if they're really fair.

I love it. Perfect. Release it now. Actually, make the middle health pad heal a little faster, otherwise you are too vulnerable for no real reason (not as fast as the home base pad though).

It's pretty good. Kinda confusing layout, but I could get used to it.

I was playing around a bit with the heal pad a little bit earlier today - I am thinking of bumping up its restorative power just a bit to make it more worth the risk.

yeh, i think it would be better if you bumped it up. Does make standing there more worth it.

The random heal pad, the rockets! I love it.

I thought Stadium was one of the best! The healing pad does need to be bumped up though. You know what would be awesome? Having different seasons/weather in the staidum that pose some type of difficulty to players. (Hahah, that might be a little too much)

I'll be adding in some ground markings, similar to Downtown, that will hopefully make certain paths more clear and make the map flow easier to learn for newcomers.

ok cool, though with downtown how they have those bricked off pathways that hold the fire pots, it's always annoying to get stuck in them :/

Team only gates are awesome, and the rockets are so fun to use. But yeah, healing pad needs a little buff.

I found this level quite fun to play, However since the changes I keep getting lost on map.
Over all once we get use to the map its very fun :)

Really enjoyed playing this map. The large format seems to give strikers a workout--nice playground for guardians and recons. +1 to the rockets and heart pads as well. Play style overall felt more strategic than a lot of the current maps.

i havent seen enough of this level so far to give more thoughts on it yet,
..but.. so far..its great fun ;)
and graphically..its one of my favourite, as its a bit more "quirky and dark style,
the rockets.. always a funny addon :)
..and yup..the middle area = always exciting :D

Fun map with a cool design, and love the idea of a total bloodbath for the middle point. Maybe put some bonus for holding the mid? (Make it worth double points, etc.) That way you encourage a total free for all in the center of the stadium, for the enjoyment of the viewers!
Compared to the rest, this map is very, very large. Given the time it takes to get from one corner to the other, similar to the downtown map, it might encourage more strikers here as their speed boost will be much more effective for capping on the whole.
The larger the map, the more advantageous it seems to simply use strikers to get around and cap... I'll need to test this on some live server maps to see how great the difference in distance is.

This a great map! I was able to quickly get where to gun and bomb. It was great to have areas where you can be safishly and not get destroyed by swords.

The open space is godd for gun battles and it really fun and its not as close so you dont get beasted by swordsmen/women. The middle is epic everybody fighting in the middle makes it a total war i think you should make the amount of players on each team be 10 for this lvl so it will be more warlike.
I like the team only barriers.
im sooooo happy about the bombshells. They make me happy to get to run around and use these. lol. I wish they were more of a homing thing, it would make things interesting. hahaa... but it's good and I enjoy it immensely.
Congrats devs on making a worth while future update. :) I think this update will make quite a bit of people happier.