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Nerf the flourises and barbs

28 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Autofire

The 1st hit of the toothpicks is excessively long. Seriously, it takes the element of difficulty away from the game. If you have difficulty, you have challenge. If you have a challenge, you have fun. (And why play if there is no fun?) If you are fighting fiends or beasts, you can spam the first hit. It's knock back is large for a fast sword, so you can knock things out of range, keeping them from hitting you. Not only do I think the range and knock back should be decreased, but I think that the first swing should be normal. This may sound weird, but how is a swing a piercing attack? Toothpicks make PvE too easy, and piss people off in PvP, so a nerf seems logical. (Oh, and buffing other swords would become a chaotic mess of unbalance.)

Oh, and on a side note: I really like this game, I don't think OOO are mean or ignoring us, but some people are right about complaints. If you are complacent about yourself, you will never make progress, so I think a small dose of complaints/wants for things is healthy for any game.

Portrait de Draycos
It deals pierce on the first

It deals pierce on the first hit with just as much sense as chromalisk attacks deal pierce, but it shouldn't be changed... All it really needs is a slight decrease in range on that first attack, then it's fine. And it isn't nearly as overpowered as brandish lines or DAs...

Portrait de Niichi
Beasts may be something of a

Beasts may be something of a joke when you're swinging the rapiers around but honestly I find fiends to be quite difficult even with those swords. So you'll understand how I'm not all that enthusiastic about a suggestion to weaken the number one thing I rely on to not get swiftly KOed in fiend levels.

Although I suppose a reduction in the knockback of the first swing isn't something that will matter to me that much. The enemies I use the BTB against aren't the kind of ones where I rely on knocking them out of attack range with the sword strikes. I definitely wouldn't want to see a power decrease even in the form of switching the damage type of any of the strikes. Even if it's "logical".

Portrait de Bleyken


Portrait de Jmsa

It's only annoying in PVP. Annoying, but not over powered.

It's not even OP in PVE, it's just easy to use. >.>

Portrait de Softhead



Portrait de Yvanblo

-1 PvP gets a lot complaints about overpowered weapons. Don't be a sore loser. If you were the one dominating, you wouldn't be complaining. I tried lockdown for a bit, but the experienced players owned me with their "toothpicks" (barbs and flourishes), so I stopped playing instead of complaining that the other players had overpowered weapons. I accepted the fact that I'm not any good at the PvP. I don't miss PvP. It seems rare to get into a match that is fairly teamed. I would be on either the dominating team or the team getting dominated. Rarely did I see matches that ended up close at the end. Hopefully that will change in the future, PvP has great potential to be a lot of fun.

For PvE these swords are perfect, the long reach is great. Who cares if in a few situations it may feel overpowered, that's a good thing. We don't want all weapons to do the same damage, that would make this game suck. Go to a T3 fiend level with your 4 star toothpick and tell me it's overpowered. I have not tried the 5 star, but I will assume it's not vastly different. If it is, I'm buying one ASAP.

Portrait de Autofire
I was writing this from

I was writing this from experience saying every team who has more toothpicks in LD will always win. I know many of you like the sword, but I also have a 3* flamberge, (I know, I know, maybe I shouldn't have written this till I tried a 4* flourish) and I have found it always is best just to spam the first hit of it. Even against constructs and jellies, I have been able to kill them because of its insane knock back. It just doesn't fit the style of fencing swords, where your main defense is your skill to parry, not to kill things before they get in range to hit you.

Also, I was totally expecting to see this reaction. I just, uuhhh, wanted to give my argument.

Portrait de Doctorspacebar
Here's an idea. Perhaps

Here's an idea. Perhaps Striker Dash should preserve a sword's combo? As in, attacking, dashing, and attacking again would give you a first hit and then a second hit, not a first hit and a first hit.

Portrait de Tsubasa-No-Me

I dont really even Care about LD and Flourished anymore... I want to be able to stab the crap out of anything and everything...

STAB, not slash... =.(\

Portrait de Wezz
I find it OP because it uses

I find it OP because it uses PURELY pierce damage, until we get a stick of anti-matter to whack people with, that and the rocket hammer, it should be given a bit less damage, or change its attack combo and hitboxes.

Portrait de Asukalan
Its so silly when people

Its so silly when people think that altering one weapon would solve all their problems. Its pretty selfish and narrowminded, isnt it?

Portrait de Damienfoxy


Ok, seriously, that probably hurt many others to read, but whoever said brandishes were overpowered, needs to take a final flourish to the eye, and then tell me that.

Also, the range on all toothpicks needs a decrease, final flourish hits three spaces ahead of the character, far too much.

Portrait de Sacrontine

Why should we ask players what they think of getting poked in the eye? It's a PvE games, we should ask the monsters. And I'm pretty sure the monsters are more afraid of brandishes.

The "toothpicks" are the only thing standing between the sworders and the most dangerous monster family in the game. They aren't overpowered, at least not compared to other swords. I don't see why people want them nerfed...

Portrait de Infidelslayer

Some people are right... Flourishes are not OP at all.

I mean it was meant to have a range equal to any heavy sword. If we get killed by it then we are all incompetent fools and must therefore perish from this forum!

Now all we need is a elemental and shadow version of flourish. Wouldn't it be KEWL???



Someone said brandishes are OP?!



*vanishes in a blinding flash of light*

Portrait de Infidelslayer
@Sarconite And then people


And then people complain why OOO didn't make a heavy sword that deals piercing damage.

If flourish remains as is then forget about getting any.

And Callahan is also a good anti-devilite weapon.

I wait for the response.

Portrait de Shue-Donnym
No subject line spam here, move along
Portrait de Infidelslayer

No Flourish heavy sword that do piercing damage.

And I want to have Kentard's Constantine (or any other lances).

I am a sad angel wannabe knight.


*fades away in sorrow*

Portrait de Sacrontine

So you're saying we should nerf the flourish, because then we'll get a heavy piercing sword?

And you're also saying it's ok to nerf the sword because people can just use Callahan (a gun) instead?

I can't say I understand your logic in either case. I'm saying the flourish is a vital weapon for sword specialists, and that it's not really overpowered anyway, so why nerf it? Because it has "too long range"? Too long range for what?

Portrait de Trollingyou
meh, -1

Toothpicks do pose a problem to balance in PVP, but they are just fine in PVE. Also, you'll fine a guardian toothpicker remarkably easier to fight than a striker toothpicker. The main issue in PVP imo is not the toothpick itself.

Portrait de Draycos

Sorry, I should have been more clear; I've been restricted to an iPhone and had to make concise posts. Flourish is fine in PvE but ridiculous in PVP. Brandishes are fine in PvP but ridiculous in PvP.

Please, educate me as to why brandishes aren't overpowered (concerning PvE). I'd love to hear it.

I know they're perfectly fine in Lockdown... but in PvE? All you need to do is charge attacks over and over. The brandish charges deal high knockback, they deal a status, they deal a huge amount of damage with a single charge. Giant enemies are now cake. Arenas are now extremely long kiting sessions. Et cetera.

Portrait de Damienfoxy
Because brandishes aren't one

Because brandishes aren't one shotting your weak little PVE game.
And PVE is a bad way to measure a weapons power, shame on you for that. You measure your weapon against the hardest enemy there is...the skolver with dual true loves.

Portrait de Draycos
They get close to

They get close to one-shotting it. What it doesn't kill can typically be kited, just add some more charge spam.

"PVE is a bad way to measure a weapon's power... skolver with dual true loves"

By that logic Lockdown is all there is to play for in this game and piercing weapons are weak unless their attacks are so quick and high-range they consistently hit. Considering PvE, Shadow Lairs are still a shred of a semblance of difficulty, and I actually have used said weapons in said levels, plus any enemy you can name (save impostocubes, soul jellies, etc.)

Yes, PvE is too easy in most cases, so it's hard to measure 'overpowered', but Lockdown is something else entirely. I'm sorry I didn't designate what game I meant for either weapon at first... and when I first posted, the thread concerned both games, not just Lockderp.

Portrait de Damienfoxy
Well in that case, concerning

Well in that case, concerning PVE, everything is op.

Seriously OOO, i'd like to die one of these days. Please buff all enemies

Portrait de Draycos
Almost everything is, I can

Almost everything is, I can agree with that. Some weapons are just... more obscene than others.

+1 to buffing all enemies. Including fiends. Yes, I just said it.

Portrait de Damienfoxy
Here's the thing with

Here's the thing with fiends... I can understand a damage buff, and a health buff, but i demand a speed nerf for those buggers.

Portrait de Luguiru
Portrait de Infidelslayer
Stay a while and Listen!

Lets all become Super Spiral Knights!

*plays Super Meat Boy theme*

Portrait de Sacrontine

Well if, you wanted the game to be harder (totally understandable), why didn't you say so in the first place? You can't solve that just by nerfing one sword.