So i completed my first Shadow lair! Yayy! It was Ice Queen. Sadly, the one thing that bugged me was the tremendous lag in there. What causes it? The effects, the amount of rendering? Or is it because it's on a remote section of the server that is had to to retrieve? If i'm going to pay big money for a SSL in the future, I'd like some better rendering and uploading quality.
Shadow Lair Blues
But I think that time, it was caused by the leader doing it in EU west instead of US east. Either way, it was a really fun shadow lair even if monsters walked off walls and I got a fourth celestial ore I won't be able to use for a while. Now just to find someone needing help with Red Twins.
1) /clap daarke
2) IMO, RRT is laggiest hence my nickname for it: The Ironlag Factory of Laggy Death
3) @Bladderrust I'll help you in RRT ;) contact my in game, Screamingnutz
I don't have lag, I have slow frame rate.
Sorry, keyboard jammed.
Reminds me of a time when I lagged through a wall in the RJP, and saw a secret BLUE-CARPETED area... even though I had 0 health. /derp.
Or, at least, a blue area. Got DC'ed, but joined back in after not long and was already dead.
It must take some doing to triple post. Well done.
what? your FIRST SL was Ice Queen? Hows that possible?
Someone else in his party had level 2 clearance.
Anyway, I thought RT was laggier. Too many enemies.
I've traveled the world and the seven seas but not there. Thanks for the heads up.
If anyone in your party has a higher shadow lair tier access then the rest of your party is permitted to enter that tier and anything below.
Ice queen is like a frostbite but with tons of jellys and stuffs going on.
So yeah, Frostbite x10 = Tons of lag.