Everything's in the title. It would be nice to get an official answer.
Why wasn't Punch's block UV function featured from the start?
Sometimes the nicer features just come later. Why do companies release DLCs now? Part of it's to milk more money, sure, but the other part is that they simply didn't finish the game before projected release, or wanted to add something fun later, or any manner of reasons. I'm sure in a few months someone will be asking, why hasn't there been customizable hairpieces from the start?
I think this function was pretty "obvious". I had stopped playing for over half a year, I'm surprised it took that much time to came up. After all, developpers decided for example to rebalance the UV rolls prices only a couple weeks after the first release of Punch NPC. As a result even after monthes of inactivity I don't seem to see much super-buff knights (and I honestly thought I'd have big surprises inspecting players nowadays). That seems discussable to me; having this opportunity from the start, it could have prevented the UV-roll-fails-ragequit without especially spoiling the life span of the game; seeking UVs in its current state remains a very expensive activity, except it is much more fair.
I have barely started catching up with every new stuff, that's why probably I didn't make this question yesterday, or even the day before.
Also I don't seem to see the interest of buying extra little size mods for a million crown. That just doesn't seem any use.
If only the game was complete when it shipped!
Actually, then I wouldn't have anything to look forward to.
If it's such an obvious feature, where was your suggestion when it was released? Why did it take so long to make a thread about this?
I don't feel the need to answer that trolling. Sorry!
I.E.: You have no valid response, so you are going to improperly call me a "troll." You use that word, but I don't think you know what it means. I was not being inflammatory, but merely pointing out that your "obvious" idea is not that obvious.
I don't feel the need to answer that trolling. Sorry!
Hey, you answered your own question! Good job.
Nope. I simply remember of you as the second biggest troll in these forums after Chris. I don't even think I've ever seen you answering any post without that very subtile pinch of trolling. I'm not interested (anymore) in entertaining that kind of discussion. End of story.
Honestly, I still kind of UV-fail-ragequit, and I have a feeling the majority of other players still do too. You can't only roll for 1 UV and try to keep your current UV; you MUST roll two or three, which is ungodly expensive. If someone doesn't have a good UV in the first place, they would still have to try for the first UV, and that's usually the one that makes people ragequit.
Another thing to consider when keeping a UV at Punch is that you can't get the same one but better - i.e. keeping a CTR low will never get you a CTR medium or high, which means people STILL have to roll for a good initial UV first before using the feature.
Of course, for richer players or for people who must have >1 UVs, this is a godsend.
Also, people like what they like -- it's possible some people have spent more on their accessories than gear or UVs.
Bulk crafting is still the best solution to get the most powerful first variant on an equipment. Tons of people already had great first variants on their equipments before the release of Punch, but to imagine it took them (us) actually 8 monthes of their patience to finally secure a second good or even third variant on their equipment is quite outrageous. Except for those who dared the devil and lost their maximum variants to reach with a totally ridiculous rate of success better variants...
I agree, but you'll still have poor saps like me who didn't get lucky enough to craft a UV or buy one pre-crafted. In that case, Punch is the only option for UVs. And like I said before, only the richer players have the luxury of using the 2 or 3 UV roll to any good effect -- not that there's anything wrong with that, and not that it's not a useful tool to them, it's just not useful for the playerbase at large. If I were to play until I could get ONE 3 UV roll, I would probably end up spending that on upgrading gear or CE, since it's highly likely I'd get something like gremlin low and beast low on a Glacius.
Someone I've never seen in the forums before calls Dirt, one of the "oldest" residents here, a troll.
I lol'd.
Alternately, why wasn't Lockdown or the Mission system in the game from the start?
So very obvious.
Posting your true feelings = trolling
You heard it here first, folks.
"If it's such an obvious feature, where was your suggestion when it was released? Why did it take so long to make a thread about this?"
This is considered trolling now? ... So... asking legitimate questions is now trolling?
We've already covered that the OP does not know what "trolling" is, but yeah! Lots of people don't get it.
+1 more cookie to Dirt
and 1 hug to Asukalan for being hated on so much.
Is this considered trolling then? Can't tell.
Why launch a full feature, when you can do it at small steps and double milk the players.
My guess is that the devs originally held back a bit, fearing that the current mechanic would be too abusable or let players buy success too easily. Progress sometimes comes in small steps, and just deciding to let people buy UVs directly at all must have felt like a big change in philosophy for the devs.
I suspect that it took further debate- and some feedback/ monitoring of UV roll usage- before they decided to let people lock single variants in their rerolls.
for as much as possible. After they basically did that, they added the lock function to re-bilk us. I'm not one for greedy-evil-OOO theories.......
In fact, they were just super Greedy with this. Not evil at all.
thanks for using bilk instead of milk. you always know how to please me
<3 rommil
Most likely the 2 and 3 punch rolls weren't being purchased very much. So they went back to the drawing board to find a way to increase player interest in them. They probably had a few ideas including changing the price but in the end settled on the new mechanic as a way to increase interest and punch's profits.
What universe is this where Dirt isn't a troll?
Oh right, Bizarro World.
My bad.
Seriously though, who are you to call anybody out on their contributions?
"lol y dident we hav pvp n shedow layrrs from tha beganing???????????????!????"
This is you. This is how dumb you sound.
That's completely unrelated. I'm talking about an upgrade of a feature, not of a totally brand new feature. A very light upgrade I'd even say. Turn off the hate.
And I'm talking about an idea that could obviously be included from the started, however it wasn't due to whatever reasons. You sound exactly as I have portrayed you.
This thread
it's a pointless wreck.
Fri, 05/25/2012 - 00:49
Posting your true feelings = trolling
You heard it here first, folks.
Then apparently a lot of couples have been trolled by their partners a whole lot.
Dude, why wasn't the Hall of Heroes out on release? We had to buy all those recipes from AH, unless you wanted to wait for the 10% chance to get it at Basil!
Simple. Posting your true feelings =/= trolling. That is called... posting your opinion.
What else do you think it might be?
The HoH wasn't out on release due to the original game having been oriented entirely towards grinding, and now the HoH is there to help newbies.
Probably because they did not think of it originally. OOO wants money, yes, just like EVERY business. But they are not stupid. They are not going to develop 2 different interfaces at the same time and go "let's release this one now, and this one later after everybody has used the 1st one) its not time or cost effective.
lol, things just happen like that.
1. They werent sure on how to code it, so they released an incomplete Punch first as a test.
2. They simply didnt thougth about it
3. They wanted user feedback
4. Divine intervention
5. ???
Why didnt you make this question yesterday?