๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑
it really depends what time ill be on
mainly 6-11 am 3-10 pm
monday to sunday
1 A.M. to 5 A.M. PST
9 P.m. to 12 a.m.

The Iron Dragon Guild welcomes its newest sword-wielder: Unicornpowns
Welcome and good luck! you did pretty good in the dungeons i roamed with you....let's see how much sharper yur edge gets! xD

oh yeah...if any of you play any CS:S, i play on the war-lords servers.
Office 24/7 Server IP:
my CS:S handle is: Clan: .:.bTc.:. Name: Cobra Commander
see ya there, smoke ya later. x )

Hey, Jumpy. My family has been really busy moving furniture, pulling up carpet,
and painting. Anyways, I haven't had any time to get on. I was wondering if
you have had time to do a run with Usef-Berrys? If not do you think you would
be able to? I don't even know if he's still interested in joining the guild but maybe
you could ask him in game.
I will be able to start playing a lot more in the coming week so until then,
good luck, have fun, don't die.
The one and only, Guardianknight.
hey this is thezoost im sorry i haven't been on i cant play for something is wrong when i try to join heven

i friended Usef-Berrys and spoke with him briefly. he seemed to still be interested and i told him i would chat more with him later, as i was very tired from my job. i have not done a gate run with him yet. also, i did inform him that you had the authority to explain a little about Iron Dragon and could Recruit him as well. good luck with all the family labor stuff and talk to you soon. - Jumpy

The Iron Dragon Guild welcomes its newest Recruit: Usef-Berrys.
I had a great run with him and hope you all get the chance to see
him soon and welcome him into our guild.
The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

hi and Welcome Usef-Berrys. i talked with you briefly. can't wait to hit some dungeons with you. xD

Iron Dragon welcomes its newest Brethren: Mikeytwotoes
Let's merk some Vanaduke bro!

Load up the munitions....we now have a Bomb Specialist in the House.
Iron Dragon welcomes its newest Recruit: Lokoforloki
Welcome and Good Luck. Want to see what you bring to the table. x )

The House welcomes another Recruit: Maniacgr
OK bro, i will give you a shot, even though i just barely met you. please show us what you are made of and prove that you are a value to the Squad.
Good Luck, and can't wait to do some dungeons with you. x )

You've been busy Jumpy :)
Welcome to the Iron Dragon Guild everyone.
I look forward to meeting everyone of you and
doing a lot of gate runs in the future.
Wow alot of new comers hi and welcome to
the guild can't waight to do runs with you all.
hey its me kunaiman we met yesterday and i was intersted in joining but could cuz did not good enuf weapon 2 moro we could run a few dungeons and see wat u think

hi there Kunaiman. thank you for reading up on our Forum's thread. this is a good start. while having good equipment is not a pre-requisite to joining the Guild, it does show a little bit about how much experience you have i.e. if i meet you and you are still rocking proto gear....
i am glad to hear that you are still interested in joining Iron Dragon. i shall be on in the morning, 9:30am-noon PST. you can also 'Friend Invite' my Officer, Guardianknight. he can meet up with you also, if he is on and i miss you. i look forward to running a few dungeons with ya and see how you do against some mOnsters!! x )
i play through monday -thursday at 3:00 my parents work and they lock the door on fri-monday i play near 9:00 or 10:00 cant wait and i was wondering if you want to help me get the scary skelly set i will be forever grateful and in ur debt kunaiman out
guys we have to do pvp as a guild
because dragons rule
who was it that i GAVE my nightblade to ????????????????? common i know it was one of you gooses.

Having the best equipment or being the best player is not what i look for when i am considering people for promotion in the Guild. i am looking for people who show outstanding and unwaivering Loyalty and Commitment to the Iron Dragon Guild. I also look for Leadership skills and the ability to give the right amount of Guidance when the situation calls for it, without being too overbearing about it.
Our Veterans and Officers will have demonstrated these qualities to me enough so that i have 100% Confidence in their decision-making abilities.
On the flip-side, you CAN be Demoted if you consistantly play poorly in the dungeons. If you cannot stay alive while roaming the dungeons, then you should not be wearing Iron Dragon guild-tags. I know this may sound harsh and extreme, but it is what it is. There is no reason for you to be dying when you are doing a Tier 2 run with me.
Rise as an Iron Dragon, or be the meal upon which we feast. - Jumpy, Guild Master of the Iron Dragon
it would be really ez for me to recruit people if i could have like 3 or more dragons with me. Because guardian is studying his communist bible all day i think its up to me, the awesomefulnesser, to help the klan... i mean kuild... i mean guild. I am tired of being the only person playing at 4 a.m PST >.<
-p.s. whoever i gave my nightblade, i forgot who you were.

Studying my communist bible?
Anyways, 4 a.m PST is 7 a.m for me and i'm usually on around that time but as you probably know,
my family has been very busy for the past two weeks.
And I don't know what happened to your nightblade but I will ask around.
Studying my communist bible?
The one and only, Guardianknight.
hey uniconrpowns here hows it doing made this acount only to be able to post on the original spiral knights forums and it quiet took me a long time to actually get how to post a comment so give me some credit!!
hey jumpy thanks that post really cracked me up im happy to be in the guild i may not be a dragon but i am a unicorn and thats the best it can get and u know it jealous bastard xD
also i really wanna now the name of the fake guild u know the one that stole ur post whatever .......
well thats it
greetings lawls and gtfos from me cause Unicorns POWN!!!! (trying out some kinda ending thing like guardian sooo yeah)

Only a True Iron Dragon will have mastered these Skills. This is what i look for and this is what it takes to wear and continue wearing Iron Dragon guild-tags:
1. Be aware of your Health while in the dungeons.(make tactical adjustments depending on how much Health you have at all times)
2. Be aware of the entire party's Health Meters and help to keep them balanced by way of sharing and distributing Health Meter Increase Vitapods, as well as sharing Health Capsules.(when they are not going to just be wasted on somebody who dies frequently of course)
3. Understand how to work as a Team with the rest of the Party(this means sometimes taking a backseat and letting others or somebody else lead...especially if it is not your Party and you were invited or joined somebody else's Party. or, if it is your Party, then take a Leadership role and call out Strategies). i am not interested in who goes through doorways 1st or who gets on the button 1st or who is fastest across the map. i AM interested in who helps the Party succeed.
4. Know when to Kite with Guns and when to attack and finish with Swords.
5. Know the proper order to kill enemies when multiple types are on the field at the same time. i.e Gun Puppies > Healers(Wings and Menders) > Fiend Family > Kats > Lichen Colony/Giant Lichen Colony > Wolvers > Lumbers > Construct Family > etc...
6. Know the direction of the Knockback effect of your weapon, so you do not push monsters into your party members.
7. Have the ability to use your Shield for desired Knockback effect to place monsters where you want them on the field.
8. Understand your party members' play-styles so you can lend useful support at critical times, as well as in general.
9. Know to pick up all the Shinies and Loot only after all the monsters in the area are defeated.
10. Knowledge and usage of the Gate Map before entering each Elevator.
11. Being able to run around for an undisclosed amount of time without firing on or attacking the monsters at all. This skill will help you learn to get to open areas of the field and it will also let you see just how easy it is to not take damage.
12. Know when to Fallback to gain a better position to attack the monsters from.
13. Have enough sense to blow up Explosive Blocks first, when entering a room or area.
14. Have enough sense to not stand near Explosive Blocks while in an area.
15. Run in the same direction as the rest of the Party while fighting in Arenas.
16. Use the dungeon's own Materials and Features for tactical advantages.
17. Know when to stay dead and not revive, so as to save your Energy for later in the Gate run and also maybe make it easier on the surviving party members to finish the area.(sometimes after an area, there is health pads so it is better to let somebody finish the area and then revive you and go to the health pads. also, all dead Knights are revived if 1 person makes it to the Elevator)
18. The ability to stay alive, lose very little Health, and to use up minimal amounts of Energy.
19. Know your Strengths and Weaknesses.
20. Work to improve your Weaknesses.
As you can see, none of these Skills require the 'best' equipment. These skills cannot be bought or faked. If running head-first into a room with your sword swinging gets you killed or causes you to take unnecessary damage which jeapordizes the end-goal of defeating the Boss level...then what good is that really? Understanding this is essential to your longevity in the Iron Dragon Guild. Iron Dragon will happily recruit -0- star players who are rocking proto gear, if that player shows promise of being an elite-fighter. I'm going to be real honest with you, i do not enjoy kicking it with noobie gamers who waste my time dying for giggles. i prefer to be around a squad that can get it done and knows what the heck they are doing. Now i'm not saying to be serious all the time and to not have any fun, but i do have an agenda and goals in this game that i am trying to achieve and i am looking for fellow gamers who are similar minded. If this is too hard for you and you cannot hang, then go join the Pandas and Kittens Guild or the Cupcake Cuties Guild. Iron Dragon is looking for Warriors.

IRON DRAGON BANNER <-------click on
I am making a promotion video for the guild. Volenteers get to be in the film. Used Ideas of video editing and such will EARN U A PRIZE. Communist Guardianknight scene is already taken. i will be using Fraps to record and cyber link video-director to edit it. Sony vegas 10 pro is too complecated. The goal of the video is to make us look cool. i am hoping this video can be used as a tool to bring us more attention from those flower power guilds. You can find some of my work on Youtube. Visit Zaggnut1 channel on Youtube and check out my videos.

Awsome bro!! that would be sooo Epic. shoot me yur e-mail address in an in-game mail so i can send you some Title Banners and some graphics you could maybe throw in....if they are 'cool' enough......looolz. x )
Guild Veteran Minoda reporting in
About the banner
Really nice idea about the banner, I can take that draw and make something by hand with nice effects, give me some time and you'll see...
About the Video
Really nice idea, Zagg, I can edit videos and make music, so, maybe, I can make some music in the style of Spiral Knights and edit the video too, tell me if you are interested and, then, I'll send my email
Long life for the Iron Dragons!!!
Guild Veteran Minoda second report of the day
I want to form a guild for the Blast Network, if anyone is interested and have skills to play it, talk to me.
The guild must have 4 members includin' the guild leader.
I'll choose a day of the week to play as long as we can, make sure to save some crowns
Besides, the Coliseum Rewards Supervisor (token trader) Sullivan, changes the Krogmo coins for some nice items
I want to take the Iron Dragon to the top of the rank!
Long life for the Iron Dragons!!!
That game is dumb for its mechanics are screwy. if you place a bomb on a person they are auto pushed in any direction = trapped by ur own bomb. Plus people spawn next to u = insta death.
i dont think i need music but future videos = yes. I already scripted a timeline for video and found music. i just need footage and picture art. also need volenteers. also need energy >.< just bought 2 5* gear. This video is a promotion/cool video for us to have as a TOOL to show off how sexy we are. the Music is by Saint. ----> The Blade. Check on youtube of the song.
Right now i have Minoda, Guild master lord Jumpith, hiromon, unicorndoesntpowns, and me to film the video. Still want more people in the video.
If u have Steam or a good snapshot program---> SEND ME great pictures of you fighting.
send us ur email so we can send u the pics
Mine is dragonmew@hotmail.co.uk
my steam is hiromon_rules.
call me Turtle
Lol, zagg, when u spawn next to someone else, u have an invulnerable moment b4 u get killed by a bomb. And they need the auto push for the player to make a decision (but that never happened to me)
I'm gonna create a new email, take a time...
The Video is cancelled. Complications with Jumpy.
Guild Veteran Minoda important report
For about 2 or 3 weeks (maybe) I won't play the game because of my final project of the course (the game :D). I will appear sometimes but won't be able to make runs with the guild.
Hope to see everyone strong when I get back :D
Long life for the Iron Dragons!!!
I need to do 7 full Jelly king runs I was hoping to do it with you guys so we all can get a antigua or sealed sword the catch is I need to do them before school starts so if any of yall would like to join please do

Thanks for notice regarding your semi-LOA (Leave Of Absence) Minoda. Keep us informed on how the game you're working on progresses. x )

I haven't been able to find a lot of time to play but i'll try and be on more this week
and i'd be happy to help you beat JK a couple more times.
I've put a video on youtube showing how the game is going. This is still ALPHA, so don't mind the simplicity of the game :D
It's not gonna use sprites from Metal Slug neither its background. I'm using it cause I don't have any art for the game :/
link --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dmRcL8kRW8
I'm gonna translate here the txt of the video:
1:16 - Project's folder. All the project is made using sprites. The background is gonna be static
1:58 - Of course there are some bugs
2:02 - Moonwalk bug (fixed)
2:26 - Bug "I'm on the air or I'm on the ground?"
Music bug, which I didn't show in the video (cause it's anoying :/)
I'm really glad with this project, how I'm learning from it and how it's growing so fast (a month ago there was nothing :O ).
It may seem simple and weak but noticing there's no engine, and all the simulation (jump, running, ...) was made using code, it's a nice project by one single person, hope you'll enjoy the video and the game is coming pretty soon ^^
Long life for the Iron Dragons!!!

bahahhahahha....moonwalk....is sooo........fUnNy!!!!!!! x )
nj so far Minoda!
ninja dragon equipment guide:
weapon - any
Helm - Magic hood
Armor - Spiral plate mail
shield - Force buckler
That is all you need to be part of the IronDragon ninja squad
and walk the shadows of haven plus its fun to try and scare
the over knights.

Iron Dragon Ninja Squad. Strike from the shadows of Haven! xD
I will send you a friend request so I can get to know
you better.
I am usually on from 7-9am, 1-3am, and 7-10am.