๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑

633 replies [Last post]
Norezite's picture
Ignore my application.

Forget it.

Norezite's picture
Never Mind.

Found a guild that actually replies to my application.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

probably for the best. i only take in those who can only be, and are, Iron Dragon to the bone. patience tells all, good luck in your guild, hope it is fitting.

Could I Join

Hello There Jumpy
Playtime: 30 hrs (Because the server can get really laggy so missions can be hard)(Might be Getting a Asia/Oceanic Server :D)
I Saw this thread to join this Guild and I thought great finally I could join a Guild. I can get the other missions done in my own time but i am able to come on regularly because school is over. Hope this reaches you
Thanks for your time -MGPSonic

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

hello there, thanks for considering Iron Dragon as a possible guild to join. i shall friend request you in-game and then see how you play, to find out if you have Iron Dragon in your blood. >:D

Draycos's picture

When you don't bring anything massively unique to the table and don't check your own thread for over a week, it's not a question of whether or not the person applying is patient..

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

this is a casual guild...if i don't check every hour or every day even...so be it. i replied in under a week. if somebody thinks they are Iron Dragon, then they will stop at nothing to be recruited. this is not your run-of-the-mill guild. i accept you if you are Iron Dragon....whether that is only myself, or others want to join the name and creed i made and demand: represent pure pwnage whenever they enter a dungeon / level / mission.

[no personal attacks please]

peace, and good luck in Spiral Knights. see you in LD. - Jumpy

Draycos's picture

You misinterpreted what someone said, so I clarified, because I felt it would be helpful. Simple.

"this is a casual guild...if i don't check every hour or every day even...so be it. i replied in under a week. if somebody thinks they are Iron Dragon, then they will stop at nothing to be recruited. this is not your run-of-the-mill guild. i accept you if you are Iron Dragon....whether that is only myself, or others want to join the name and crede i made and demand: represent pure pwnage whenever they enter a dungeon / level / mission."

Looking at the post dates, it didn't look like you did..

So it's not exactly a casual guild, then... sounds to me like a skilled but "whatever goes" guild. :P

"I don't value your input or anything you have to offer."

It was worth a shot.

"please involve yourself where your useless input and opinions might be appreciated. they do not apply here. go back to General Forums where you think you are important."

I don't know about useless. Is it really that mean, that aggressive to say "hey man, that guy wasn't at fault here"?

And whoa whoa whoa hold on a second there. I don't think I'm important. I just like to post when I feel I have something good to say.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

let me break it down for your simple mind:

1. you are not in the Iron Dragon Guild.

2. you are not requesting to be recruited into the Iron Dragon Guild.

3. you are only an outsider with an opinion and (noble) emotional defense reflex towards a dealing with a recruit request in this thread.

4. this Guild is not a democracy, its vision and ideals are run by an Iron Fist, unwaivering in its Principles and Expectations.

5. let me give you an example: i wanted a job at a certain place of business. i hounded and kept at them for 2 months, because
that was the job i wanted. i did not give up, nor denounce that business..i kept at it, 2 times a week i contacted the hiring
manager. even after being put off and told perhaps another business would be more suiting for me, i pursued this work. until,
after enough perserverance and effort, i convinced the hiring manager to give me an interview and a shot. then, after i was hired,
i set out to prove that they had made the correct choice in hiring me, by proving my value through hard work, dedication, and rising above the average associate. i proved myself a valuable asset and contributor to the Team. that kind of effort and desire is what i look for...not people who give up after 1 week..or 2 weeks. if you truly want something, then nothing short of personal incompetence will keep you from obtaining it. THAT is what i look for in my recruits. the Heart of the Iron Dragon. i accept no false pretences, hopes or wishes, if i am to share my Guild name with another Knight. i will adventure alone, or with those of like-mind and spirit, but i shall not settle for less.

[no personal attacks please]

8. let me remind you that this is not general forums, but a personal discourse between myself, my guild-mates, and potential recruits.

9. any outsider input will only be seen here as trolling, so please don't put yourself out or embarrass yourself anymore. your critiques and analyzations are of no consequence here.

10. let me remind you once again that this the Guild Recruitment area of the forums, and is not the General forums area.

~ with all due Respect - Jumpy

Draycos's picture

You know what? You're right. This shouldn't be happening here.

So let's keep it to mail in-game. Just gotta shoot me a mail first, and we can go from there- why I bothered doing this, what I think, etc... that is, if you do happen to care. In the meantime, lay off the insults while using 'this isn't GD' as a wall. Doesn't do anything for anyone, and this'll be totally and utterly pointless if you want it to be.

And if you really do want me to shut up and leave, I can do just that. Just don't respond, and I'll take the cue.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
why do trolls never think before acting

[no personal attacks please]

2 things you will almost always find in dungeons: dragons....and ...trolls. nobody ever aspired to be a troll though...but us dragons love to play with them to pass the time. the endless centuries of time. (you will notice that you don't see me in other people's Guild Recruitment threads expressing my thoughts on their doings)

once again, may i refer you to post #609, and if you feel insulted, that is purely on you in your own mind and perception of things, i am merely clarifying an easy and should-be-common-sense scenario.

Non-Compos-Mentis's picture

May i join your Guild.
my ign is Non-Compos-Mentis
I am 2-3*

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

Thanks for finding and taking an interest in becoming a part of Iron Dragon. maybe you have Iron Dragon blood in you, only time will tell.

i am sorry to inform you, that at this time, i am only recruiting from people whom i find on runs and do runs with on occasion. maybe i will find you deep in the Clockworks someday and see if you are an Iron Dragon at heart. best of luck. - Jumpy

Malkalack's picture
Oh helm yeah!

@ Non-Composmentis

[no personal attacks please]

Fwahe's picture
I'll join

I'd be willing to join.
IGN: Fwahe
Rank: 6-2
I wear an Iron Dragon Helm and an Iron Wolf Armor at all times.


err cheesecake is awesome, can I join?

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
D50 - Extreme Fortitude required

sorry Fwahe, i am only taking in Knights whom i do regular runs with at the moment. best of luck to you.

Arkode, i will chat you up in-game. Knights are either Iron Dragon to the bone, or they are not at all. Either way, i always discover which is True.

Rise as an Iron Dragon, or be the meal upon which we feast. - Jumpy

Ironic-Biscuit's picture

You guys really went at each other.... but I am not totally sure it was nice to call someone a "troll" and "simple-minded" purely for a disagreement, Jumpy.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

the only requirements to wear Iron Dragon tags are:

you must be able to solo FSC and solo kill Vanaduke using 0* armor and helm
- post a screenshot of end of D24, 25, 26, 27, 28 showing your equipment tab and having not used emergency revive

do not cause a ruckus or be problematic in Spiral Knights


- Jumpy

Looking for Guild


I am active knight and nice respectable person I already old player 4 star knight trying get 5 star knight but i left other guild I acutally find good guild i know understand guild be like need more respect follow rules That's it

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

for recruitment into the Iron Dragon Guild, something more along these lines is needed:

full proto FSC solo no deaths

FSC D24 - https://imgur.com/ifMagAN

FSC D25 - https://imgur.com/GxgLJ0D

FSC D26 - https://imgur.com/Kmp97Wm

FSC D27 - https://imgur.com/mUopK0f

FSC D28 - https://imgur.com/0pSiG0a

this will also be accepted for consideration(proto with any shield):

FSC D28 - https://imgur.com/LFjF6tG

- Jumpy


For a Guild that makes alot of Wind about its image you sure are just Dragon Whelps.

If you're doing a challenge and have high expectations to someone, then do it properly.

D24: https://imgur.com/a/yy98nsN

D25: https://imgur.com/a/G1EurRL

D26: https://imgur.com/a/oKmxDcT

D27: https://imgur.com/a/4zzxVsd

D28: https://imgur.com/a/i3lNsBv

No Shiver, No Polaris, No Trinkets

Come back when you learned to play properly

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

nice runs.

you will notice that i haven't put anybody down, merely posed a fun challenge that not everybody can do and also helps keep FSC entertaining.
some Guilds use a McDonald's type application to join...i prefer to see how people play before i hand out Iron Dragon tags. this little challenge will get you deep into the FSC levels and understanding:
- how distance can be used
- how to dodge efficiently
- that you don't need much equipment before you can tackle FSC
- how each area of each Depth can be handled and improved upon
- shield use(or non use)
- how to stay alive by always monitoring your health
- how to appreciate other players that get this

..but thanks for showing how snarky you are :)

hit me up with a friend's request and i will gladly do a proto run or some other random run with you.
...unless you are scared and/or didn't do those runs solo but had help from friend(s) before screeny :D

(P.S. Pro gamers would have just said "Done. Thanks for the challenge. Next.")
- Jumpy

Disagreement on what you just said

"- that you don't need much equipment before you can tackle FSC"

Nice try on that but your screeshots show you using 4 weaponslots and 2 Trinketslots
This is considerably "Too much"

"- how to appreciate other players that get this"

i am rather digusted that you pretend this would be a challenge, especially with Shivermist and Polaris.
I've done this boring ass shit on a Sunday within the very first try, so why even try to make it seem like its a huge deal.

"hit me up with a friend's request"

sure as hell won't, rather stay in my small group that doesnt need to "brag" their abilities but instead let ppl see for themselves.

"didn't do those runs solo but had help from friend(s) before screeny"

so you are aware of the big problem this pointless "contest" has and yet you try to find ppl like that, judge case by case not via something that you can cheat at all times

"Pro gamers would have just said "Done. Thanks for the challenge. Next.""

Here is the thing, i don't consider myself a "Pro" but atleast i am good enough to prove that this here had never something to do with a "Challenge", this is just sad and with what you have posted even a fucking joke of a run, being able to clear FSC in general is nothing, doing it with only Armor/Shield Changes is just a bad excuse to make it seem "harder".

And i despise the existence of this thread from Top to bottom, including all the cringe Commentary attached to it.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

so basically you are chickening out from doing some runs with me?

and you are saying running FSC and killing Vanaduke solo and in only proto armor/helm/shield with no deaths is not a challenge and anybody can easily do it?

and you say you don't need to brag your abilities, yet you are not here for recruitment....but only to try and show that you can do this Challenge easily?

i would bet that many players would disagree with you.

i would love to run it with you and your 'First Try!' abilities. i run it almost every day in this gear and don't always succeed in not using my emergency rev...but i do enjoy some of the random events which can unfold and kill you in this type of run.

- Jumpy

Can I join? Not played for 7

Can I join? Not played for 7 years and my old guild has long since disbanded. Did a lot of Solo Vana runs in the day, shadowlair runs and did FSC without a shield solo once, that was a rush. Still have the screenshot. :)

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

nice. interesting takes on runs is my favorite. xD

hit me up with a friend's request in-game and we will do some runs n such...see if you have Iron Dragon blood in ya!

- Jumpy

I would like to join

My name is kronior and i would like to join your guild!

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

send me a friend request in-game and i will do some runs with you when i see you...your armor and shield, you won't need them.


What is your nick in the spiral knights?

Its Jumpy Right?

i will send a friend request

Hiromon's picture
A Vagabond returned

Hello my old friend Jumpy it has been quite some time will you accept an old friend into the guild, after many years away?
It has been quite some time my old mentor...

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
Tremors in the Force

whoahhh...i feel a presence i have not felt in a long time...hmmmm.....