๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑
sorry guy's steam is being a basterd so i can't play any game's on steam so i might not be playing this game for a while

heyy Guardianknight....Happy B-day man!!!
Thanks for your Loyalty. You are a True Officer and i couldn't be prouder or more thankful to have you aboard. Enjoy your birthday bro, let's merk some T3 with the peeps and see if Vanaduke got yur present! to birthdays...Hip! Hip! Hazzah!! x ))
- Jumpy

First guild meeting.
Ok guys im going to try and make a fan page in facebook
gonna be awesome.

We have done a Guild meeting, here is one of our screen shots.
Hello partners of Iron Dragon,
Unfortunately I have some bad news about my project.
As I started to learn the programming language (Java) at the beginning of this year, my game project is not following the concept I designed. The game is getting too big and sometimes leading to run time errors (it means the game can crash while u play).
So because of it, I'm delaying my project for the next year. It really makes me sad because it was something I wanted to acomplish, but at the same time I can't give a bad project for u to play, so I'll be reading tons of books and getting certifications to make something good.
I'll be back at the game as soon as I can, coming for the 5* :D.
See u at the battlefield, folks!
And if u want, I'll post a link of the game tutorial (levels 1 and 2) on November 23rd. O\

Thanks for keeping us informed.
I look forward to playing with you again.

Iron Dragon welcomes in its 2 newest Warriors and Soldiers-of-Fortune:
Welcome and Good Luck Knights. i hope to see you rise in our ranks and to remain Loyal to Iron Dragon and our founding ideals and principles. xD

I'm pretty new to the game and have just gotten tier two stuff. Is there still space?

yezzir, we are still actively Recruiting. Please send me, Jumpy, or my Officer, Guardianknight, a Friend Request so we can evaluate and see if you are really interested in being an Iron Dragon. Thanks for taking the time to check out our post in the Guild Recruitment section. x )

Happy Thanksgiving mates, enjoy......and eat til you puke!!! xD

Jumpy I wont be logging on to the game until 27th.
Got a Temp Ban D:

Hey guild I was just thinking that we should have a guild meeting every Saturday.
Also I think that when we go for something like promotions to veteran it should be decided in the
form of a test like doing a solo for an arena or danger room.
just something I was thinking.
peace out

Well I will miss you all ,I have been kicked from the guild because I follow the code and jumpy finds that as a weakness ,if yall want to add me you can as always your freind
Ex-Iron Dragoness Usef-Berrys

2. You must show Patience, Honor, Loyalty, Confidence, Discipline, Integrity
try to remember that Jumpy

That is only an outline, a diagram...basic qualities on paper to narrow the field. I look beyond those basic principles in Iron Dragon, for a certain type of Warrior Loyalty, much more than just these things. This is not an easy Guild to Qualify for. Those who will live and die as Iron Dragon, know this and embrace it. If not, i don't want them. If it is not a Life or Death situation, why would you question your GM's methods and motives? Also, I would never give confidence or strength to my Master's foes, on any field. I would have my Master's back 100% with eager Glory and Readiness, regardless if i felt something was right or wrong. That's not my call if i am anything other than the Guild Master. Don't like it? Create your own Guild with your own Ideals and Vision. Sometimes you have to see the forest for the trees, and not get lost in the small idiosyncrocies along the way. Things are not always clear-cut and handled with cupcakes and ice-cream. But Loyalty, that stands true the test of time. Cause me grievance over some random nobody who will come and go...and i will send you with them. How would i have handled it if i was in your shoes? Me? i would laugh with my Master and my mates at them all the way to the next episode.
A Friend's List is only a click away. To be Iron Dragon, is much more than that. It is by my Trust that you are allowed to wear these tags, they cannot be bought and they are not spammed. - Jumpy

Let me Enlighten some of you who appear to not know about the General Rule of Recruiting in Online Gaming:
In Gaming, across the board, from TF2 to MW2 to CS:S and beyond, it is frowned upon and shows a lack of Respect to go into a different Clan's/Guild's servers and to try and Recruit their Members out from under them. In most Gaming Clan Servers, if you try to Outside-Recruit within their Servers, you will be kicked and banned. This is to keep outside Clans and Guilds from stealing their Member-Base. This Code and Understanding is vital to the survival and prosperity of a Clan/Guild's Gaming Community. The essence of this Rule is: Do not steal other's Members. It is under-handed and just down right disrespectful and lazy.
As a Guild Master here in Spiral Knights, i will never Recruit a Knight who is already sporting somebody else's Guild Tags. I respect myself and my fellow GM's enough to take a little time in the Recruiting Process, to make sure i do not step on any toes and also for Quality purposes. I will not not load up my Friend's List with 200 players and then spam Guild Invites either. Anybody can easily do this, but this kind of Recruiting is reckless and lazy as well as disrespectful to the Guilds of which these Knights may already belong. This is a Clan/Guild Rule-of-Thumb which i highly value and believe in. So, if you see me being not as polite as i could have been when i confront a lazy GM who is Spamming Guild Invites, especially if they are spamming Guild Invites to my Members, then you should evaluate which is the real evil in this situation. If you get lost and can't see past the politeness factor and netiquette of the confrontation and miss the bigger picture, then this post is for you. If you condone Guild Invite Spamming and taking Members away from other Guilds, then you and i are not on the same page. And if you go behind my back to comfort, confide in, or to support whomever i chastize about this bad recruiting behavior, then you earn a little disgust from me and perhaps you are better suited running with them and their less than Noble tactics. Do not betray my Confidence or Trust....especially over a situation or Knight that is just passing through a fleeting moment in time. Loyalty to Iron Dragon. Get some.

He didn't step on your toes jumpy he simply made a new guild which he was excited about so he invited me one of his good freinds in spiral knights that is a freindly gesture, and the spamming he did that because you made the guild seem like the hard ass guild making this guild look pathetic and making you look less of a guild master and more of a little kid who thinks people and friends are ammo in your pissing contest

Everything you are typing just shows me that ye are no Iron Dragon and have no idea what this Guild is about. I am looking for Warriors who will march through the fires of Hell and back with me...that kind of Loyalty...not ones who are afraid of some tiny argument here and there and don't hold the line, who will turn on me over some small petty whim. Why would i choose to keep people like that around? The Iron Dragon process weeds out those such as you. Me? i could show you a Fierce Loyalty and unwaivering Dedication to Iron Dragon that would make your teeth chatter and your knees buckle. My Friend's List is secondary to the Guild List. Ya don't even have any Dragon equipment, after like 4 months....2-3 of which you went MIA. I am looking for more Dedication than that, sorry.
You are a good Knight and a fun, nice player. You will have no trouble finding a Guild which fits you, just not Iron Dragon. Best of Luck.

Jumpy alot of things wrong with that statement let us start with the most pathetic
1.We never had any specified dragon gear so thats stupid
2.I had as much dedication as any other member and I never did anything against the Iron dragons back I did all I could for this guild and you know that
3.I didnt change sides on a whim I was trying to help you not make a ass out of youself(didn't work) and if anyone did something on a whim it was you, you presented kicking me a a gift because I tried to help you but hey it was going to happen sooner or later and it will happen to other dragons because well you like to go with what you think is right
4.The Iron Dragon didn't weed me out you did because you thought I wasn't choosing to be on your side
5.You did show me fierce loyalty but it wasnt for the guild it was loyalty to your opinion
6.And how am I a good player when you said im weak my hypocritcy sense are tingling, maybe I should dive in and and act on your whim and make a ass out of myself like you think "real" warriors should
On the off topic hiro message me I got to talk to you :3 and :P and a little bit of :D but mostly :P

still argumentative eh? Let me assure you i will continue to confront anybody whom tries to Recruit my Members or if i see them spamming Guild Invites to other Guild's Members. That is not 'on a whim', that is what i have done in the past and shall continue to do. Protecting my Members is part of what i believe in. Now if a Member of mine doesn't enjoy the effort with which i do this or would rather side with some other party, then perhaps they aren't really or shouldn't be, a Member of mine. That is why i released you from Iron Dragon.
Way to finally be active on the Forums by the way...even if it is only a bunch of sour-grapes. i seem to have missed all the other posts you have left where you helped in: Recruiting Knights, added conversation to our topics, wished everybody happy holidays and birthdays, informed us of your playing status.....oh yeah, because they aren't there.

Having hosted(and paid for) several CS:S gaming servers and having had and set-up(and paid for) private forums, as well as serving and being a part of a whole gaming community in the past, i can tell you that, until you lead and have your own Member-Base and your own server(s) which you are responsible for, you will probably not understand how valuable it is to not allow and to stop Outside-Recruiting from happening within your home servers. Those who have hosted before will know what i am talking about, as well as those gamers who are, or have been, dedicated and loyal Community Gamers to a particular clan/guild's server(s).
Just to inform you, so you know what kind of person i am, and how dedicated i am to Pure Gaming, let me tell you that i have spent more hours than i have here in my entire Spiral Knight's life, reviewing demos of people who have played in my servers, to keep the servers and our clientele clear, clean and free from hackers, exploiters and just bad individuals in general. I am glad to do this as i am happy to try and provide honest, exciting and fun stomping grounds for the people i play games with.
In the past, as well as now, in the clans/guilds i have participated in, while they have not been a democracy, they have not been closed to debate, conversation and input either. The general rule has been and is, you must earn your voice in the clan/guild. This means that people who have showed and put in the effort are granted a higher amount of 'sway' within the clan/guild. On the other hand, if you are just starting out, suspected of foul play or are on a probationary period, the odds are that your opinion will not count for much....until you have adequately proven your honor, dedication and loyalty to the clan/guild. To this day, i stay true to this method and philosophy of hosting and leading groups. So when i hear new people, or players who have just gotten off of a probationary period for a violation of some sort, trying to tell me how to do things, i do not pay it much mind. If you want to have a voice in the clan/guild...earn it. Anything less than that is just rude, obnoxious and disrespectful to all the people who have put in the time, dedication and effort. That is all, please enjoy and have a nice day all. - Jumpy

Jumpy the legit reason I never psted on forums is because I always said ingame so people might actually read it and I always added my mix on every topic that came up... ingame and my playing status sure I give you that I didnt say I'd be gone for 2 months because I have a life oh and I never added new recruits because I always ran with friends or fellow members I like to be around people I trust to do well and to have great teamwork together
Anyways since I havent seen you in a while snor why did you get a temp ban

Yes well....i have a life too, as well as alot of other people around here, so don't come off sounding like you are special and are exempt from what criteria is established to be known as a Dedicated and Outstanding Member. It takes 1 minute to post up 'that you are too busy in RL atm to hop on'. I do not buy into these excuses or self-justifications and reasonings that you have, to make yourself feel in the right. A Dedicated Member knows to help with Recruiting and to post up on forums...not 'ohhhh i just do all my talkin in-game so all is cool with me, im an outstanding Member, just listen to me and accept it...'. I'm sure you are a great person, but it takes more effort than just that to be an Outstanding Member of a Clan or Guild.
The truth of your situation is and was, you were on Probationary Recruit status due to inactivity for 3 months, because you just left without telling anybody only 2-3 weeks after first joining Iron Dragon. I held a small vote when you did finally decide to return to Spiral Knights about 2 weeks ago, to see if i should keep you on Recruit status or let you be a Member again. Several of the others said i should keep you on Recruit Probation for a while longer, but i thought highly of you and saw potential and what i thought might be some Loyalty and Dedication. I was wrong. And, just 1 week after you return and i restore you to Member, you mouth off to me and want to argue and continue arguing. Not good. People who think they are above the Guild and who do not listen, or if they cause discord within the Guild, are not welcome here. Perhaps you became too comfortable with me or lost sight of the fact that i am the Founder, Creator, and the Guild Master of Iron Dragon, but that kind of action from a Member who just got off of a Probation...is unacceptable. It is unacceptable from you as it would be by any other Member in the Guild. So please stop trying to wave off what i say as if it is only idle chit-chat. There is a ranking system within the Guild and a hierarchy which exists here. If you step out of line and do not know your place or role in the Guild, then i shall take the appropriate measures.

Well thats nice I love how you said I mouthed off to you and you switched your times around alot, I never mouthed off to you I said you really should stop arguing with theyow because you are making a fool of youself but you took that as me "switching sides" and "not having your back". I never stepped out of line and thought I was better I just thought I was a member and btw by life I mean I have to take college classes and advanced high school classes I just recently finished all my huge projects which my school likes to stack I hardly even got enough time to sleep so I am sorry I think "I am special and exempt from what criteria" I actually expected to be kicked from the guild anyways just not in a way where I am unrighfully kicked

me thinks you have misconceptions concerning what this Guild is about. this is not a get-along-gang type of Guild, where there is worry about popular opinion or of trying to be the BeStesT gUiLd EveRR and catering to please everyone....this is my hunt for fellow Dragon Warriors to roll with, whom i enjoy being around and sharing adventures with in Spiral Knights. Each person i let into this Guild will do, and will have done, many dungeon runs with me personally, as we develop Dragon bonds with both myself and the other Guild-Mates. i do have some basic qualities and a structure for the Guild, but by no means is anything definate...except unwaivering Loyalty and the spirit of a Dragon within. you do not fit that mold.
i could invite a plethera of friends from my old communities, connect my Steam to this game and fill the Guild with Steam Friends, but i am trying to do a different venture here. although, a few of the people i know could show you what i mean by having heart and having each other's back. i know people that would have pounced on your self-absorbed fart sniffing friend(and yes he does enjoy the smell of his own farts) for trying to Recruit people from my Guild...in a heartbeat and with pointed viciousness(not saying you should or that that is required). People with a bit of fire inside, Dragons. (And yes, yur friend is 500x more full of himself than i could ever hope to be, you should really spend a day with that chap, then you will see what i am talking about and what kind of character you chose over your ex-Guild...i kinda get a chuckle when i think about it to be honest)
me, while i may seem to you, to be full of myself, that is not the case. there are just some things i don't stand for in gaming and will confront immediately and with a bit of ferocity(i won't lie, i do carry some fire inside). things of a broader scope, concerning clan/guild set-ups and basic maintenance, bigger than worrying about always being polite or trying to not hurt somebody's feelings. myself, i'm not really a 'worry about' or 'take offence' kinda guy..so sometimes sensitive folk and i will clash. i do not even mind, worry about, or take offence from Trollz, Trolling, or people who incite Trollz and Flame-Threads, as i have been gaming for far too long to worry about such petty things and really just find these things comical and somewhat entertaining. 'don't sweat the small stuff'...people who roll deep with me, know this, know that most things just roll off my back without taking offense and also know the fire i can and will bring at times concerning things i do Value and care about...and i enjoy their zest and passion in life as well. lookin for Iron Dragons...not Iron Cupcakes....hopin to find some loyal Warriors with some fire inside. Rise as an Iron Dragon, or be the meal upon which we feast.
oh yeah, lemme point out yur timeline...so's we aren't confused here about anythin...:
-Berrys' 1st post, wishing to join: post #50 7/26/2011 ;
-Berrys gets accepted into Guild: post #60 7/31/2011 ;
-Berrys' 2nd post(and her only other post until her dismissal): post #93 8/15/2011 ;
**i remember you disappeared right after that post about wanting to do JK runs, because i had wondered if you ever did them or were able to get those tokens and never saw or heard from you to either ask or do the runs with you also. thats 15 days in the Guild, i will be lenient and say you didn't go MIA til 20 days after joining us..that would put it around around 8/20/2011**
-Berrys' post just minutes after she gets dismissed from Iron Dragon: post #166 11/27/2011
**now then, you were relieved of your tags 1 week after you decided to come back, so that would mean you came back on around 11/20/2011. so let's see....you went MIA around 8/20/2011 and came back around 11/20/2011....by my calendar, that is 3 months, or 90 days of being MIA with a total time of participation with us in the Guild at about...3 1/2 weeks or 25 days, if i may be so lenient.
like i said before, you are a good person, but you are not an Iron Dragon, nor do you roll with me and have my back, not even over your friend's list. Iron Dragon Guild is definately looking for more commitment and loyalty than that.

Not gonna even comment on the first part of the post because you just keep saying the same thing not really proving a point so no need to respond to it to the second part of the post you went by the guild forum which I already said I hardly ever used and you also estimated the times when I have my steam history which still says your timeline is wrong oh and apparently youve also kicked other members with your jackassedness or qoute "Jumpy's jackassedness showed, didn't it?" not gonna say who it was unless he wants me too oh and forgot to say something about this last post you said something about me getting to comfortable with you I think it was the other way around anyways probably gonna be my last post so this guild recruitment goes through the cracks again but you will probably try to bump it with a worthless post like you usually do huh

Is it really necessary for both of you to continue arguing?
I know why you (Usef-Berrys) were kicked from the guild. I'm not sure if I agree with everything either of you has to say.
Jumpy is the Guild Master so he has the right to kick someone out of the guild. I know Jumpy well enough to know that he
wouldn't kick someone out of the guild unless they did something that went against what this guild stands for. I am the
Officer of this guild, i've been friends with Jumpy ever since I started playing, I trust is judgement and choose to stand
by his decision. I also believe that Usef-Berrys has the right to do what ever she wants, and as her friend, I know she would
not purposefully to something that goes against the guild. I think it started out as a misunderstanding but then grew into something
bigger. I'm sorry it came to this but like I said, I stand by Jumpy's decision, and Usef-Berrys, I hope we remain friends.
Continuing this argument will do nothing more then increase your anger and flood our Guild forum with things
new recruits probably wouldn't want to see.
So if you don't mind, let's put this behind us and enjoy the game.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.
Friend of Jumpy's, and hopefully still of Usef-Berrys :)

sry Guardianknight..im just havin a bit of fun with this troll and the trollin(sometimes a Dragon just gotta play with a Troll). i know most protocol of forums and clans/guilds dictates that people leave em alone..but you know me...i don't always follow everybody else. just wanted to see how long this one would keep postin up and fightin for nothin. (also wanted to see if anybody else had nuff gump to chime in, have had some others in past clans that woulda tore her up and told her to scram and get the heck off teh thread...some real passion and heart...lol) also, if somebody is too sensitive or becomes uncomfortable from and can't handle or deal with a bit of forums flame...then in no way should they even try and be Recruited here, GM or Host their own anything, or roll with some fiery Dragons. just the nature of the forum's business at times. better at least have some thick skin if ya wanna be Iron Dragon. Hazzah!! xD

The Iron Dragon Guild welcomes a couple new Recruits to try their hand at becoming a part of Iron Dragon:
Good luck Knights. I look forward to seeing how strongly you want to be a part of this Guild. x )

Welcome new recruits hopefully if you are committed enough you will become
fully fledged members of the IRON DRAGON in no time at all.
So go fourth and and take to the sky's.
(V)O.o(V) peace out

I look forward to meeting you and exploring the clockworks with you.
Until then,
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

The House welcomes a new Recruit:
Good to have you aboard! Good Luck Knight, may you succeed and prosper in the Iron Dragon Guild. xD

Hope you got my message(s) if not don't invite her

Hey guys look at the score board i came second place pvp beast.
wait untill it becomes 1st place HAHAHA dont worry ill keep you updated
Hiromon peace out (V)(O.o)(V)...
Hi Can I join your guild berrys told me to try to join and hiro said I was a good player my username is Jackie-Daniel

Good to hear that we are getting more people in our guild :)

finally got my forums account up and running-- gonna get to officer even if im 90 years old when it happens!

Hey sphiro you should read all the forms to get used to it again.

fellow dragons... our guild has been growing a lot recently..so it is time we started to practice lockdown.. try to find the class you are good at but also try to practice different classes aswell we cant win with an all recon team ect. although people tend to use the same weapons. try to be different. if you are really good at a weapon try using that instead of having to learn how to use another. i look forward to when we fight by each others side against other guilds
sphiro out.

Lockdown, eh.. do we have anyone experienced in it? Like an addict? :<
I've never tried to dive too deep in it. I'm always willing to, though.

The door has been opened and our Sentries are scoping out a couple of new potential Dragon Warriors:
Peachus : friend of Flyingghoul
Good luck Knights. I hope you can withstand the trials and become full Knights of Iron Dragon.

yea me and guardian play lockdown but i recommend that you ask guardian for advice.. not me =-P
i prefer... more "stealthy" tactics......
sphiro out.
(uses stealth lockdown shield)

I would like to join this guild...so when do you go on Spiral Knights so I can meet u?
I am never, Hpy-annoyed, lol!

Thanks for reading our thread!
Please send a friend request to our guild leader (Jumpy) and me (Guardianknight)
and we'll meet up with you ingame. One of us will do a run with you sometime to
make sure you're Iron Dragon material. I'm on at random times but i'll probably be
on tomorrow between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm EST. Hope to see you soon :)
The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.
The Iron Dragon Guild welcomes its newest hatchling Dragon: Kilograham
Welcome aboard and hope we help you add some weight to your sword! x )
Good Luck, let's get that equipment upgraded and go slaughter some evil in the dungeons.