๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑

633 replies [Last post]
Hypernoid's picture

k thanks!

Usef-Berrys's picture
go here if you are legit

go here if you are legit http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/36079
P.S. Jumpy this is for you because I can

Neozeru's picture

Advertising on another guilds post?

..Revenge much? How far are you willing to go, sir? =l

Petrastyr's picture

Hi, I am Petrastyr and I would like to join your guild. I found this guild when I was browsing the wiki and I saw the guilds page. I scrolled down and the Iron Dragons guild caught my eye, so I went to the forums and looked at the standards and requirements and knew that this is the correct guild to join rather than the other guilds. I hope I can join the guild.



Guardianknight's picture

Thanks for reading our thread!
Please send a friend request to our guild leader (Jumpy) and me (Guardianknight)
and we'll meet up with you to find out if you truly are Iron Dragon material.
Hope to see you soon.

The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

P.S. @Usef-Berrys: ??? Really ???

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

lol...it's ok bro...we won't be going after anybody else's Thread. i agree that that recruitment post in our thread is not good, but we shall just take it with a grain of salt. prior posts with this Knight were only to clarify my reasoning and position. also, you know i would never post bad content on another Guild's thread. we won't continue a cycle of vengeance and dishonor. appreciate the enthusiasm though Guard. x )

Sphiro-Forums's picture

i will be starting guild twin runs later on.... but i need to ask some questions...
just post answers like this : 1) (answer) ect.

1) do you like the idea of a weekly twins run?
2) would you go on the weekly twins run?
3) what day would you prefer? Wednesday. Friday or Saturday (Sunday taken for fc runs)

please post your answers in our forum (you don't have to be in our guild to answer)

sphiro out.

Neozeru's picture
1.) Do you like the idea of a

1.) Do you like the idea of a weekly Twins run?
>Sure. I think it's a great idea for people who have not hit Tier 3 yet (cough) to participate in guild activities.
2.) Would you go on the weekly Twins run?
3.) What day would you prefer? Wednesday. Friday or Saturday (Sunday taken for fc runs)
>Friday or Saturday. Saturday is better.

God, that sounded really out of character for a second.

Usef-Berrys's picture
@Neozeru Not far just wanted

Not far just wanted to piss jumpy off by trolling him once because that is what he wanted
I told you had to rub it in his face somehow

Petrastyr's picture

One problem, each time I open my game, my whole mac crashes, so it may take some time to send the friend request. Sorry.

Guardianknight's picture

Ok well there's no hurry :)
I hope you can figure out what's wrong and fix it.
Good luck.

Petrastyr's picture

Thanks, I am reinstalling it now, hope I can play later.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

i'm down for Twins runs on Saturdays. If there is an open slot in the Party, count me in. nice idea btw, and thank you for mentioning it to me before you posted it up. that was the correct line to take, very nice. hopefully, Iron Dragon Twins Runs: Led by Sphiro , can happen and become a reality.

1) yes
2) yes
3) Saturdays

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
New Recruit

Iron Dragon welcomes a Knight to try their hand at becoming an Iron Dragon:


Welcome and Good Luck and thank you for taking an interest in our Guild on the Guild Recruitment section of the Spiral Knights Forums.

Sphiro-Forums's picture

from the responses i got.. Saturday was chosen.... the first trial guild twin run will be tomorrow (today is Friday)

sphiro out

I would like to join

I would like to join your guilde. I think it's pretty nice guilde and I think, that I can meet a lots of fantastic people here.

I never disappoint you. ;)

ING: Maskulinum

Guardianknight's picture

Welcome to the guild :)
I look forward to exploring the clockworks with you.

The one and only, Guardianknight.

Sphiro-Forums's picture

today's twin run was a kind-of success... we had BOTH the twins using lasers at same time on 2 occasions.... but apart from that everyone enjoyed it.
GJ guys

sphiro military department
our motto: kill everything. but do it slowly.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
☆ Iron Dragon Weekends! ☆

-Saturdays.....get your Ironclaw Munitions Factory and the Roarmulus Twins missile-dodge goin, led by none other than our own feArlesS Sphiro!!

-Sundays.......catch Vanaduke unawares as we roam the Firestorm Citadel!!

Join in the action every Saturday and Sunday my fellow Dragons! Get your weekend dungeon fix!! xD

Sphiro-Forums's picture

i dunno about fearless....... id rather not run into a swarm of 20 laser bots

Hiromon's picture
(>'.')B Punch

Hey guys sorry i havent been on much exsams and stuff at school.
Ill keep you updated for my retern merry christmas Guild of the IRON DRAGON

Peace out

Kabraneel's picture
Hi Guys My Name Is Manan. IGN

Hi Guys
My Name Is Manan.
IGN : Kabraneel

I want to join ur guild . I wanna be a part of a guild which is famous. And ur guild is the most famous as i know.
I am playing this game from about 4 - 5 months.
My star of gear si 5.
I have Gran Faust, Final Flourish , Combuster , Blitz needle , Cold Iron Vanquisher.
I live in asia and time zine is about 5:00.
I have soloed all the bosses . But Not Vanduke.
I am champion at all the bosses. Jelly king take almost 30 sec.
I can also solo fsc ( sometimes) and ofcourse tier1 and tier 2 .
My average damage at lockdown is 9k-10k.
Pls i wanna be a part of ur guild because i love to play lockdown guild and ur guild do guild lockdown very much.
Pls reply to my post and invte if u like me.

Guardianknight's picture

Hello and thank you for reading our thread :)
I am the Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild. My IGN is Guardianknight.
I'd love to meet you ingame sometime and maybe to a run with you
to see if you're Iron Dragon material. I'm sure our guild could use your help
on Vanaduke runs. We currently are not doing guild LD but I love to play it
and it sounds like you do too. I hope to see you soon.

The one and only, Guardianknight.

Usef-Berrys's picture
Guard this guy posted on

Guard this guy posted on every guild thread there is I am pretty sure he is trolling

Guardianknight's picture
lol I know

I noticed after I posted a reply.

Sphiro-Forums's picture

i WILL be on on the 25th of December.... and every guildie that i see online gets 1k!
with exception to a few people: jumpy, guard, hiro, snor and groovo as i know these people well.. (they will get anyway even if they DON'T log on)

sphiro out.

ps. if you have anything to say about this.. just post.. or are u chicken?..........mmmmmmm..... chicken................

Neozeru's picture
Chicken.. yum.. ..OH what,

Chicken.. yum..

..OH what, crowns? oh, that's entirely generous of you :D

Guardianknight's picture
As long as the subject of Christmas is in discussion...

I will not be on during Christmas.

That's mighty generous of you:)

Sphiro-Forums's picture
reply to neo

ill add you to my list neo... cas you actually bothered to send a reply =-P

Neozeru's picture
Always happy to contribute.

Always happy to contribute. P:


Sphiro-Forums's picture
WIN for you.. loss for me ;)

doubling MONEY TO 2K! the more money i get b4 Christmas.. the more money YOU get ON Christmas =-P

sphiro out

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
Bank of Jumpy

all debts are cleared.

new recruit

i'm interested in joining your guild.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

hi Dasarps, thank you for reading our Guild's Recruitment thread. Please send me, Jumpy, or my Officer, Guardianknight, a Friend Request. We shall meet up with you in-game and get better acquainted to see if you are really an Iron Dragon at heart. xD

Guardianknight's picture
New recruit

The Iron Dragon Guild welcomes it's newest recruit, Altraknight.
Glad to have you with us and I look forward to fighting by your side.

Stay strong, let the Iron flow through your veins, and become a Dragon.

The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

Petrastyr's picture

Hi Sphiro, can I do a run with you on Christmas or anytime? I would like to get to know you better, and what better occasion than Christmas? Hope to see your reply! :D



Sphiro-Forums's picture

you can do a run with me ANYTIME (terms and conditions apply)

(terms and conditions)
sphiro must have enough energy
sphrio must not already be busy

sphiro out

sign here:
and twice here:

Hiromon's picture
Awesome :D

Hey Altraknight glad your joining the guild been a friend of the guild for some time
glad you have moved to the dragon side.

welcome to Iron Dragon!

Hiromon Peace out

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
Bank of Jumpy

all debts are paid in full.

Azathor's picture
i want to join the honored iron dragon guild

i really want to join this guild so mail me in game to ask some questions about my skill to
se if i quallify for the spot, this guild mights be filled by now but anyway i will do my best to serve and follow your rules
and the guildmasters word.

Sphiro-Forums's picture

ive sent the 2ks to : jumpy guard neo snor hiro and groovo.. if you guys havent got them just say... and please dont try to get some extra off me by sayiing you haven't got it when you already have... im poor atm

sphiro out

Neozeru's picture
Why would we ever do that? So

Why would we ever do that? So mean.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas my fellow Dragons! xD hope you all get some nice gifts and enjoy some time with family and friends. Have a safe one, and thanks again for all of your Iron Enthusiasm in this last year, it is greatly appreciated and nice to see. Hip! Hip! Hazzah!

- Jumpy

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
New Recruit

well gents, we have a New Recruit. this Knight definately has a far way to go, so let's help him as best we can to become a skillful and accomplished Iron Dragon. Welcome Azathor!

Azathor's picture

Thankyou Jumpy i am very happy for being invited to this great guild
i will do my best to be online and punching gremlins as often as i can.
no scool for me for 3 weeks to come so i will do notheing else than play
this great game. cya!


Azathor's picture
Selling some dragonscale for the dragons.

I will get a dragon scale frome a friend and maybe one of you want's it.
im thinking 2k-2,5k shuld be a good price.
i mostly posted it here if someone has wyvern and needs a dragon scale to upgrade just contact
me in game and we can come to an agreement.


Azathor's picture
steam is [FRAKKED] UP!

i have sent a mail to jump telling him about my account being unable to login prob because it's a steam account
anyway i will do my best to fix it.

and if anyone else here runs spiral knights thru steam plz tell me if you have any flaws, if you have/had tell me what it was or how you solved it
so i can solve mine. thank you for your atention.


Hiromon's picture
Hey azathor!

Dude have you tried downloading steam and through that download SK again.
thats the only way i know how.

Hiromon peace out

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
☆☆☆☆☆ Where Are You.... ☆☆☆☆☆

Where Are You....

and where do you aspire to be, in the Iron Dragon Guild?

Do you just want to be a Member and stay in the shadow of the Iron Dragon, or do you want to rise and feel the full force and effect of being in a Guild? Here are some questions each of you should ask yourselves, so you can see, where you are at in the Iron Dragon Guild:

1. Recruiting: Do you help to bring in new Recruits? Do you make friends, then see if they are made of Iron Dragon material, and then refer them to either the GM or an Officer of the Guild?

2. Development: Do you help to develop the Recruits and Knights who are already in the Guild, so that they may become successful, prosperous and able to assist others themselves as you should be doing? Do you take them on dungeon runs to help give them experience in the different levels? Do you help your Guild-Mates out with useful tips and explanations, rather than just say 'Do this.' Do you help in making elite squads of Iron Dragon Warriors who can conquer any level that this game throws at us?

3. Behavior/Skills: Are you a good example of what makes a Great Iron Dragon? Are you able to roam the dungeons and not die? Do you do whatever it takes to stay alive and defeat the swarms of monsters within the Depths?

4. Growth: Are you a selfish player who is only interested in their own success and fortune? Or does your interest include those around you?

These are questions you should be asking yourself. Especially if you want the full experience of being in a Guild. It is not neccessary to move out of the shadows and into the front, but i want you to know, i do watch for certain things from you guys, and also know that, my interests and experiences in this game includes you guys. Do not sit back on your hindlegs......go out and grab your Glory, your piece of the Guild. Become invested and you shall feel the power of Ownership within this Guild. This should help guide you through the Hierarchy of Iron Dragon.

Azathor's picture
here i am!

My answers to your questions and my goals as a ''noob''

1. no i don't help to bring in new recruits. Goal: i will try to play less solo and find good players to join the guild so we can grow.

2. hehe im the newest so nah i can't really teach them any new things, All i know is: block and shoot ''a good defence is a good offence''
kill em all and don't die. simple stuff. Goal: if any recruits join i can help them a little at lower tiers just to do something and feel that im a part
of the guild.

3. i don't know if i am the best teacher but i will do my best to PUNCH AS MANY GREMLINS AS I CAN! <---- my tactics :D
no seriusly i try not to die and use my shield when dem bastards PUNCH ME. and yeesss i will do my best master to eliminate those foolish bastards
from this world.

4. i play mostly solo but sure i can start playing more with others and other in the guild.

-Azathor <---- there he is, i found him!