๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑

633 replies [Last post]
Azathor's picture
steam is fixed :D

i just had to restart my computer :D

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
this guy

this guy Azathor...

IS ALL RIGHT IN MY BOOK!!! i wish we can get more like him! now ima go punch some gremlins! xDD

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
☆ The Quest for the Iron Dragon ☆

I will be starting up Iron Dragon Survival Runs, which will take place on Thursdays. These will consist of People in the Party being kicked out of the Party when they die, to be replaced by the next in the waiting line. If i die, then i will pay each Knight in the Party 100-500 crowns, depending on the magnitude of my death and my current crown situation. I will start on T1 if there is T1 or low star(0-2*) Guild-Mates on or somebody who is trying to get their Dauntless Delver Achievement, and proceed to play until the Core or Vanaduke. The Goal: do not die and be kicked in shame. Try to ride the Survival Train for as long as possible.

By doing this run in the middle of the week, this gives you time to save some CE after the weekend runs. This is also a great opportunity to get the Dauntless Delver Achievement under your belt. Good Luck, let's see how long you can Survive! xD

Any Knight who accomplishes the Dauntless Delver Achievement while doing a Survival Run with me, will also be rewarded an additional 5000 crowns.

Selation-Evatus's picture
My other knight needs a

My other knight needs a guild, so Ima ask to join. Sadly, I can usually only come on during weekends, and cause I have two different knights I usually alternate between them. I hope that's not TOO much of a problem. IGN: Bioshot

Request to Join

Hi i am interested in finding out a bit more about the guild, and about joining. My IGN is Alusin, i have been playing maybe 2 months now. I play mostly every day after 6PM EST. I have a mix of 4* and 5* gear, mostly the basics but working on leveling and getting better :)

Looking forward to hearing from you


Azathor's picture
Am i a member now?

Jumpy you seem to like me judging frome your comment so how about you make me a real member not just a recruit.
It whuld really make me happyer and stronger on the battlefield.
I might not have the gear nor achievements nor the skill but i do know i have the spirit... the spirit of an Iron Dragon.
We all have deep within us this strenght... this glory... this power to wield the unthinkable force of the IRON DRAGON!
And after a long training from the other dragons i Azathor might altso wield this power in it's true form!
so will i soon be a true member of the honored Iron Dragon?


Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

Patience youngling. Keep lifting those weights and training with your brethren and soon enough....ye shall be crowned Member.

Petrastyr's picture
Becoming a member

I'm just curious, how does a recruit get to become a member?

Sphiro-Forums's picture

good to see that we are getting bigger again.... keep making a good impression lads!

ps ima see if this works

if not just ignore it XD

Sphiro-Forums's picture
re trying
Sphiro's crazy link

Don't worry we are just helping our fellow hatchlings.

Hiromon's picture
Hahahahah i have a son/ daughter

Look at it i dare u!!
oh and please touch its face :D


Petrastyr's picture
Dragon egg!
Sphiro-Forums's picture

now EVERYONE has some... to get them to survive you need to put them on other forums as-well.. you wont get enough views here

Vergilios's picture

Hey there my IGN is Vergilios...I'm looking to join a really good guild and am sick of half ass guilds...the last one I was I there where about 5 GM because one would promote then the other then the other..its pathetic...you really seem to have it all together and would be proud to be a part of your guild...If your interested in recruiting me it would be greatly appreciated and once agin my IGN is Vergilios

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

i have sent a Friend's Request to the name Vergilios. i have a question for you. Why is your Forum's name different than your IGN? Is Vergilios an alternate character? and if so, are your other characters already involved in Guilds?

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
Bank of Jumpy

Jumpy owes Sphiro minimum of 50k crowns. 2 recipes.

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
☆ Iron Dragon Schedule 2012 ☆


MONDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)

TUESDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)

WEDNESDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)

THURSDAY: Iron Dragon Survival Run led by Jumpy (every other Thursday)

FRIDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)

SATURDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)

SUNDAY: Firestorm Citadel-Vanaduke Run led by Jumpy


Happy New Year and here is a look at the Iron Dragon Weekly Schedule! Hopefully, there is something in there for everyone. The week starts out 'open' to give people a chance to do whatever runs they feel like and this is also a great time to save up on Crowns and Crystal Energy. Later in the week i shall be leading a 1st-to-die gets kicked from Party style run, which will be going from T1-T3 to see who can Survive the longest. Iron Dragon Weekends include runs to both the Roarmulus Twins and Lord Vanaduke, so hopefully you all can have some fun with this! Let me know your thoughts and give me feedback by way of in-game mails, messages, or posted up here. Have fun, smell ya later! - Jumpy

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

hey there, if you are still interested in joining Iron Dragon, please send me or my Officer, Guardianknight, a Friend Request and we shall meet up with you and move forward from there.

Hiromon's picture
My quest

Hahaha i am now on a quest to find the hidden tortadrone it can only be found in the emerald axies
so if you do find him be shore to invite me to ur party please.
ill also be looking for other rare things such as this:

Hiromon peace out

Sphiro-Forums's picture

i have taken aza to the core. =-P

also.. maybe would could have a sort of... "pot" for shadow lair runs... we put spare cr and ce in.. and when we have enough.. buy a key from ither ah or boost... u like?

reminder: i owe neo 18k...

Azathor's picture
good idea!

Good idea i can't go to a shadow lair yet but anyway
really nice idea!


Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

yes, that is a very good idea. we have to figure out the details, then, move forward and make it happen. xD

Sphiro-Forums's picture
guild funds

how to: just send me cr or ce in a mail (make sure you say its for the guild funds.... and i will send it on.. once we have a good stock we can spend on things that on our own we wouldn't be able to get eg. shadow keys don't worry.. im sure we can think of something for the lower star people of the guild

i will do a weekly update (Saturday)

current guild funds: 5ce 0cr

joining the guild

i would like to join your guild but i have been told i cant because i knew usef-berrys i understand what happened between her and jumpy and in my opinion jumpy was right but why am i being punished for knowing her, im nothing like her

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

i told you that you would not be allowed to join Iron Dragon, due to a set of unfortunate circumstances. no further explanation is necessary. i told you that i would keep you on my Friend's List, as you seemed like a nice person, so we could still have fun doing dungeon runs. now i am removing you from my Friend's List also. you have proven once again to me that i should not even try to be accommodating. now you want to post on our Guild's Forum thread as if i owe you something in this life or you deserve anything from me? there are literally hundreds of other Guilds to choose from......please go find one where you are wanted and welcome, starting from the top of the Guild. seems like common sense, right?

Usef-Berrys's picture
Jumpy you don't have to worry

Jumpy you don't have to worry your pretty little head. I have already told him how you are and am helping him find a bigger and better guild, with a GM that takes facts and truth into account rather than personal vendetta

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture

still trolling other people's threads hunh?

that Knight came asking to join from your Guild, complaining of your bad Leadership and tendency to go Missing In Action. maybe try tending to your own Guild?

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
New Recruit

Iron Dragon welcomes a Knight to the House: Daxuss!

Welcome and good luck. Hope you enjoy yourself and look forward to roaming the dungeons with ya! xD



What timezone does the guild operate in? I have added both you and Guardian to friends list but never seem to see either of you on. Am i in a different zone? It would not make much sense to join a guild where i am always on when everyone is offline


Usef-Berrys's picture
Jumpy wow lying thats

Jumpy wow lying thats wondeful new low for you because I can easily message endlesnes to post on here why he tryed to join your pathetic guild so how about you try to be the bigger man because right now and say some truth then maybe you can be more of a man rather than a shriveling whiner

Guardianknight's picture

My time zone is EST but I probably haven't seen you only because I've been busy in real life and haven't been on much.
I'm trying to be on more often but I've got classes starting soon so my Spiral Knights schedule will be random.
What time zone are you in and when do you usually play?

Please stop posting in our thread. Who Jumpy chooses to allow into our guild
is now none of your business.

Azathor's picture
Usef-berrys just leave!

just leave that's all and think of your own guild.
no one cares take your time to play with your guild not complain at ours.
just read this and don't reply.


Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
Bank of Jumpy

Jumpy owes Sphiro minimum of 50k crowns. 2 recipes.

Usef-Berrys's picture


Azathor's picture
usef-berrys get the **** out!

yea that's it get the **** out!
stop being an ***** troll told you not to
no one if your friends will read that and say: wow ur so cool replying to that comment duh!
so it's not cool just stop you ******* troll!
get the **** out! so got anything more to say go tell your friends if you have any and stick to that.
btw you check this thread daily but it's not ur guild thread so leave.

no more swears this time.


Guardianknight's picture

I appreciate you looking out for our thread and wanting Usef-Berrys to leave.
I want her to stop posting in our thread too.That being said, please watch your language.
There are ways to handle this situation besides personaly attacking her.

Usef-Berrys's picture
What ever happened to mature

What ever happened to mature people? Anyways I have friends (you wont get any with that attitude) a few are in here. I also didn't start checking this thread til endlesnes told me about what happened. I wonder where you get your logic from because it is just pathetic.

Frost-Rogue's picture

Hello I just came by and saw your guild,it looks greati love to join but im already in a guild,but id love to join any time i could.
P.S. do you have regular guilld meetings


Azathor's picture
Usef-Berrys im sorry for what i said.

im sorry for being angry
and by: you check this thread daily i meant that you must have returned to se my comment
and jumpy's earlier and there is no denying that so now im mature
im sorry for saying that.
i want this to be your final reply just say im sorry and leave
noone get's happy because of your comments
and noone gets happy because of my comment eather
so go play the game and have some fun with your friends wich exists
im sorry.


Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
New Recruit

The Iron Dragon Guild welcomes its newest brethren into the ranks: Ruby-Rhod!

i have been chillin and doin some runs with this Knight for a little while. i am sure he will do well as we all grow together as a Guild. Hip! Hip! Hazzah!! xD

Ruby-Rhod's picture
Hello fellow Dragons

Hello fellow Dragons and thank you for letting me be a part of your guild Jumpy.

I look forward to growing with this guild.
Ruby Rhod: How green is it? Super green!

Thanks for the welcome Some

Thanks for the welcome

Some good runs over the weekend including twins farm runs and vanaduke. Was nice doing some of the lower levels with friendly critique on how i can improve :)

Guardianknight's picture

Glad to hear you all are doing well. I started classes back up at my community college today so I just wanted
to let you guys know my schedule will be pretty random. I hope to still be able to join some of the guild runs
but right now, college is my priority.

As of right now, I have classes on Monday's, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

Glad to see this guild is growing and I look forward to meeting all the new recruits.

The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

Neozeru's picture

Edit: Back. Online in the evenings. There aren't very many late-night knights in the guild, are there?

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
Bank of Jumpy

all debts are paid in full.

Kaesareru's picture
i would like to join.

I would like to join your guild as it is very appealing to me.
My IGN is Kaesareru. I am 16 years old and i am playing for over a week now. my gear is 2* but as a wanna be swordmaster i have swift flourish 3* and shockburst brandish 3*. Since i am still in school i play maybe an hour or so a day, from 16:00 till 22:00 to be expected, I try to be online as much as I can.
I don't pay for this game (although respect for those who do cause they make it possible) and am a casual gamer (hence the 1 hour or so a day).

I hope you will let me (try) to enter your guild.

yours faithfully,

Kaesa reru

Ruby-Rhod's picture

Groovo and myself were doing some crown mining when we happened to see Minoda logged in. He wanted to let everyone know he's alive and well but has not had internet access for the last 5-7 months.

Ruby Rhod: How green is it? Super green!

Iron-Dragon-Guild's picture
New Recruit

Iron Dragon welcomes its newest Recruit: Kaesareru!

Welcome and Good Luck! i hope you have fun and prosper as an Iron Dragon. xD

would love to join <3

Hi! Im new to the game, and this guild seems like a perfect fit for me! I have recently come into a lot of free time, and will be online a lot. Im looking forward to joining you guys :)

EDIT: IGN is same as forum name.