๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑
Hey guys sory i was gone for a while my computer stopped getting internet so i had to get it fixed.
You guys have done a lot of stuff as of late.
I'm from.
Sphiro Cool tanks I'm going trough the russian tree as well

yes that's where the allmighty warrior if the north comes from.
SWEDEN a proud country with many many delichius meatballs
im exactly frome Kristinehamn,Värmland,Sweden
it's awsome :D
btw about where my name is frome it's actually some swedish stuff asagod=thor,odin and other
viking gods, Add a Z and Thor to it and theres my name i really like it. XD

heh heh... just add me as a friend on tanks... or if you cant figure out how to.. post Ur name on it the forums.. im called bug719.... don't ask.. ;D

Iron Dragon welcomes a friendly Knight into the House, to try their hand at becoming a Dragon Warrior: Leonfr!
Welcome, and glad to see you here! Hope you have fun and prosper as an Iron Dragon.
I would like to join please.
I could not find requirements on the first couple pages. If there are any, please tell me.
With all due respect

Hello everyone,
my name is Lore_leonFR, or simply Leonfr as you will find me around in Cradle. I joined the guild today, by invitation of our GM and great friend of mine Jumpy... it is a lot of time I was thinking about joining our (can I say it now?) guild, I have a lot of friends here... I hope we will have a lot of good runs 2gether... I hope to meet and have fun with all the members of our guild... see you around in the Clockworks!

Its about time you joined our guild haha hope u have a great time.
Hiromon peace out

heh heh welcome Leon! i expect to see you at my guild twin runs and vana runs on Saturday and Sunday... that if you wana come.. lol.. consider it....
a challenge =-P

Congratulations to Hiromon....he got his Dauntless Delver Achievement on today's Survival Run!!!! Great job bro! xD

Ima beast shoulda done this time ago but i did it now anyhow so there :D.
One step forward.
Hiromon peace out

"where do you live" by Kaesa reru
So jump and gaurd live the american dream
Need to do better so it would seem
2 are from england so their english is good
Does it really rain there a lot, i suppose it should
I am from neither so it would seem
I don't have the rain nor the american dream
I love in holland, the place is a feast
Now roast me a cow, I'm a hungry big beast
EDIT: this is a reply from a post of some time ago XD...woopsie

Haha nice.
Happy to finally have you in the family:)
I'll send you a friend request. We can hang out and do a run together and then we'll move on
from there. Hope to see you soon.
@Iron Dragon Guild:
Do to classes, I won't be on as much as I would like to.
If you ever see Obsoluent on feel free to do a run and let Jumpy know how it goes.
I also got a letter from a knight named Tleilaxus (friend of Leonfr) feel free to do a
run with him/her also.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

I'm just curious What is your favourite weapon in spiral knights could you give me a reason and just one weapon.
because it is the only katana in this game and its saved my life so many times.
And also ima samurai :P
Hiromon peace out
@ Hiromon
Awesome mate. sorry i was not on to join in the run last night :(
I am based in the UK :)
Got busy weekend, but hoping to jump on for some twins run, and am definately around for vana. Hoping to get my voltedge before sunday as well.
In addition, i have Ash of Agni / Voltaic Tempest Recipes that i am looking to move and can go to guildies for 25k (basil price).

probably my Valiance, because it weakens all the enemies enough for anybody in the same Party i am in to easily finish off and kill whatever threats are on screen, and, this can be accomplished nicely on the run or from a no-damage-taking position. plus, i can use it to flip switches, knockback threats and it also doesn't spam up the screen. not the strongest weapon in the game, but i find good use for it.

Well i don't really know yet maybe it's the blizzbrand maybe it's the pulsar i will probably edit this comment sometime or post a new one telling you
but for the most fun one it's the troika line it's just awsome to SMASH stuff XD

I really loved Winmillion and the rest of the Spur line. It's definitely a risky weapon, but its unique style adds an additional flair and fun than the other weapons don't have.
That said, I don't really use it much. So, my second choice is every Brandish weapon. I couldn't choose.

that'd be the shockburst brandish series.
you can get the recipees with krogmo coins (i love BN) and the charge is ahum...SHOCKING.

well... its a close call between my combuster and my Polaris..... (the only two weapons i really use) both have great damage and knock-back but the Polaris can be quite unpredictable in the direction... but you don't have to charge it... gah i cant choose..

i won't be on this Sunday, due to a change in my work schedule. maybe will be on about 9 hours later than usual. perhaps another Guild Member can pick up the Sunday Vanaduke Guild Run.
This is a cool game that I'm plating it's in beta at the moment but they are giving out key's at http://www.facebook.com/tribesascend
This is a cool game that I'm plating it's in beta at the moment but they are giving out key's at http://www.facebook.com/tribesascend
If anyone joins my in game name is Oktarnash

Haha nice. A bunch of people flying/jumping/running around killing each other.
Looks like a lot of fun.
Just one? Oh it's so hard.........I may have to break the rules :)
I love the Cold Iron Vanquisher. I know it's not the best choice for a weapon but it looks awsome and has a great name.
Plus, it was my first weapon:)
Honestly though, I'd have to go with a brandish, maybe the Glacius, which is kind of funny because I currently do not
own a Glacius.
@Iron Dragons:
I'd love to help with the Vanaduke run but it would really depend on the time. On Sundays, I'm at church until 2:00 pm
(sometimes later if I am helping out with anything) and of course my schedule is random right now do to school.
You guys can go without me as long as you kill a few things for me and tell Vanaduke I said hi.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

i did the guild vana run.. .we didnt do boss because of a lack of shiv... and we didnt have the ce... aza lagged out and went down.. .lol gl to him...

Favorite weapon!!!!!!
is now the Blizzbrand it's awsome
i died after first mask stage but no damage on first tho :P
i guess im better solo than with others because when im in team i usually get around 5-7 deaths per run :(
but when im solo i get just 1-2.
-Azathor. this text is here (here) not there ---->

Iron Dragon Welcomes its newest Recruits:
Welcome, and Good Luck Knights. Play, have fun, do well in the dungeons, and stay True to our Founding Ideals and Principles and you will find a place in our Family and Home. xD

Welcome to the guild new recruits.
I look forward to fighting by your side.
As Iron sharpens Iron, so we sharpen one another.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

YAY! missions is here let's go punch gremlins (and ther new little friend) to bits in the new missions.
i advice us to add weekly mission ''runs'' like the other ones we can maybe altso have chaos proto and so on...
that's what i wanted to say, now let's show the people of cradle that the Iron Dragon will fight till till the end and never give up!

Aw the new mission system is here...HOW DO I HAVE TIME NOW TO DO RUNS FOR MONEY?
...I'm lovin' it.

sl should be on Saturday... i need this to be a success ppl!
I would like to join the guild I am a newer but active player IGN Waxalot

Hey Waxalot, thanks for reading our thread.
Feel free to send me (Guardianknight) or our guild leader (Jumpy) a friend request.
We would love to meet up with you and get to know you better.
Hope to see you soon.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild

Anybody on now? Feel like playing, and i have tons of energy to spend :D

it failed.... =-/
but got some pics.... and made it to the boss.... you can hardly recognize the lvl we are on.. it is so different from regular snarlo

a Knight has chosen to undertake the task of becoming Iron Dragon. We shall give them that opportunity! Iron Dragon welcomes:
to try their hand at becoming an Iron Dragon Warrior. Good Luck with your journey Knight!

my schedule at work has been changed again this week. therefore, i will not be available to lead the Sunday Vanaduke Run, as i won't be on til much later, if at all. my apologies.
P.S. nice pics of the SL Sphiro!

me (5*) aza (4*) monk (4*) and monks friend (4*) have DEFEATED VANA
all partys that have all 5* ppl and cant beat him HAVE NO EXCUSE!
if you want visual proof.... here it is: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022031663/screenshot/46861075...
isnt steam usefull??? >=-P
sphiro out

Pop this topic back ontop.
Actually I just noticed my edits don't decline to the end of the topic. It works like I thought it did after all.
Edit: Back. Online in the evenings.
A lot of the prestige missions seem silly, don't you think?

Don't do them, waste of my time and energy (i know i'm cheap and lazy)
Did all them rank missions in 2 days (way too easy)
I just wish we did not have to pay for them new ones -.-' (bugger man).

my schedule at work has been changed again this week. therefore, i will not be available to lead the Sunday Vanaduke Run, as i won't be on til much later, if at all. again, my apologies.

nemas problemas (no problem) we can do some other run, change it to another day or change who is leading the run that's all we need to do. :D
Btw if you have the Crimson Hammer... enjoy awsome uber-usefull weapons and if you dont have it, it's just 2.99 on steam and 3.95 on the web.
So buy it and join us to bring down Seerus the Gremlin Warmaster. (i personally prefer punching)
-Azathor... and Craig The Crab (Y)(-_-)(Y)

i dunno but has craig been updated o?o
and its a bugger 'bout the vana run (you know i love~ vana)
we'll work hard together to get it done (the tyrant will fall).
(/)($_$)(\) craig wants moneeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy~
now it is time...for him...to burn again and again...
MISSIONS op to 9-4 added <3 i cant wait to play (how am i gonna do my homework now >.<)

I wish I had the time to do these as fast as everyone else. I'm still in 5-2.
Does anyone else find the story interesting? A lot more background now.

Yes...yes it is.
makes the game a lot more interesting to play either :)
o btw tip: T3...bring people to play...you die...to many times...

. shadow snarby.. i will have my revenge....
but first...
self reminder: aza owes sph 30k

Tier 3 boils down to how well you know when to slice and block.
However, the devilites do not seem to care. They'll chuck furniture through your shield whenever they like. D:
Or that's what it seems like.
I am from Singapore!