๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑

This is a Run which starts in the dungeons of Tier 2 or higher. The participants can only use proto equipment for their defensive measures, helm, armor, shield. The participants' weapons are allowed to be as high as 2*, to add some variety to the Runs. Good Luck Knights! xD
Depth: Tier 2 or higher
Helm: proto only
Armor: proto only
Shield: proto only
Sword: 0-2*
Handgun: 0-2*
Bomb: 0-2*
Trinket Slot: 0-2*
Anything else: 0-2*

Hi, I came across your post and saw that this is a little more serious guild than im in now. I've been off a long time, and decided to come back for the missions, and im currently busy with mastering Tier 2 Lockdown for recipes. Since the guild im in accidentially lost its original leader, and the backup never comes online anymore, i'd hope to join you guys, since it effectively died out.
In advance: In-game i'm Floipd too.

Thank you for reading our Guild's Recruitment post. I shall send you an in-game Friend Request so we can meet up and see what you are all about.

this guild was deleted... im not master nor officer of this guild...
im just azathor... someone who will together with sphiro,wymion and possibly other iron dragon ''veterans''
make a new guild... this is alltso my last entry on this thread.
jumpy im sure you will get many hate messages both ingame and here so please just remove this thread or
put it in the graveyard that way it will never be disturbed again.
bye jumpy i liked the time we had and i dont want you to fake friendship it really hurts.
altso dont take this wrong i only mean well.

it is good for you and Sphiro and Wymion to make a Guild. you belong with each other. sadly, you Knights were not what i am looking for in an Iron Dragon. so, thanks for the obligatory and cliche last post and GL doin yur thang. Iron Dragon is looking for warriors, not lonely hearts seeking dates on a dungeon themed game site, or cutesy Knights who dont improve in the same areas over and over...sorry, it's just not my loss. and no Azathor, the Guild was not deleted...you were deleted from the Guild.
When you come across a real Dragon Warrior, it may not be all pink and as nice as you had imagined. It may just wait for a sign of weakness, then do as its nature is inclined to do.

The Guild welcomes another player to test their Might, and try their hand at becoming an Iron Dragon: Floipd!
Welcome and good luck fellow Knight!

I do no longer enjoy the guild.
sorry bros, awesome times gotta end.
now to find me another one :S
cya in game bros
if you wanna hang send me a friend request XD, always welcome.

Either you are an Iron Dragon, or you are not. I cannot force somebody to be something they are not. Not all things are for everybody, and not all processes are enjoyable in order to obtain the desired growth and strengths. If you are an Iron Dragon, there is never really ever a choice to be made whether to stay or go. It's more of a personal title under your name, which is earned by valiant and competitive gaming, than just a typical Guild name. Iron Dragons should not die in dungeons and they should fight til the end with everything they've got. I only seek Iron Dragons. Good luck on your journeys and keep knockin' em down in BN. xD

Congratulations to the new Officers who take their place alongside Guardianknight and myself as Leaders of Iron Dragon. Iron Dragon salutes you!
Sorry for not being on that much as of late just had a couple of tests and stuff so kinda been busy

The Iron Dragon welcomes it's newest recruit, Blazingfirenight. You already look like a dragon but does Iron run
through your very soul? We shall see...........[place evil laugh here]..........XD
Welcome to the guild. I hope you prove to be a knight with honor and integrity
and I look forward to many runs with you:)
The one and only, Guardianknight.

My guild now is really small and inactive, so I am interested in your challenges. May I join the guild?
P.S. Is the proto run a test, cause it sounds fun :3

sup there man, just send me, Jumpy, a friend request in-game, or one of my Officers , and we will get the ball rolling. the Proto Run is not a test, but it could be.....nah, it's just a little something we do around here for fun xD! anyway, send a friend request or make another post telling us your in-game name, and we shall send a friend request to you. see you around Haven and good luck!

Welcome new Recruits...and Good Luck! xD

Hello everyone,
I've been out for some time and just read the post now... I am sorry to learn that so many friends left the Iron Dragon recently, but I am sure that new ones will join us soon... I have been recently promoted to officer, and I am proud of it, and a little scared of the responsability I have to admit ;-) ... I hope I will be able to make our GM as proud as I am. I am sorry I cannot partecipate to guild runs recently because I am connecting really late lately (sorry for my english!), so I sometimes have fun with Dax but noone else... I hope to join some soon! See you soon on Cradle!

I wont be on that much this week. Got a butload of tests coming up, and of course that means studying.
Also, if you have the Vog Cub CAP recipe for sale, i'm interested.

I stride forward in majesty, trampling endlessly through the esparto grass and thickets, passing elephant after elephant, creatures of the plain; and I put an end to the heroic roaring in the plains of the different liona, the dragons of the plains, wherever it approaches from and wherever it is going to. I do not go after them with a net, nor do I lie in wait for them in hiding; it comes to a confrontation of strength and ability. I do not hurl a weapon; when I plunge a bitter-pointed lance in their throats, I do not flinch at their roar. I am not one to retreat to my hiding-place but, as when one warrior kills another warrior, I do everything swiftly on the open plain. In the desert where paths dwindle off, I reduce the roar at the lair to silence. In the sheepfold and the cattle-pen, where heads are laid to rest, I put the shepherd tribesmen at ease. Let no one ever at any time say about me, "Could he really subdue them all on his own?" The number of lions that I have dispatched is limitless; their total is unknown.

-slow clap-
I have no idea where that came from, but that was fantastic

I was feeling a little out of it the other day so i went to the doctor and he ran some tests. Apparently my iron levels in my blood were high. On top of that the doc said i had dragon blood. So anyway that was probably really corny, but here I am looking for friends to smash faces with. I am currently a member of Chaos Overture, but they aren't very active with the exception of a few cool Knights. I want to decimate this game not just casually dungeon crawl and this seems like the place to do that. Hit me up in game and let me know if i make the cut. Looking forward to burning down the clockworks with you. -Daenyothos
Hello I want to welcome all new guild members and wish a very good stay here at the guild.

Hello fellow Iron Dragons! I took it upon myself to create a steam group for us. This should help us to organize events, keep in touch with members, and develop unit cohesion amongst the guild. This will also allow us to all come together for discussions as well as group voice chat when we start Lockdown and group pushes into the more difficult areas of the game. The group is set to private and only true knights will be allowed in, so please send me a letter in game with your steam account name for invite. This will assure that only actual guild members are allowed in. I hope to hear from you all soon so we can get this ball rolling! - Daenyothos

I posted some time ago that I would be on less frequentley (which turned out to be false) and that i was looking for a Vog Cub CAP recipe. Just wanna say i'm back and my friend has the recipe for me.
Great idea, altho i dont have Steam so you wont get my letter =P

I finally crafted y snarbolax set... I am so happy I wanted to share with all my guildies the news... I hope to see you soon on Cradle to have wonderful runs together!

Congrats man!!
I've been really busy lately but I'm looking forward to getting back to doing runs with all of you.
See you all soon hopefully.
The one and only, Guardianknight

Is the period of inactivity through the course of 2 months consecutive or reoccurring? The reason I ask is because I've seen a few members slip away due to whatever reason. I won't dig into it.
I - in no shape or way - ever intend to quit. It's just time and events keep getting my way. (Like the last post I made around January.)
Miss runs. Really do.

mostly i check the Guild list in-game, to check on last times and dates played by our members. i also check these forums for posts and messages from members regarding time-off or being absent. if you post up in the forums that you can't be on for whatever reason, i'm good with that, and you need not worry.
i am not, nor ever have been, a stickler for exactness of rules....they are more of a guideline, by which i make decisions and train Knights with. if proven untrainable, or not fitting what i am looking for in Iron Dragon, then Knights may be dismissed from this Guild. understanding the earned label and what it means to carry the title 'Iron Dragon' under your name and staying near the rules and guidelines i have laid out, then you will be ok. keeping your lines of communication open is helpful and beneficial as well.
i notice who has teh skillz and who has teh heart. if you want to rise in the ranks, let me notice more than just these. show me how you stand out from other Knights and that you can handle your own, helping the whole party succeed on a run or in a PvP setting.
Hello, I ran across this guild after I rejected by another one because they think I wouldn't "understand" them. I get that this guild is no joke, but I like that didnt mention anything about required equipment. You see, My gear (Other then my helm) isnt very T2 worthy, I dont ask for gear, I ask that you understand that crowns and CE are hard to get.
IGN: Crunchycheezit

Right. Thanks for telling me that.
In other news, I did not get a Prismatic cupcake. Super bummed.
Neozeru puts on his Frosted Helm in an attempt to be cool.
Neozeru's coolness rating is slowly decreasing...

hey there Crunchycheezit, thanks for reading our Guild's recruitment thread. you are right, i do not judge or base Guild decisions on equipment. i prefer to evaluate Knights based on their behavior, skills and desire to win. i also look for Knights whom have some prior gaming experience and are somewhat competetive in nature and show alot of common sense in their gaming.
i am sending you a friend invite to see if you are indeed an Iron Dragon.

Hello I would like to join your guild, I've been doing Missions lately but it's getting to the point where I can no longer solo missions or levels in the arcade so I would like to join you. I'm self reliant, I collect my own crowns and buy CE with them to craft my own gear. (I'm working on two sets at the moment along with a handful of weapons.) I have a fair grasp on how to battle, most people would see it as a conservative method. (I tend to kite, I rarely use a sword and I try to clear spots out before reviving people. Usually most players get mad when I won't rush to them right away and revive them even though I'm already dealing with enemies.) I think I could fit in with your group.

Liltes, is your in-game name the same as your forum's name? Please let me know and i will send you a friend request in-game to see if you might be right for the Iron Dragon Guild. Or, you could send me, Jumpy, a friend request with a message included about interest in joining Iron Dragon. Thank you and good luck! xD
P.S. your methods of battle seem fine to me. i also tend to make sure the area is clear of monsters and explosives before i revive somebody, if i revive the dead Knight, depending on their value to the overall run.

Jumpy owes Leonfr 40k crowns. (VT Rec)
(20k crowns paid on April 15, 2012)
current oustanding debt to Leonfr is 20k crowns. 4-15-2012
(20k crowns paid on April 21, 2012)
debt to Leonfr is Paid in full.
Get online, Ive been waiting for 6 hours...And im not online between 6:00 AM to 2:30 (School -_-)
Unless its a FARM!....Or...Weekend XD

I believe Jumpy has a night job, though he can say it for himself also.

haha, yea bro...i work an overnight shift. i am able to play around 8am til noon, Pacific Standard Time.
@Crunchycheezit, you could also send a friend request to my Officers. more info and Officer names here.
Okay, Sent FRs to:

Yes my in game name is Liltes, I sent Jumpy a FR
I met up with Guardianknight today to get into the "Recruit" level. He gave me this challenge: A Teir 1 Snarby run with him, So we did it and I have to say..I did way better then I thought I would! I didn't die, I didnt take TOO much damage and I utilized my Sheild and Sword often to prevent damage and deal damage at the same time. Now I am at least a recruit....SO YAY.
I will be looking for you Jumpy. This looks like nice clan that I can finally settle into. If I get in of course.

Welcome new comers to the Iron dragon Guild :D
I haven't been on the forms lately due to problems on my end but hopefully ill be keeping u updated more often :0
Hiromon peace out!

Maybe i have to do some more shiz to become a member than just sending a request, but i really want to join.
so look me up in game. im a decent player with 2* gear, im aiming for the cobalt line and calibur,blaster line just to get it done quick so it will be easier to get the other things later. ill send a friend request to jumpy in game once i have got a reply here and my IGN is Zernon.

can i join i am half 3 star and 2 star my name on the game is blanestree
please can you invite me to join your guild

i will send jumpy a friend request

i just took the #450 poast :P anyway it seems like i dident get a response, or did i ?_? kinda confused me there. hopefully i will find a friend request in my mail later. :)
Only a True Iron Dragon will have mastered these Skills. This is what i look for and this is what it takes to wear and continue wearing Iron Dragon guild-tags:
1. Be aware of your Health while in the dungeons.(make tactical adjustments depending on how much Health you have at all times)
2. Be aware of the entire party's Health Meters and help to keep them balanced by way of sharing and distributing Health Meter Increase Vitapods, as well as sharing Health Capsules.(when they are not going to just be wasted on somebody who dies frequently of course)
3. Understand how to work as a Team with the rest of the Party(this means sometimes taking a backseat and letting others or somebody else lead...especially if it is not your Party and you were invited or joined somebody else's Party. or, if it is your Party, then take a Leadership role and call out Strategies). i am not interested in who goes through doorways 1st or who gets on the button 1st or who is fastest across the map. i AM interested in who helps the Party succeed.
4. Know when to Kite with Guns and when to attack and finish with Swords.
5. Know the proper order to kill enemies when multiple types are on the field at the same time. i.e Gun Puppies > Healers(Wings and Menders) > Fiend Family > Kats > Lichen Colony/Giant Lichen Colony > Wolvers > Lumbers > Construct Family > etc...
6. Know the direction of the Knockback effect of your weapon, so you do not push monsters into your party members.
7. Have the ability to use your Shield for desired Knockback effect to place monsters where you want them on the field.
8. Understand your party members' play-styles so you can lend useful support at critical times, as well as in general.
9. Know to pick up all the Shinies and Loot only after all the monsters in the area are defeated.
10. Knowledge and usage of the Gate Map before entering each Elevator.
11. Being able to run around for an undisclosed amount of time without firing on or attacking the monsters at all. This skill will help you learn to get to open areas of the field and it will also let you see just how easy it is to not take damage.
12. Know when to Fallback to gain a better position to attack the monsters from.
13. Have enough sense to blow up Explosive Blocks first, when entering a room or area.
14. Have enough sense to not stand near Explosive Blocks while in an area.
15. Run in the same direction as the rest of the Party while fighting in Arenas.
16. Use the dungeon's own Materials and Features for tactical advantages.
17. Know when to stay dead and not revive, so as to save your Energy for later in the Gate run and also maybe make it easier on the surviving party members to finish the area.(sometimes after an area, there is health pads so it is better to let somebody finish the area and then revive you and go to the health pads. also, all dead Knights are revived if 1 person makes it to the Elevator)
18. The ability to stay alive, lose very little Health, and to use up minimal amounts of Energy.
19. Know your Strengths and Weaknesses.
20. Work to improve your Weaknesses.
As you can see, none of these Skills require the 'best' equipment. These skills cannot be bought or faked. If running head-first into a room with your sword swinging gets you killed or causes you to take unnecessary damage which jeapordizes the end-goal of defeating the Boss level...then what good is that really? Understanding this is essential to your longevity in the Iron Dragon Guild. Iron Dragon will happily recruit -0- star players who are rocking proto gear, if that player shows promise of being an elite-fighter. I'm going to be real honest with you, i do not enjoy kicking it with noobie gamers who waste my time dying for giggles. i prefer to be around a squad that can get it done and knows what the heck they are doing. Now i'm not saying to be serious all the time and to not have any fun, but i do have an agenda and goals in this game that i am trying to achieve and i am looking for fellow gamers who are similar minded. If this is too hard for you and you cannot hang, then go join the Pandas and Kittens Guild or the Cupcake Cuties Guild. Iron Dragon is looking for Warriors.