๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑

633 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild

Hi there Knights, my in-game name is Jumpy, and i am the Leader of the Iron Dragon Guild. i am currently recruiting and taking new members into the Iron Dragon Guild.

There are some standards and requirements that must be accepted, agreed upon, and maintained, in order to qualify into the Iron Dragon Guild. This is not an easy Guild to undertake and many will not make it in, as i require some skill, some tactics, and the usage of common sense from my Members. In this regard my Members are Elite, as this is an exclusive Guild and i do not let just everybody i meet stay in it. Posers and Fail Dragons will be rooted out, as I have always been a big fan of Quality over Quantity and of not selling myself out for numbers or for the masses.

1. You must be a fun and respectful gamer, to myself, to each other, and to the other players of Spiral Knights. This means, do not hinder or harm any other person's gaming experience. You must respect and obey Iron Dragon Guild Masters and Officers.

2. You must show Patience, Honor, Loyalty, Confidence, Discipline, Integrity, and the willingness to work and function as a Team.

3. You must be Ambitious in wanting to upgrade your equipment and in your desire to go deeper into the Depths of the Clockworks. This means you will be online and in the game somewhat often. I am not looking for people to wear Iron Dragon guild tags who play for 1 week then disappear forever. Also, once you are in the Guild, if you disappear and i do not see or hear from you for a period of a month, you will be Demoted in Rank back to Recruit. If i do not see or hear from you within a 2nd month, your Guild tags will be revoked.

4. You must be ready to make a Commitment and willing to help out the Guild with finding players to join Iron Dragon. Help in finding Quality gamers and then refer them to me or to an Officer of Iron Dragon. (just remember, whoever you refer also reflects upon yourself...so choose people wisely!)

5. You must not be Deceptive.

6. Absolutely No Begging.

7. You must show some positive combat attributes, such as understanding the situation, working with the rest of the party, and not just running head-first into chambers and rooms.

8. I expect my Members to be Responsible for their own Energy and Health. This means, no whining or crying if the Party you are in cannot or does not revive you right away or even at all. Do not rely on others to carry you. Accept your fate if you die in a dungeon. Do not blame anybody else.

9. If you leave Iron Dragon on your own accord, that is it, that is Final. There are no returns and no open-doors around here, so before you make a hasty decision over a petty squabble or argument or for whatever reason, make sure you know what you are doing and give it some thought. If, however, i remove you from the Guild, i may be persuaded through decent rhetoric and a fair argument by yourself or by the other Guild Members to re-instate you if it is the right thing to do.

10. And last, but not least...HAVE FUN! xD

If you think you can meet these Standards and are prepared to make a Commitment, look for Jumpy. I am eager to see if there are any gamers out there who enjoy Challenging themselves and also to see if anybody has the motivation and capacity to refine their own Disciplines. These are Standards by which i personally adhere to and i actually find them quite easy and natural from a Gaming Perspective. Rise as an Iron Dragon if you think you have the Heart, or be the meal upon which we feast. The Iron Dragon Guild moves out to Haven on Saturday April 30, 2011. Hope to see you there!! Best of luck - Jumpy, Guild Master of the Iron Dragon.

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild


Greetings, welcome, and congratulations! You are now Knights of the Iron Dragon Guild. My name is Jumpy, and i am the Guild Master. I have previous experience as the Leader, Co-Leader, and as just a Clan Member of 3 different Counter-Strike (Source) Clans, [delta.AK], .:.bTc.:., and TeamFMK which i was in CAL- o with until CAL ended in Season 13. I created the Iron Dragon Guild with the usage of my 1st and my only character thus far in the game, from the beginning, from the Crowns i made in Rescue Camp. I have a Vision, so let me share that with you now...

-Mission Statement-

I would like to enjoy this game with a fresh set of eyes and along-side a fine group, to share in this quest together. I want our experiences to be fresh and unique as we uncover more and more that this game has to offer. I also want a Guild which is filled with Honor, Trust, Loyalty, and Integrity. These are my expectations of myself and my mates. I want everybody to have fun and to really have a great time with one another as we delve deeper into the depths of the Clockworks! I also expect the Members of the Iron Dragon Guild to respect all other gamers as well. This means do not ruin, hinder or harm any other player's gaming experience. It is OK to have some attitude though, as a matter of fact, i want you to have some and i encourage it...but please do not go overboard with the attitude to the point that it offends others or causes them to have a bad experience. As Knights of the Iron Dragon Guild, you will be wearing its Guild Tags, and thus, will always be representing our fine House. Please lead by good example and remain Honorable, with me and with each other. I expect to see a lot of Teamwork and sharing, of info and of item locations, as well as whatever else you may wish to share amongst each other. I encourage Guild Party Missions so that we always have each other's back. I want some ability to strategize in the group also. If you die alot from rushing in, do not expect your team-mates to carry your dead weight all the way through the levels. If you cannot play smart, then accept your fate until the others reach the elevator. When others in the party have to give up their hard-earned energy or health to constantly revive you, this makes the whole Party less likely to succeed. So please, use your brain and play smart. However, if just one of us can make it to the elevator alive, you shall get more chances to prove your value to the Team. We shall try and leave no one behind. All for One, and, One for All! Together we shall find and explore the many wonders which are here on Cradle, the planet which we now find ourselves after the crash of our good ship, The Skylark.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and now.....Let's have some FUN my party people...Hip! Hip! Hazzah!!! :D

Legacy Username
-The World-

Aww I just joined yesterday and have left for heaven. I haven't done much though and would really like to be in this guild. I would greatly appreciate your acceptance

=^_^= Aiden

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
*Top Priority*

the first 2 weapons that our Guild mates should craft are: Blitz Needle and Shivermist Buster

Autogun > Needle Shot > Strike Needle > Blitz Needle

Freezing Vaporizer > Freezing Vaporizer MkII > Freezing Atomizer > Shivermist Buster


get these crafted ASAP, so you can be useful to the Party.

Imagen de Guardianknight
Hey, just reporting in.

Hey my ING is Guardianknight, i've been an Iron Dragon for a little over a week.
It's a great guild and i am very happy to have been excepted into it.
I'm just reporting in as requested by Jumpy aka the guild master.

Thank you Jumpy for allowing me to be a part of your guild.

The one and only, Guardianknight.

Imagen de Guardianknight

Sorry i ment to say Guardianknight is my IGN. lol.

The one and only Guardianknight.

Reporting in

Here presentin guild member Minoda
Spiral knight from the House of the Iron Dragon
Thanks for allowing me to be the last member guild from rescue camp before we head to haven
Long life for the steel Dragons!!!
Hip! Hip! Hazzah!!!

Legacy Username
Need a Recruit?

I'm sorta new and don't really know much about guilds so help me out here.
I haven't ruined a player's experience (except maybe in a party when my computer was slow) and if I did I never meant to.
I've never been stubborn and never told one what to do.
My first and only spiral knight's name is Luuther.
I'd like to join and stuff.

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Guild T2 Runs

i am trying to coordinate a day of the week that would be good for most, if not all, of us to do some T2 runs together as a Guild. We did a run last Friday and when we discussed it in Guild Hall, the people who were present seemed to say that Friday or Saturday would be best.

i would like to try and make 'Iron Dragon T2 Runs' happen on Saturdays, around 6-7pm PST. So please figure out what that time is in your area and leave me a mail, or post a reply here, to let me know if this works or does not work for you. If it does not work for you, please leave me an alternate day of the week and time. Please remember to leave your in-game handle/name, so i know who is saying what.

Thank you - Jumpy *Hip! Hip! Hazzah!* xD

Legacy Username
Qween of blades reporting for duty!

'ello Jumpy and fellow guild members finnaly had everything validated for forums!
This is Keragan in game by the way

Legacy Username
Re: Guild T2 Runs

I am game for the above date and time and may be able to do same time on fridays. This may change depending if i get the part time job i aplyed for though.


Imagen de Guardianknight
Should be.

It should be fine for me. I've been kind of busy lately but the time
is probably fine. I will let you know if i'm not able to make it so your
not waiting for me.

The one and only, Guardianknight.

Long live the Fellowship of the Iron Dragon. *Hip! Hip! Hazzah!*

Legacy Username

I'm a friend of Karagen's/Overmind's, and would appreciate an invite to the guild. My Character Name is Ellandra, I hope to see ya guys around. =)


Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Possible Recruitment

hi Ellandra! Welcome to Spiral Knights and hope you have some fun and good times playing. While being a friend of one of my Guild members does not automatically get you in or qualify you, it is a good start. First, we shall have to meet up with you in Haven and start things out with a 'Friend's Invite'.....then we shall be able to get better aquainted with you and also see if you are up to Iron Dragon standards. We will then take it from there, hope to see you soon and good luck! - Jumpy

Imagen de Akuryo
Yello ~ Akuryo here!! :D

~~ Akuryo Reporting In!! ~~

Sorry if my username isn't that good lol ......anyway...i've been in the guild for quite awhile now......there are alot of good people in the guild.....though Jumpy's kinda [KINDA] quick-tempered during runs lol......anyway...put me in any position....i'm good whatever I am....lol........I am the person who almost everytime uses thought bubbles when talking .....and uses "....." ........anyhoo ...................i really don't know what to say anymore....anyhoo goodluck ppl.....in whatever things u ppl do ^^ .............

-(0 .o)
c(> <)

!! 223N3Mo23wA

~Akuryo Out~

Legacy Username
Looking to join....

My in game name is Kato. I'm a decent player with all 3 star equipment... and I'm on at least a couple hours per day. Hope to see you soon!

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild

hahha..thx for Reporting In Akuryo.....and yea....i can be a bit snappy during Dungeon Runs...i have high gamer expectations of strategy and team-work to progress through each level and not just rushing into rooms......plz dont take anything snappy that i might say personally, it is just who i am when i am focused on missions and going as far into the Depths as possible and surviving. xD

youtube some FPS Doug or TF2 Chozo and you will get a good feel of how i get into my games and what you cant hear when im killing stuff. xDD

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild

Promotions are coming!

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
post up!

don't get lost

Legacy Username
to join a guild

Yo i would like to join your cool guild

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
might have a spot for ya

Thanks for reading the Iron Dragon Guild post Hiromon! xD ...what's yur in-game-name....i will add to friend's list and meet up with you.

Legacy Username
to join a guild

Hiromon thats my name

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Welcome Hiromon

The Iron Dragon Guild welcomes its newest Member: Hiromon! xD

Legacy Username

Hello Dear sir.
I would like to very much join your guild, and so would my brother.
Incase you want us to be a part then our names are:Oktarnash (me) and Dataline (my brother).
Have a nice Day now ;)

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
add to Friend's List

haha awsome! Thanks for reading our Guild's post, i shall send a Friend Invite to you and your brother and look for you both in Haven. Hope to meet up with you both soon and do some dungeon runs! see ya, and good luck!

Legacy Username
Will you have reliable

Will you have reliable traders in your guild? I sell stuff below market/AH price...

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Useful like Wall Street

We can always use good Traders. Just don't rip anybody off, or give the Guild a bad reputation. If i Recruit you into Iron Dragon, please be fair, patient, respectful and courteous when Trading. Please 'Reply' with your ign and i will Friend Request you to see if you are still interested in joining a leet Guild. Be Professional, that's all i ask. x )

Legacy Username
I don't want to join lol, I

I don't want to join lol, I just want to be a mere partner of the guild, my ign: Ninjajpbob

I don't rip off people, the only time I did was when I charged someone 1500 for 20 energy, he said "curse you!" Then I said energy prices are rising therefore the cost is high... then I noticed my mistake and gave him 300cr back in a few seconds, 1200 is still a little higher than what he should have paid for but it was close, (1200/5800= 21 energy, 1200/6000= 20 energy)

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild

The Iron Dragon Guild would like to welcome its newest Recruit: Oktarnash

Welcome and Good Luck! Hope we have some fun Gate/Dungeon runs and the House looks forward to seeing your progress!

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Welcome to our fine House!

The Iron Dragon Dragon Guild grows stronger with its newest Recruit and latest addition: Xhinedecandy

Welcome aboard! Remember our founding ideals and qualities and you shall do fine! x )

Legacy Username

hey i was woundering if i can join the guild im on t2 and i will follow all the rule

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
friend invite

hey there theoost. thanks for reading our post here. what is your in-game name? i will send you a Friend Invite and we shall work from there. xD

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
welcome Tinkin

The Iron Dragon Guild would like to welcome its newest Recruit: Tinkin

Welcome, have fun, and we look forward to your progress in Spiral Knights. xD

Imagen de Guardianknight
Welcome new members.

I have been away on vacation so I have not had the chance
to meet you or introduce myself but I am back from my
vacation and am looking forward to getting to know all of
you. I am happy to help in any way I can.

IGN The one and only, Guardianknight.

P.S. Feel free to friend request me.

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
1st Officer of the Iron Dragon

The House of the Iron Dragon recognizes and salutes its 1st Officer in its ranks: Guardianknight

Hip! Hip! Hazzah!!

Congrats and Good Job man. - Jumpy xD

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Tip of the Day

Hint: always check your Gate Map before standing on the Elevator platform in Dungeons or Party Lobbies. The Gate Map can be found in the 'gear' icon on top left corner of your screen. This way you can choose which Level you are going to play in the next Depth. Levels cycle every few minutes. x )

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Dragons can be girls???

Iron Dragon welcomes a female Dragon into the House: Miili

Welcome and good luck Recruit!

Guys, please be gentlemen and remain Honorable in your interactions. Miili is a fun and nice Knight.

Legacy Username
consider me *_*

out of all the guilds i have read on this forum the dedication of IronDragon makes me want to join. i'm tier 1.5 :D-}---<, but i can hold my own in purple danger zones. the only thing that keeps me from playing every day is energy.

IGN account: zaggnut
in-game: Zaggnut
forum: Zaggnut

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild

hi, hello Zaggnut! Thanks for reading our post and taking an interest in the Guild. Either myself or my Officer Guardianknight will send a 'Friend Invite' to you and contact you in Haven to see if you are an Iron Dragon at heart. Talk to you soon, Good Luck.

Imagen de Guardianknight
New recruit.

The Iron Dragon Guild would like to welcome its newest Recruit: Zaggnut.

I was able to take some time to do a snarbolax run with Zaggnut and
I found Zaggnut to be a very kind and enjoyable person to be around.
I hope you all will take some time to welcome our newest Recruit and
to be as helpful as you can in any way that you can.

Welcome to the Guild Zaggnut.

Imagen de Guardianknight

I would like to take some time to thank Jumpy.
Ever since I first joined this Guild, Jumpy has done everything he
could to help me get on my way.

The fact that you think I have enough Patience, Honor, and Integrity
to be the Officer of this Guild makes me proud to be a part of this Guild
and it shows me that I am accomplishing what I set out to do.

Thank you Jumpy for creating this Guild and working hard to make it
what it is today. I appreciate what you've done and look forward to
what's in store.

IGN The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Earned Rewards

Thank You Guardianknight...for being a good example of what i look for in gamers. It's not easy to find somebody that you can Trust to behave Rationally and Responsibly and who keeps a proper sense of Loyalty. I am proud to have you as an Officer, and also, as our very 1st Officer in the Guild.

I do not give out Trust and Respect.....these are things which are earned.

Legacy Username
The place to be

I think the best place to hang out is haven 3 not to crowded and not empity

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
where's my roadmap?!

Haven 3 is the place to be! xD

Legacy Username
Haven 3

What's wrong with Haven 3?


-its a uncrowded environment unlike an evil city.
as a guild we choose quantity over quality.......right?

btw: do we have anyway of communicating each other than this thread ?
And- does any1 have the recipe fire upgrade for the Brandish. its 3* sword and called Fireburst sword? :D-]---<

Legacy Username

hey would like to join the house of the iron dragon im on t2

Legacy Username

i would like to join the house of the iron dragon my game name is thezoost and im on t2

Imagen de Guardianknight

Hey, thank you for reading our forum.
Either the Guild Master (Jumpy) or me (Guardianknight) or both
will send you a friend request, within the next day, to find out if you're
Iron Dragon material. I'll be happy to go on a run through the clockworks
with you and get to know you better. I look forward to our meeting.

IGN The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Friend Invite sent to Thezoost

i concur with everything Guardianknight just said.

Hopefully catch up with ya soon Theoost zoost!

x )

Imagen de Iron-Dragon-Guild
Playing Times

Hello Members! Please post the times which you are most likely to be on and playing Spiral Knights, so the others have a good sense of when they can meet up with fellow Iron Dragons. Hope this helps some of you to meet up with the others! x )

Jumpy: Mon-Sun: either 8am-noon PST......or......10pm-1am PST

Legacy Username
I would like to join

I am a nice and respectable person I always can lend a hand to anyone I just started 3 days ago and am at tier two and am already starting to get some 3* stuff I catch on quick but I do still need some assistence in understanding the game and I think a good guild would be great to better myself in the game
My IGN is Usef-Berrys