Hey guys, I need your suggestions on which bomb line I should focus on...
Haze style bombs like the Shivermist Buster, Ash of Agni, and Voltaic Tempest
The Vortex style bombs like the Electron Vortex/Graviton Vortex
Radian Sun Shards
or are there any other suggestions?
I heard that all these bombs were good, but I'm not very rich, but doesn't mean I'm poor, I really need help on suggestions, I usually use a DA as my primary weapon, and Gigawatt/Silversix as the secondary weapon in some cases, I like to use bombs in some levels, cause its really easy and fun to use them. So, I really am hoping for an overall suggestion and a suggestion of a bomb that works well with the DA which i think is the Vortex style bombs.
First off, wrong forum section. This goes to The Arsenal
@OP If you are mainly bombing, Get a Nitronome first. Don't give a heck to what others say.
A support weapon for swordies would be the Vortexes. Shivermist, Voltaic and Ash of Agni are good bombs for any classes.
Radiant Sun Shards is more for bombers.
If you use DA, vortex is good, tempest is good, shiver may or may not be good depending on how reliant you are on knockback.