Traders Guild, a Fresh new guild in Spiral knights is looking for Ofiicers, and members to join and help this guild in achieving new hieghts.
We are a bunch of guys passionate about Spiral knights.We offer knights a place to learn, grow,have tons of adventure and loads of fun while getting rich at the same time.Never judge a book by its cover,dont go by our guild name, we are into clock works, lockdowns(tier 2 mostly) and shadow lairs also.
Guild Recruitment
Approach or Mail any of the Officers or Guildmasters, telling them a few basic things :-
The tier you belong to.
Your Age (we dont accept players less than 13 years of age).
Your Previous Guilds, either you have been kicked or left.
What you expect from this guild.
Guild Requirements
We accept tier 2 and 3 players only, tier 1 players are not invited into this guild.
The least level for a player to join is to have a half 3 star set.
Player age is the most important concern and since this guild has matures in it mostly we have limited the minimum age to 13+ , if your age is less than that then we are sorry we CANT invite you.
We expect our players to be moderately active , even logging in 2-3 times a week will be fine with us. But inactivity for more than 2 weeks will result in a kick.
There is a Special request, Since our Guiild will be starting monthly Shadow lair runs, A shadow lair expert or a shadow lair veteran is needed(other than me) to help and guide the players during these runs. For a complete info on what our guild is Please VISIT also since this wiki has been newly made i would like your comments on it,negative or positive :)