I like to inform you of a glitch that me and a fellow knight (Sunleaf) discovered today. We were just doing a basic trade, so I was buying a Volcano Pepperbox w/high dmg vs Gremlins for 153968 (all I had at the time). So I entered 153986 into my trade, saw the Volcano Pepperbox icon on the other trade (looks like Autogun but dark blue and turqoise instead of gold and gray), so I hit confirm. But nothing happened after awhile and suddenly the weapon icon was gone, so I asked him what happened to it. It was still there on his side and he told me about the "synch glitch" when someone has a bad connection, so on his side he saw that I needed to confirm the trade even though I already did before. So I hit confirm again and the trade finally goes through, but...
The Volcano Pepperbox DISAPEARED! I asked him if he still had it and he didn't, it just got lost. He got really angry at you guys (OOO), said he had enough of the game because of bugs and would retire from the game, then he quit the game.
I lost ALL my money (I had to grind all of it in arena ranked missions), he lost a 5* weapon, and you guys lost yet another player. I really like the game and want to continue supporting it but I really wish you guys would fix lame bugs like these and give me back the Volcano Pepperbox w/high dmg. vs. Gremlins I bought. Thank you!
If its just some guy you met in the game then you probably fell for a really cheesy scam.
You enter in the money and he enters the gun.
He then removes his gun and tells you about the glitch (scam starts here)
You make the trade and you dont get the Gun but he gets all 153968 of your crowns AND keeps his gun (scam ends here)