Im trying to see who has the most crowns or ce :P
most i have ever gotten:
Post the most crowns or ce you have gotten or saved up
I see through your Disguise, Rommil. You're not seeing my Crowns/CE.
175k CE
of course
no pics or anything. you're just gonna kinda have to like..... take my word for it and everything.
up-i dont think 175k ce is possible the limit is 99k ce i think
I hear someone bought a triple max wolver coat once for 250k CE
Hai people.
This is obviously me.
CE: 123k CE
Crowns: 2.2 million (currently waiting to buy CE when it drops)
Wait, Ranger, is that character the one you made after you decided to come back when you learned about moderation?
As one who is F2P, I hit 185,000cr a while ago (Albeit it went down for a SL run).
1.9 million crs as a free to play. buying and selling ftw.
I have screenshots, but I'm too lazy to find them. Meh.
The most I have ever saved is
Over 730kcr, <100 CE now, waiting for prices to drop a bit. (Had around 4k but used to upgrade stuff) Probably about another 200k or so worth of materials (down from over 500k) and a stack of recipes to throw on the market over the next while. :) Still got to UG gear to 5* but CE prices have me down.
Does what I had 2 months ago count?