Hi everyone .
I am not English but French and I want to talk about a subject that is important on the French server. As you have noted the price of crown'm just up, up, up. But the problem is that the new game we came trouble getting their stuff is Crystal have energy to do their craft. Already Vanaduke:
Before: 12K crown the whole descent.
Now: between 7.5 K and 8.5 K crown crown for the entire descent.
But almost nothing is more profitable for the crown of the game. Also there is not that Vanduke touching down on the crown, there is also the Jelly King and the Twin Towers. In addition they are in T2. then:
Jelly king: x 3 x per day down 1.8 K x 3 crown. And.
The Twin Towers: 3 x per day down 1.5 K x x 3 crown.
You can see that the price is not very profitable for 3 raid T2. But it is our fault if the price of crown'm just up. There (at that time) the price of crown is 8K crown for 100 Crystal energy. This makes for very expensive new came in the game. While there are plenty of means for making money also on the game.
But the other problem happens because of that they are beggars. They just break the candy high lv of your server as well as ours. Come also to comment on this problem I'll try to read.
On this ....
Sincerely, Oxcidium
"The Twin Towers"
...Should Probably change that to the "Roarmulus Twins."