Today's little patch is detailed here.
June 6th patch notes discussion

Yay, Eury didn't forget! :D
Question: will we have 5 spots for accesories on some armors now, because of the new "rear" spot?
EDIT: and yeah, I also want to see the music and Slag Guard's new look.

Looking forward to see the slag artwork upgrade ^^
If only barrel bellies could be classed as Armor Rear slots. My derriere gets sore sitting on the rough haven steps.

Uhm, so if a slag is accidentally pushed into the reviving stone and revives, it drops no loot from then on?

Now make me a platypus tail, so i can be a flying platypus.

Kind of disappointed. Oh well. Better luck next time?

Just to clarify, because someone already flipped a table about this on Twitter: this update is not intended as a major content release--it's just some small stuff that might as well be rolled out while bigger stuff is still being worked on.

When I saw the game was being updated, I rushed to the forums, hoping for accessible Crimson Hammer or the new "explosive content".
I was rather disappointed... :( I guess I'll muster up more patience and hope the next patch is better... but honestly, I'm a bit tired of waiting for new content. >.<

So that means we can have tails and wings? YESSSSSSSSSSSS
A quick question for you. Is the new Lockdown map, "Stadium", ready yet, or is it still in the works?

making that salt pile bigger is a good thing. lol. I can't tell you how long i looked around the first time trying to figure out how to open that silly door. my gosh. hahaha...
new music... sounds exciting. :D
I hope the developers create the new mission dlc very carefully, I would be very disappointed if it's not as good as Operation Crimson Hammer. And hopefully the rewards are great too! Oh and please watch about the crown payout for the new dlc, I was very very disappointed when I saw that the payout at Operation Crimson Hammer was sooo low.
+1 for more reasons to spend money in this game, -1 for all these haters (I'm sicking tired of them)

Does this mean you can equip both a tail and a wing on the same armor?

I wonder which selected armors will be granted with that tail slot and which will be left forgotten. I wonder how may will be able to enjoy having extra slot and how many will be letft with nothing because they use "wrong" armor.
"When I saw the game was being updated, I rushed to the forums, hoping for accessible Crimson Hammer or the new "explosive content". Lol what you expected? That they will release it after they announced it? That whole "anniversary" annoucment looked just like a list of things players want to see. So OOO basically put those things on the list and posted on forum (since it dont cost anything). WOW, everyone happy. Now for next year if anyone will mention something from the list it will be like "omg but OOO is working on it, stop complaining and just wait". Simple as that, put thing on public list and people will wait for ages for it...
@post above It means that armors (we dont know which) will have additional accesory slot. This slot will be meant for tails. While the annoucment does not say that it will allow to us to use both tail and wings if by a coencidence armor will have both back slot and this new slot then i think it will be possible. But really, how hard is to deduct it by yourself?

A++ patch, amazing new content, can't wait to try all the features.
Sarcasm aside, while I understand this is just a boring filler patch between major content, there are still quite a few things that I feel could have been addressed to alleviate the current economic problem -
8k+ crowns for CE. This is even after the constant nerfing of crown output. I'm assuming this is a combination of A) new players, most of which are F2P-only and B) absolutely no incentive to buy CE right now. The 15% or whatever is a terrible incentive and really only benefits the higher end energy packs. The massive crown sink known as Featured Auctions is not helping either, and probably at least partially because there has been ABSOLUTELY no variance since its introduction. There was one time with Round Shades, once with Toupees (please bring both of these back?), but other than that, always Volcanic/Prismatic/Divine Halos/Wings/Wolver Tails/Dapper Combos. Oh, and the costumes, which I'm surprised anyone buys. Adding lots of variety-rich items (uncommon styles for Wings, return of Toupees) would probably help quite a bit.
Just to clarify, I have not traded Crowns for CE in well over half a year, I buy CE and I am currently laughing all the way to the bank with this high amount of crown return I'm getting now, but I still believe this is a problem that needs to be addressed. Better CE purchase incentives and FAH variety, please.

Still no CE promo to lower those accursed prices?
Fine, back to League of Legends I go 'til something worthwile actually "rolls out".

inb4 vent ears/halo with valk wings and wolver tail.. Waiting for someone to make such an.. thing :V
Always these people which love sitting on the bags of companies...

Maybe we can have another Wolver Tail promo because of the new accesory spot? Even though I doubt it.

Anyone else here having problems with the download not actually downloading? Getting stuck at 2 or 3%?

Tail + vitapack/side blade = makes sense. Okay sure.
Tail + wings = makes less sense = Please please please don't do this. We have enough people with very LOUD accessories. You don't need to fill every darn slot you can find.

I'm stuck at 1%. The estimated time remaining is at 1 hour and climbing.
Edit: 2% now.

Mine is just going abnormally slow. Like 1% every 5 minutes.

"Tail + vitapack = makes sense. Okay sure.
Tail + wings = makes less sense = Please please please don't do this. We have enough people with very LOUD accessories. You don't need to fill every darn slot you can find."
Sypsy I think the issue is that you can only have 1 back accessory. So not just wings and tails are back accessories. Say you want wings and one of those blades. Well guess what you can't have both... now you can. There are more than just tails and wings in the game. If you don't like it then just don't buy accessories?

What the heck?
The patcher is saying 97% completed, and it started saying downloading data and the counter for how long it will take is counting up, not down. 0.O Right now it is saying 222:35. X_X Restarting patcher.
EDIT: now it is stuck at 0%, still counting up, and it is at 81:46 right now. Oh my! I think the snipes get stuck in the cogs this time.
EDIT2: It just jumped to 90% and 50 minutes. Maybe most the snipes left the system by now?

I'm stuck at 70% with 377 minutes remaining and my friend has 216 O_o
Maybe we accidentaly DDoS'ed OOO's servers?

Actually, you can't have wings + blades. They take the same slot.
Did you not read the patch notes? The new slot is only for the tails series.
The "plead" to not to do tails + wings is directed to the players. I just know someone is going to use volcanic dragon wings and a volcanic wolver tail and look like a hot mess. It's not about me using it, it's about me seeing it. ....And I partially say this in jest, I really don't get bothered by this.

Excuse me, I accidentally the whole SK servers.
Is that bad?

Surely saying it 3 times will make it work.

would appreciate it if the mods kept us informed on why it's taking this long...

82% and under 10 minutes left wooooooooooooooooooo!

Need more hamsters at the SK servers at the Amazon cloud.

Mine dowloaded normally. And Haven is full of people. It cant be just a bandwith issue.
So a few things:
1. I can't log into the forums with my steam account anymore (having to use my alt right now)
2. Game controllers don't seem to work anymore

I'm still not. Should I restart the patcher again?
EDIT: the counter IS counting down again. Let me see if it will work now.

Looking forward to hearing the new music, and what's coming that we are getting the back accessory slot split up for. :D
Yay you're bright and early this time!
Rather mediocre patch. None of the stuff everyone was getting hyped over.
Hopefully the new music should be good.