I saw taht quicksilver mail looks grey.. but that is only when you have graphics on low.. I guess its suposed to help with the lag?
Slag gaurds seem to be a bit slower in vana..
They have a new head piece.. what seems to be an Almirian Crusader Helm.
Slags also have a awareness radius. At first.. I thought my buddie was placing his volcanic tempest everywhere.. But it wasn't that, turns out it was the slags with a big circle around them so that knights can see where they are at and to avoid suprize hits? I kinda like this but it was a bit distracting :s
Yes you can now have wings with tail, i confirmed this while previewing in auction house.
Then theres the dreaded lagg O.O I get lag spikes and no its not my computer, (everything else runs fine) just SK
-Funny how there is a bunch of disconnected people in haven now xP
Oh also, some armor may look duller on low graphics.. Like the plasmatech costume for example