/puts hands on the table.
Ah, good afternoon, my good man. Please, take a seat.
I wager you're here to inquire "what is the meaning of this?"
Well, you know I have taken up a part time career in Spiral Spy, do you not?
And, well, the other day I was rifling through the Adventure Is Delicious archives.
"Angerday's starting a comic?" I thought.
I realized there were four SK fancomics now, two of them by people who started after I did. I was a slow learner, after all, so I shrugged and went back to my daily grind, pushing the issue to the back of my mind once more.
But the following day I saw a post on AiD. Here is an excerpt of the most important(to me) part:
Tovvok and Angerday have inspired me to make a comic too.. it looks really fun. o3o
Anyway this is small sneak at it, I’ll add a teaser comic later. :3
...I have no idea who posted it, but...another comic? That's it, I thought, time to get my [EXPLETIVE] together and make one myself.
But first I wondered, what should it be about?
Battles? Nah, the other comics had way too much of those already.
Then it hit me. It hit me like a stapler.
I decided on centering the comic on Dilbert-ish office humor.
Next I alighted on the last issue I needed to resolve before starting.
What should I name it?
"Hmm, lemme see," I thought.
"Nine to Five?" I said to myself.
"No, no, I think I have the perfect name for it now..."
Current ETA: Sometime In The Next Couple Of Months Or Something Like That
Is that all? Oh, good. Thank you for your time. Please accept these complementary salted peanuts.
Good day to you.
Also, as to "why two months?" it's because my computer is VERY uncooperative these days. Heck it's not so much a computer as it is a plastic shell containing a gigantic fustercluck of failed startups and unexpected shutdowns. It took THREE attempts to get this to boot up just now.
Also if anyone would be willing to help out and make a Devilish Drudgery map then that would be tops.
Also, rolecasting goes here. Making another thread would make me look too much like Happy. Uniqueness, everyone.
Only submit Devilites for the meantime.