Arsenal Expansion 1 4-27-2011

We are very excited to announce the release of our first Arsenal Expansion! Included in today's update is a host of new swords for you to craft. Get ready to wield the swift and elegant new Flourishes, which excel at locking on and taking down quick-footed foes. Or if you're looking for something a bit more explosive, focus on the newly extended Burst Brandish line whose ultimate form can create a series of three status-inducing explosions!
You can check out a preview of them here:
- Sixteen new swords have been added!
- All-new Flourish family of Piercing damage swords! Starting from the basic 2* Flourish...
- Swift Flourish (3*), Grand Flourish (4*) and Final Flourish (5*)
- Rigadoon (3*), Daring Rigadoon (4*) Fearless Rigadoon (5*)
- Flamberge (3*), Fierce Flamberge (4*), Furious Flamberge (5*)
- The Brandish family is enhanced and expanded!
- The basic 2* Brandish now has an explosive charge attack.
- The 3* Fireburst Brandish, Iceburst Brandish and Nightblade all have new appearances.
- The Nightblade's tooltip now correctly states that it deals Normal and Shadow damage.
- The Fireburst and Iceburst Brandish lines now do Normal and Elemental damage.
- All three of those sword lines now extend all the way to 5*...
- Blizzbrand (4*) and Glacius (5*)
- Blazebrand (4*) and Combuster (5*)
- Silent Nightblade (4*) and Acheron (5*)
- Clockworks level variety has been expanded.
- Fixed a bug that could cause twice the wolvers to spawn in wolver dens.
- Fixed a level exploit in Jigsaw Valley Emerald Axis 2.
- Trade chat is now limited to one message every thirty seconds per person.
Lastly, you may want to especially get your hands on a nice Flourish as a little snipe told me that something is coming that should complement them nicely.
Hope to see you slashing away in the Clockworks!