Ello dere everyone,Observantsecond here,and this is my first topic on the treasure vault.
What i am doing is making a little series of text called: The Striker Squad,this being Chapter 1 called The Striker Squad's Assemblement and Future.
So yeah,enjoy the tale,leave a few comments if you want,and if you liked chapter 1,stay tuned to Chapter 2! And NO,The Striker Squad is NOT
a real guild.
Hello there everyone. My names Johnny,but often people call me John. Today,i will give you the tale of our guild,The Striker Squad.
Here's how it all started...
At the year 2010,i met 4 friends that had some energy to make a guild,possibly 100 Crystal Energy per friend,and we decided what to do with this spare
energy. My best friend,Jon,said out loud:
I disagreed.
My other friend,Ted,said:
-Should we save it for some runs on bosses?
Well,that is a good idea,but we decided to disagree,and say to him that we should make it for something other then boss run's.
My 3rd friend said that we should make a guild.
I agreed,but then i asked what should the name of the guild be?
My other best friend,Manny,said:
-The Striker Squad.
I agreed on that too,and they decided to give me all of their CE for me to make the guild.
And i did just that.
3 weeks later,we were being a nice little guild,going on Jelly King and Roarmulus Twins runs. Here's what happened to the squad in these 3 weeks:
Jon,who has a little sense of humor,was a star-spangled bomber,being a full demoman,with 3* Demo equipment and 3* Bombs.
Ted,who had big gun reflexes,turned out to be,well,a gunner! He joined the rank's of our Spiral Gunners,and shot everything we could'nt reach,and he did it really fast.
My 3rd friend,who's name was Fred,was a sworder/gunner,using swords,guns and having a Gunslinger Hat as his Cap,and his Solid Cobalt Armour as his normal armor.
Manny was also a full gunner,being a backup for Ted if he was surrounded.
And Me?
I was anything of this. I could be a gunner,a sworder,a bomber,anything that i pleased.
But after that,it just got worse for us...
Here you go people,this was an extremely short chapter,but i promise Chapter 2 will be longer.
Some of you people might not like the tale due to it being completly nothing,but hey,i know that i will get negative comments.
Well,see you later people,and have a good day. Signed,Observantsecond