I'm trading TF2 weapons, metal, stranges and tools for crowns and crystal energy, my prices are in CE but will accept crowns at current market price as well. As an aside I will also sell any of these items for current tf2 metal prices as well Add me if you want to trade.
8500cr = 100ce
My steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/The_real_Jellyhead
My backpack: http://www.tf2outpost.com/backpack/7943
1 weapon (pages 1&2 of backpack): 25ce
1 scrap: 50ce
1 reclaimed: 150ce
1 refined: 450ce
- Flamethrower: 450ce
- Backburner: 750ce
- Wrench: 450ce
- Jag: 450ce
- Syringe gun: 90ce
- Bonesaw: 90ce
- Crusader's crossbow: 200ce
- Jarate: 300ce
- Syndey sleeper: 150ce
- Revolver: 150ce
- Ambassador: 900ce
- Conniver's kunai: 150ce
- Boston basher: 50ce
- Half zatoichi: 120ce
- Paint - Color of a gentleman's business pants: 150ce
- Paint - Mann.co Orange: 300
- Paint - Value of teamwork: 1200ce
- Gift wrap: 900ce
- Dueling mini-game: 150ce
- Name tag: 600ce
- Vintage blutslaughter: 90ce
- Ghastlierest Gibbus: 90ce
- Lots of old crates!! (i'll be giving these out free to anyone who trades with me until i run out of them)
I will update this list as I trade these items off, willing to negotiate prices a little or take other forms of payment e.g. costume items or accessories but please don't try to trade me with like 10cr :P