Chroma Tear
Blaze Pepper
Fine Fabric
Gel Core
Brute Core
Toxic Core
Unstable Core
Chroma Tear
Blaze Pepper
Fine Fabric
Gel Core
Brute Core
Toxic Core
Unstable Core
Chroma Tear : 1k.
Blaze Pepper : 3k
Fine Fabric : 750
Gel Core : 50
Brute Core : 500
Toxic Core : 500
Unstable Core : 500
Prices vary widely; there are a LOT of sellers. And the longer the game is up for, the lower prices will get. (For example, you could probably get fine fabric for half that price and a little patience)
>.> Sold a fine fabric for 1k earlier...oops?
Any price you see listed here by anyone is going to be a single opinion. Current range of transaction values is HUGE, because each transaction is taking place on a hidden, anonymous, 1v1 basis. You can't rely on a single poster's opinion of a price of a single item. You can't even rely on FIVE poster's opinions.
Quick example:
I set out to buy a Mug of Misery a little while ago. First offer was 3,000 crowns. I kept looking. Next was 8,000. And the next? 10,000. Do you want to know which person was the most adamant about the "true" value of his item? The guy selling at 10k. He just kept saying over and over again:
"But it's four stars! It's one of the most rare. I can't go any lower than that, I'd be taking a loss."
The very next person I talked to sold to me at 2.2k. I have no doubt that the other fellow could eventually find someone to take his mug at 10k, though.
My point is -- if you had been asking about the price of that mug in this thread, and only one of my potential vendors had answered, you'd be getting no clue about what things are really valued at. There will never be a stable, quotable price until there's some way to monitor a semi-large list of items up at the same time from competing sellers with set prices (WoW's auction house system, or our own energy market), or a way to see a list of recent transactions for an item (like FFXI's auction house). Either way, the transaction prices are no longer hidden and individual, but public and open .... which means that competition will be direct and fierce.
Price stability. Not to say that they're immune to manipulation (quite the opposite), but an auction house offers that in spades compared to what we've got now.
Until we have an auction house, try If nothing else, it offers a small baseline of buy/sell offers at certain prices, gives you a list to go off of for each item. Many people I've bought from in game have been perpetually overpricing their wares and been frustrated that they weren't moving, until I directed them to that site, and showed them how things aren't worth half what they think they are when shown just how much of it is available.
I don't think Gel Cores have any value at all. I tend to give them away when somebody asks for one.