Force Recon is a guild to be built around fun, team work, and skill. For the latter you don't have to be perfect but you must have tier two or three access. This means for 2* and above. Force Recon will be a guild where mutual respect is paramount and where trust /must/ be built. Our requirements are simple and are as follows.
Tier 3 knights will have to be proficient in all bosses, Tier 2 knights will be evaluated upon entry. Force recon will be a guild for mature players, 16 and above with /some/ exceptions.
Be active
Be friendly
Have fun
Try to hone your skills
And help your fellow guild members in need.
Nothing too complex.
Here's the application
In game name:
Tier access:
Core values: {Ie what kind of friends do you want, what do you expect from a team, and how can a guild serve you.}
My in game name is Faspecter, some of you may know me some of you may not.