Recharging station
Do, 11/25/2010 - 17:13
Legacy Username
Ok so, there would be a recharging station around the town somewhere.
You would pay X amount of crowns for X amount of time spent in the chamber.
Once inside the chamber, you get blasted with mist.
Then you come out with lets say.. fifteen more energy, per five minutes spent inside.
I added a chart to give more of an idea.
Time spent in chamber | Crowns payed | Energy Received
5 | 800 | 15
10 | 1500 | 30
15 | 2750 | 65
You can already trade crowns for energy on the exchange, and you get way more than 15 energy. (currently, it ranges from 2000-10,000 crowns for 100 energy)
One problem with your suggestion: it doesn't link people who pay money to energy generated. And since energy is how we pay for devs and servers, it's not a good idea to create a way to get the benefits of paying, without actually doing so.