My comments are short and simple:
Level of satisfaction: Overall I feel the levels are great, however the first level seems very long an uneventful, and the second level tends to bottleneck the character and cause problems with too many enemies in a small space. Puzzles and gates were very innovative, however, especially the bomberman-like button puzzle requiring four buttons to be pressed by statues.
Comments on levels (using tier 2 depths):
-mini-knights sound too much like a player when they die
-spikes did not work in an early d10 arena with miniknights and zombies (could have been a one-time glitch)
-camera zoom to the three gates dropping in d10 gives kamizombies enough time to blow
up on player, killing player
-final arena of d10 is difficult, but manageable. Very crowded and the miniknights are unrelenting.
Sometimes its hard to set up a good shot on the slag guard. Alternatively, bombing seems overly effective.
-there were two character summary screens where there need only be one. Do not print character
summary on the d10 to d11 elevator. On the d11 to haven elevator the character summary
-kamizombies are a little too manageable. Easy to pick off with shivermist or radiant sun shards.
-miniknights are far too weak, going down in three or four swings. Give them more defense.
-dreadnaughts make sense, very effective with zombie respawn zone. It is difficult to
fight off the zombies until the dreadnaught is destroyed, making the arena considerably
more challenging. This is a very good challenge, though.