So I have played 2 runs of the new "Danger Missions" that have came out, and I'm wondering- is it really worth it?
So far I have experienced hard difficulty for good looking rewards , but from personal experience the rewards don't seem to be as good as FSC. While this is T3 gear and such and I have no idea what T1 and 2 are like, as it stands T3's danger mission is almost as hard as the first few SLs right now, for less loot than FSC.
Maybe it's just because FSC has been played to the point where it's down to a science, and maybe it's just because nobody knows what to really expect from the danger missions yet, but the way I currently see it is that there is no real point to playing the danger missions right now due to less loot output to a run that is both faster and easier.
EDIT: I mean I guess it is new content so it's hard to complain but is there really a point? Danger mission seals for new weapons would be a cool thing I guess.
Sorry for the redundancy as well, I'm a bit sleep deprived.
Complain about lack of content.
Complain about too much cr in economy.
Complain about not enough cr in new content.