I should feel proud. The thing is randoms T2ers keep congratulating me on how good I am (not dying once in a whole run starting from the beginning of t3) all the way till vana. Then they leave me saying "bye pro" right at the battle with vana. After I try my best with Vana I try the new LoA with another random party (this time all T3 people). I would say I survived half way (thanks to other T3 ppl). I died alot. I said I did my best and had fun. I really love pushing myself to see what challenges I can overcome. I'm not saying i'm THAT good at the game. It's just the T3 ppl told me that I am horrible at the game. Aren't games about having fun? I'm only considered "pro" because I try really hard even in situations where I would die. So do I really play horribly? I am a team player? People say I don't contribute enough. I'm just really focused. I'm so confused.
Don't know if

What do you mean by that? I don't want to end up reporting all T3s who are being rude. If that's what you mean. Or should I purposely die in a few runs to not act like i'm showing off?

Just yell
They rage, you report them. They get banned and youd didnt do anythign wrong. They come back next day, they'll still hate you but will keep their mouths shut.

Solo to practice LoA to get a hang of the rooms / new monsters first! :3
The only real thing that has made a group mad is me shooting my gun at almirian knights and getting them to go shield happy. Right now, I am switching to status bombs, mainly for Venom Veiler and Ash in that last room. And because gunning is more of a soloer's thing :P
Then, once the new shard bomb changes go through, I'll be using Radiant Sun Shards (or rather, its new 5* version) and then (hopefully) it will be pure elemental so should be fun :)

I have no clue about these new bomb changes...post a link pleeeaaase?
If they are making RSS 5* and nerfing current RSS, I am going to throw my computer out the window.

its not a nerf..its a modification..... but i bet your omputer will fly if i told you its gonna become a cluster bomb, not a shrapnel bomb, and wont be able to hit with all them shards at the same time (in fact, they dont even do direct dmg anymore)... take a look urself... http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/58164
Ignore what people say regarding how well you play (to some extent). At the end of the day, it's really about whether or not you're having fun.