Besides Dodge,dont die and kill people -.- (when im STRIKER)
How do i dodge better?
How do i DIE less ?
How do i improve killing people more?
Also whats strike weave?
List techniques please? (specificly)
Besides Dodge,dont die and kill people -.- (when im STRIKER)
How do i dodge better?
How do i DIE less ?
How do i improve killing people more?
Also whats strike weave?
List techniques please? (specificly)
I don't want to type a lot, so I'll direct you to a vid I found a while ago.
It didn't teach me much because I'd been playing for a while when I found it, but I could imagine it helpful.... assuming you play with a flourish.
well hipster must have a good computer cuz i use acer computer from 2008 :3
Soooo i have lots of bug and when im playing it looks like a slideshow x3
It's all a mind game. You can try running below what they can see and they will asume you have run away and when they give chase you pop back up real quick with an attack. Feint attack gf/da users most will use second attack and that will leave them open for attack, unless they have super high asi so watch out for vogs. When there is a recon on the point don't just attack, attack a little off center in 2 directions with a flourish so taht you get most of the point, all recons are different but i would think most would hide away from the side they think an enemy will come from and if you miss them get off point by cotinuing they way your attacks would meet, If I was a recon i would try to get behind you and attack you from where you would run. For guardians have a gun? Boost to their attack range then back off and shoot them with their shield down, gf is good if you wanna take out their shield but a guardian can counter that eaisly so i would attack once shield and attack again then back away as fast as i could while equiping a flourish if they can counter then you can counter back effectively. If you have lag you will not do well, that's just a fact. Gunners will try to shoot where you will be so don't just rush in there try to get behind where they plan to run and shoot from, flourish is best. Don't forget you, might, have a gun so don't be afraid to use it when you run out of boost. Learn what haze bombs you can't run through. Go to where they recon will go not where it dissapreared. guns are nice for bombers but a sword will also do the trick. RSS will be your biggest opponent so learn to dodge it. Don't expect a bomber to only have bombs, flourish is a great way for a bomber to supprise a striker.
Though i don't know what you have i hope this will help.
On the topic of having lag and not doing well, it's true. On a 3 bar connection, it puts me at a severe disadvantage against those with a 4 bar connection, mainly because when I stop and back up, it hasn't updated on the server, so while I'm out of range on my screen, I'm still in range on their screen. A ping of less than 50 to Virginia would be ideal, since the servers for Spiral Knights are located in Virginia.
Sometimes I hate living in Alaska. -.-
You think you have it bad? What about those with only 1 bar connection, like myself? Lockdown/Blast Network is virtually unplayable for those that live in Australia/Asia.
Actually it is perfectly playable. I'm a gunner and I live in New Zealand with 1 bar connection as well. I usually get about 3k-5k of damage using ONLY standard guns, no UV's, in Tier 2 Lockdown. I'm not a kilowatt pulsar spammer either. Just need to get used to it. :)
Yes, the forums' search button can. Probably wiki's search button too.
I can do 21k damage with 1 bar connection!
Let me just tell ye, boyo.. it isn't impossible, make it possible! XD
Personally, I think watching Lockdown videos will help alot, then try it out yerself. I recommend looking for Blueflood's gunslinging through in Lockdown, and probably look most of the greatest swordsmans caught on video. (Too many to list, don't know who's the best, and nobody is. (^^;). )
Swish, swish, swoosh, slash, swoosh, slash, swirl, sit (on point), swoosh, shish, boom, bah.
Surprisingly, none of the above advice involves capturing points. Whïch is the entire goal of lockdown.
go recon. bring a mist bomb. when the enemy is busy attacking go for the point that is next to their base and haze spam the point.
OP asked for techniques, not strategy.
Anyone can capture an undefended point. Not everyone can capture or defend a contested point.
OP: Watch the videos on Spiral-Hipster's account. Unlike most LD videos which are just highlights, he records full games.
In lockdown, try not to 'spam' your weapon as it often may miss and leave you vunreable after your final hit which creates some sort of immobile animation. Instead, try to hit once, then move (prefferably behind the opponent, strike again, repeat for strikers), furthermore, if you 'want' to spam, but effectively get a TSB or SF (T2) or BTB or FF (T3) and learn the technique shield cancelling. Where a 'beat of a shield' inbetween attacks negates some animation side effects. Further info is on the wiki, search "shield cancelling".
BTW you looking for T2 or T3 tips?
T3 requires more dodging than T2
Thrillhaus, capturing should lie at the heart of whatever technique you use. For example: the advice given might allow the OP to chip away at an opponent over the course of a minute, but during that time, the opponent might drop- and capture- his point while the OP circles his opponent. Even if he got the kill, the net result would be bad for his team.
Good technique is about leveraging your strengths and finding a place where you can do the most good. Sometimes that's about killing, but often thre are other factors that strikers lose sight of.
And per your example: Hitting undefended points can be a good way to force the the opposing team to split their forces, and by choosing a good defensive position, you can then pick opponents off one by one. (either at the original CP, or elsewhere) Thus you turn an easy task into a way to contribute to your team and also create a favorable fighting situation.
- Swing sword to deal damage
- Use the boost to get through
- Recon Haze Bombers are dangerous
- Use bombs wisely
- Captures win games, not kills
You forgot Do a barrel roll and Use the boost to get through, Traev.
But seriously. If you're a striker, use the boost to get away or to surprise enemies. Or to cover crazy long distances. Whatever works for you.
Stick with an ally or two. This is not only effective, it's great fun if you're both bombers. My last LD games were played alongside another bomber in Merc Demo, she would use one bomb while I used another... dat RSS+VT. And the time when me and two others RSS-spammed the heck out of Frostbite's Base 2... ah, such good memories. Should be good for two gunners, two swordies, or one of something and another of something else, too. Try to figure out how to help your teammate best. If one of you is a Guardian, or both of you are Recons, this is especially effective. (Stealthy double team... what could be more deadly?)
You can also utilize this technique called "pulling a jempire".
How to execute:
1. Have a lot of CE on hand.
2. Everytime you die, press the revive button.
3. Presto! Youre back at the battlefield!
Do this in every Lockdown match, and you will shortly be on your way to becoming the next pro Jempire LD player!
Jempire doesn't CE rev that much. They just use the first few energy revs with their mist. First rev is 2 energy, second rev is 4 energy, third is 8 energy. With 100 mist, I can go through about 5-7 games, energy reviving whenever my respawn time is 15+ seconds. The excessive energy revs that you're describing only happen in either high-stakes GvG, or when there is a bombhead up for grabs.
@OP: I have a few hours of time available, so I'll post something serious. Do realize that I'm a Recon Hybrid (one or two swords, one to three bombs, and maybe a gun), so the tips may not be the best for Strikers.
- Don't be afraid to avoid combat. You aren't a coward if you do so. If you know someone is really good, don't be afraid to just run whenever you see them. No matter how good they are, they cannot be in more than one place at once. You can nullify some of the best players just by hiding in their wake, re-capturing whatever they capture as soon as they are off-screen.
- Be unpredictable. If you go through the same motions every time you fight, people will adapt and counter you. Also, people tend to have their own habitual counters to people. If you do things that a lot of people aren't used to, then you'll be able to throw them off and generally have an easier time landing hits.
- Loadouts. As you slowly gain new equipment that are good for Lockdown, create new loadouts. Make sure they are organized in a way that makes sense to you. This gives you a huge element of flexibility.
- Equipment. Lockdown is never going to be balanced because you can bring your own gear into the game. Lockdown has always been a fusion of skill and gear. Sometimes, you just need an upgrade. Make sure you have a good gun. Alchemers aren't a good sidearm for swordsmen (they are better suited for hybrid gunner/swordsmen). The Pulsar -> Polaris is (in)famous for its AOE and ability to shut down huge areas at a time. Don't indiscriminately spam it though, because people will begin to hate you (and good players tend to have their own tricks for dealing with Pulsar spammers). Worse though, if you do start spamming Pulsars, so will others, and then it will just spiral out of control. Sentenzas and Argent Peacemakers are good for countering Guardians, because you can capitalize on their slower nature (Good Guardians are also good at ripostes and counter-attacks when a striker charges in and tries to hit them with a sword).
- Use the camera angle to your advantage. The Camera is not directly overhead, but rather slightly slanted. Experiment with it in the ATH. In short, the camera angle allows you to see further to the north than to the south. Always try to approach a player (on a point most of the time) from below. You'll see them before they see you. By extension, if you're standing on a point, shooting a Pulsar at entrances, always cover the entrances toward the south. Good players will almost always come from the south.
- When coming from any direction other than the south, don't go in a straight line. That's the most predictable path to take, and by extension, the easiest to counter. Most of the time, you want to charge toward them, and then, when just outside of sword reach, turn and sweep in from behind. Most Strikers will try to boost out of the way though.
- Never forget your class. By this I mean, never forget the fact that you have a jetpack, or the ability to turn invisible, or the ability to shield. You don't want to engage in a slap-fight, where both players are just trying to spam their sword combos, in a race to kill the other player before they themselves are killed. Using your boost while your opponent doesn't will give you a HUGE advantage. Likewise with Recon Cloak and Guardian shield.
Please look up the definition of technique.
Conscious selection and application of technique to further a goal = strategy = what you're talking about.
How do I dodge better? Dash away/cloak/shield after hitting and being hit.
How do I die less? Heal when your health is down. In difficult fights, I make frequent trips back to my base.
How do i improve killing people more? Fight them more, it'll show you when to attack and when to dodge. Try to let them swing first then attack.
Also whats strike weave? Magic.
Always have at least 3/4rths of your boost bar when traveling, if you come across a person you can't beat, run away. (Try to go south so you can surprise them with a striker or a shot if lucky.) If you see someone you can handle, try attacking from a different side each time you encounter them, Flourish and Sealed sword have the longest range and are fastest so use those on strikers, boost a bit away after each strike to have them run into your hit. (Or boost past them and hit them from behind, just mix up styles and do what you like best.) When facing a guard, brandish and sealed sword are best, rather than use the same number of hits in a combo, mix it up and try to delay the time of your swings. (I've managed to take down some pretty scary guards by hitting them with a delayed final hit.) With recons, spam the first to hits of the flourish, or back away and shoot a gun at the point you should be on before backing up and swinging flourish. Try to remember how some recons move so you can better predict them.
Always travel with a team, if you're killed, head to the point with the most of your guys on it. Always shield after hitting and never do the full combo, bring along a gun like Pulsar or Blaster to get people who are out of range of the shield you should be placing down on the point you're on. Try traveling with either a charged brandish, a charged bomb, or while shooting two pulsar shots in front of you.
CTR IS AMAZING! Seriously, spam brandishes, spam bombs, spam alchemer charges, just let everything chase you, don't go to something unless you're invisible. Planting a bomb, sending off a few pulsar shots, then cloaking and hitting the target from the side is nice. But also just traveling with a team and deathmarking everyone is nice too, RSS and bombs like Voltaic tempest and Stagger storm are wonderful for aiding allies.
Sing the song "I shake my hair back and forth" while shooting and shake your gun, shooting two shots before shield canceling and repeating, this should make each bullet go on either side of you, meaning they have to do a large dash around or have pinpoint accuracy and go between the bullets straight at you (Which you would then hit them with a sword.) Shoot as a fellow guard who's in a fight if you're a guard as well, strikers that come close get hit and knocked back. (This usually helps but should not be done if the guard is fighting a guard or if your teammate is a striker fighting someone.)
Pulsar is area denial in a gun, so keep enemies out of paths, off of noobier teammates, and off of points. If a teammate asks you not to shoots pulsar at their enemies, don't.
(Some of my tips won't work with you and will probably not work against certain pros so just practice and try copying other people's styles while forming your own. It takes time.)
before i begin, you must first ask yourself if you lag horribly. i dont mean a few lag spikes here and there, but that the vast majority of the time, you have very low frame rates. if you lag that bad, LD will literally be impossible to be a juggernaut at. otherwise...
i'd recommend starting with guardian first. the reason is because you can take a few extra hits in order to learn the all important gauging of distance. once you learn this, you can easily evade attacks and counter-attack, and launch attacks without excessively endangering yourself. it is critical to know the distance of SS and pokey stick lines regardless of what class you are.
count the amount of hits it takes to kill someone. some people have more health than others, and most of the time they will have all the heart trinkets enabled. it will only take one fight for you to realize if this has changed because they changed their loadout or enabled a trinket. this is very useful in deciding what weapon to use and how much of a combo is necessary, and it can actually turn seemingly suicidal gambits into the safest thing to do, ie a double swing will kill the enemy, whereas one hit tap will allow them to regroup and counterattack. if you know they have more health than you and you have a very low chance of survival, go back and heal. they win the day but dont necessarily win the war - healing is typically faster than dying and waiting for respawn.
if you want to kill people more, its all about gauging sword distance and timing. this applies for every class, because the most common weapon will be swords. guns are also a threat, but i find that SK missiles are quite slow and therefore it is very easy to gauge if it is possible to dodge or not. gunners can effectively kill due to over-aggressiveness, but if you focus on dodging, they wont be able to easily kill you.
a few tactics:
use a sealed sword then quickly weapon swap to a pokey stick. attack/weaponswap/attack. this deals a large amount of damage in a short time and leaves you able to maneuver freely. it is more effective the more ASI you have and therefore harder to do in t2 cuz of the lack of trinkets and vog, but still decently effective.
you are very vulnerable while attacking, so attack and quickly shield cancel so you can respond to whatever the enemy throws at you. the fastest strikers are masters of tapping shield and attack and they are quintessential skills to LD. you can improve this anywhere in the game, but i'd recommend picking enemies who continuously attack and dont scurry around like groups of skellies. you are near optimal when all the skellies literally cannot launch attacks.
you can create a spearhead for yourself using a combination of weapons to break fortified positions. for example, if you're a striker, use pulsar to fire a few shots, and then boost into the shots. an attacker would get hit by your gun shots or be forced to temporarily retreat while you gain the initiative. be wary of how many shots you fire - emptying your clip is rarely a wise decision unless you have some kind of back up or the opponent cannot attack. you can also do this with brandish charge up.
gun fire can also work to limit the amount of space the enemy has to maneuver. if you notice an enemy likes to attack from a certain angle, lay a few shots from pulsar in those directions and then charge so that those shots prevent a favored maneuver. i find most people are at least adept at attacking from bottom because they are used to practicing it due to the camera angle, therefore get used to defending or counter-attacking attacks from the bottom side of your position.
if an enemy is very aggressive, you can use this against them. attack a few times and then retreat, using your gun to cover possible counter-attack paths. the harder this gun hits, the better; elemental statuses can also be very handy for this kind of tactic.
this is a bit tricky to describe, but one of my favorite techniques is to invite an attack at the perfect distance, measured by how fast your ASI is and how fast the enemy is moving. the sweet spot is to hit them the very instant they are in range, preventing any counter whatsoever. you then weapon swap to pokey stick, tap twice, swap to SS again and deliver another hit. weapon swap again to pokey stick. most enemies will die from the second SS hit, but in event they dont, you have the pokey stick out which A) is better in most situations even if he is dead, and B) if he isnt dead you can hit him again and he will most certainly be dead. you can handily destroy aggressive strikers in t3 but bear in mind that is heavily reliant on latency and ASI, you will need at least medium, which is what i pull it off with.
Swish, stab stab.