Skeleton gear is backwards
Ok, so I was able to tolerate the skeleton gear before. It had +curse, +fire, -stun if I remember. It shouldn't be like that but I tolerated it. Now it's even worse at -stun, +fire, -curse.
This is purely from a conceptual standpoint and not necessarily from a gameplay standpoint. However, with things like firebreak and drake armor already giving fire resistances I'd argue that this is also a gameplay issue too. Granted skele gear gives shadow defense and they don't but if you're just looking for fire resistance skele gear is not needed.
But here's what I mean. Undead usually grants you status protection at the cost of taking more damage. For instance zombies and skeletons don't need to eat or sleep or feel fear or anger (one may argue that zombies need to eat but it's more of instinct that causes them to want to eat and not because they need to). However they're weak to 2 main things: holy and fire. There's no holy element in this game (there are some holy weapons like silversix but it doesn't actually do "holy" damage). So it's kind of odd that you take LESS damage from fire in this game when you're wearing skele gear. If anything you should take MORE damage from fire. Also the reason I'm posting about this now is because they have a negative resistance to curse now? Really?
Skele gear should probably grant you resistance to things like curse, sleep, shock (frankenstein's monster was created with electricity), and maybe stun. I could see leaving stun out if you think only have 3 resistances is better. But then it should have a fairly negative resistance to fire. Wearing undead armor should be a tradeoff and the way it is now it's not.
Of course it'd also be nice if creatures actually cursed, put you to sleep, or shocked you more often to warrant this change. I've only seen one type of monster use sleep and shock. And I don't remember ever being cursed.
Edit: Lol sorry. My skele helmet gives fire resistance as an unique buff. Still, everything I said should still apply. I feel so stupid. QQ