I've been stuck on this mission for ages, and I just don't know how to beat it, I have a gunslinger friend with 5* gear and a swordmaster with 2*-3* gear. I usually go in wearing the Scary Skelly Mask, Suit, and Shield. I don't have any good elemental swords (suggestions?) so I go in with an ascended calibur and a Mk.II Prismatech. Help and suggestions on strategy would be greatly appreciated!
The Return of Ur, Help!
Awesome, I've got a twisted snarble barb so that should make things easier!
One common rookie mistake- especially for sword enthusiasts- is to run straight in for the kill. There are three rules to fighting devilites:
1. Thrown objects travel in a straight line. Therefore, you should not. (If you don't want to meet thrown objects halfway, zigzag to come at devilites from the side)
2. Fiends don't stand still, and neither should you
3. Devilites live on the server, and their reactions are instantaneous. You are human, and already at a disadvantage. Avoid anything that would further compromise your ability to react: don't use slow swords, and don't use combos that lock your controls while the combo/ reload animation resets. Swing, shield, dodge, and swing again.
Piercing swords aren't just great because they deal specialized damage to fiends: piercing swords are great because they're fast. This is especially useful when you run into greavers: a greaver can outrun you, but almost any sword swing will completely interrupt their attacks. Swinging fast means that they never have a chance to overcome the initial interruption.
That mission is heavy on fiends, right? So you want piercing weapons, not elemental weapons. In particular, the piercing swords are awesome.
As far as tactics go, try doing one swing, then shielding/dodging. Repeat. Combos will often get you killed against devilites.