Honestly, I need to get another group together and try to try this again. Even with infinite CE revives, I was unable to complete it with how much I was dying so much. I only got halfway through the first depth before giving up and getting annoyed.
Enemy placement:
The Nuclear Lichens: These were my biggest threat of everything. Once ignited, these became the biggest threat out of anything else that could have been on the battlefield. I am not fond at how much these things swarmed me and not to mention how fast they moved. The dash the Nuclear Lichens do, which spawns about 3~4 Oil spots/panels are a major hazard if they catch fire. I do not like seeing three lichens spawn, swarm and suddenly there's fire all over the place which makes me die. This seems to be the case for my depths the most part. The fire also obstructed my view. I'd post a screenshot but that would go against Three Rings' request for not posting Screenshots.
Additionally, the oil spots/panels that the Nuclear Lichens spawn are often all over the place. You can't take two steps without being poisoned when in a small area fighting these lichens. If you ever enter an area where you are required to fight a wave of enemies, the area in which you are fighting is small and full of poison spots from Nuclear Lichens and Nuclear Lichen Spawners alike. Too many Poison Spots/panels is my gripe here. I would like to see less of these Nuclear Lichens and Nuclear Lichen Spawners spawning these Poison Spots/panels.
While I did like a clockworks feel to it, I'd ALSO like some areas bigger and enlarged significantly to account for avoiding the poison spots/panels the Nuclear Lichens produce.
Deaths are too cheap and too frequent in this map. Having Poison inflicted is definitely hap-hazard and when it does happen, when hearts or some health capsule spawn, they are unable to be used. Having Fire inflicted is just a kick to the face as it does more damage if you're poisioned.
Three Rings, you aim for a challenge that is fair and not cheap. At the current moment, Compound 42 is FAR from fair and is more cheap than Legion of Almire. I played Compound 42 both solo and in a party. While I was in a party with a few other friends, even my friends said that they couldn't get through the immense amount of fire and speedy Lichen swarms. Please do something to rectify this and make it less cheap for our community players who spend $9.95 or more to simply get on the test server. :)
I can imagine this reaching the real servers and everyone reviving at least 3 times to simply complete this mission. Even then, I don't think it would be completable then.
Level Review soon to come...