Bomb review

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As most everyone here I don't have access to T3 so I opted to take a full bomber loadout of these new bombs into the T3 version of the new danger mission. I was in full mad bomber gear with a dmg and ctr trinket so I had max ctr/dmg.


-I like the look and intended function
-I like the variety of damage types
-Initial shown blast radius is only for the first blast


-Blast time between 1st and 2nd blasts is too long
-Radius feels too small
-Although damage seems on par with other 5* bombs I feel it should be buffed due to how small the radius is

As I ran through the T3 C42 mission I compared these new bombs with the DR, RSS and Nitro. All bombs were unheated but with gear and trinkets all bombs were at max ctr and max dmg all bombs were tested against oilers. Nitro dealt 166 , the DR did 51 per hit, the RSS current form did 86/shard, the new 5* ISB did 86 initial and 102 secondary, the 5* dark matter bomb did 86 initial and 116 secondary, the the 4* dark matter bomb hit 79 initial and 107 secondary, last the 4* crystal bomb did 46 initial and 63 secondary.

Initial inspection of damage seems on par with the 5* bombs compared. I was let down when I compared the damage of the current RSS and the 4* crystal bomb line. We were told that the shard damage of the new bombs would be on par with the current RSS but looking at the RSS that hit a T3 oiler for 86 per/shard and the 4* crystal bomb (elemental dmg) hit for 63/shard. The crystal bomb as a whole did hit harder if you could manage to hit the enemy with both the initial and secondary explosions which rendered 109 damage. The reason this lets me down is the new bombs have the radius of a 3* bomb and not much extra dmg to compensate, a mechanic change like this gives the impression that I should be able to run in drop a bomb and get out while doing some massive damage. Since this is not the case the bomb, while fun, is not very useful.