Hey people, I'm Marvelrock and I'm recruiting members for my guild which I'm currently in Pandora's Lockbox. We are currently 18 members so here your chance to be recruited. p.s We are a very active guild and you bound to have most of us on.
1. You must at least have 2-star or higher equipments. Lower we can't accept you into the guild sorry.
2. You must be at rank 4-1 or higher.
1. Respect everybody in the guild please. Otherwise you will be kicked
2. If you need help on a mission just ask we do all we just to help you.
3. Don’t beg for crowns or energy. It's ok to ask but if want it so badly earn it.
4. Also have fun playing the SK and being in our guild. We are very friendly and I'm sure you get along with everybody =)
If you want to be recruited PM or ask these users
Fablousfae (GUILD MASTER)
Air-Force-Prox (MEMBER)
Batmanrocks (OFFICER)
Gabee (MEMBER)
Havokdabomb (MEMBER)
Jeonggyu (MEMBER)
Lgzero (MEMBER)
Marvelrock (me) (MEMBER)
Malveenya (MEMBER)
Manhuntery (MEMBER)
Viega (MEMBER)
Samur-Pie (MEMBER)
Airborns (RECRUIT)
Bragak (RECRUIT)
Narksthebrave (RECRUIT)
Zergopnik (RECRUIT)