Well, I started doing a let's play of Spiral knights, Not TOO great at it, But I hope I can entertain Some of you with it. :D
In general, I speak about Amusing things while being blown, or blowing everything up... from the very start.
Things being discussed:
- Pie bots.
- My inability to properly end Videos on time.
- A voice that's stalking me
- The laggy first levels.
- Rhendon being a Wimp. :P
- Bosco having a UV symbol on his HAT. No really!
- My Wailing and flailing as I'm about to die.
- Kora's annoying Voice
- The Duckface'd Knight at the rescue camp.
- My ceiling.
- To nuke, or not to nuke Children.
...And other odd things that happen to come up at the time.
I've attempted at doing only one other game... it was tooo sloooow for a LP, so I ditched it Fairly fast. I'm planning, on doing several other games, But I've been to lazy to start them, heh.
I do upload fairly often, usually an hour or more total, But youtube is slow at loading them, som sometimes it takes half a day just to get them up. @-@
Anyways, I'm hoping you'll like them.
To note: Formatting Guide For the Win!
As a member of Something Awful's Let's Play board (read: where the idea came from), I know what I'm talking about when I say let's playing an MMO is nearly always a bad idea due to the endless, grindy nature of them. Unless you advance in tiers ungodly quickly, you will soon run out of fresh material for your viewers. But if you want to go through with it, here's a few pointers.
- Don't voice-act text. Give the viewers enough time to read it (read through it twice yourself to make sure.)
- Try to stay on topic and be informative.
- Edit the videos so that all tedious parts (i.e. waiting on elevators, loading) is cut.