Feedback on the Shards
Now I've been testing for 1-2 weeks now and I've been experimenting all over the place and exploring, since this was my first time actually entering the test server and writing feedback. After I've gotten used to everything, I decided to do some testing and been thinking about how I should explain myself during this thread.
I am a player, who is very familiar with all 3 gameplay styles (Swordsman, Gunslinger and Bomber) and I do enjoy all 3 of 'em, though Bombers haven't been treated too well when it comes to their overall arsenal in my personal opinion.
These shards are very fun to use and are quite versatile, for there is a shard bomb for every damage type as well as 2 weaker bombs, that have special damage bonuses towards 1 enemy categories and a status each. In this case, Vs. Fiend Very High and Vs. Slime Very High with Stun and Shock respectively. The damage of these shards is low, but understandable to me, because these shards can hit 3 times if placed correctly allowing it to deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time.
While there are good things about these bombs, of course there are downsides. Downsides that decided whether they are good enough or not. The radius of these bombs are rather small, having around the same radius as the Big Angry Bomb or smaller which is definitely not a good thing. The shards also take too long to explode, making kiting and dealing more damage harder and making bombs like Nitronome and Dark Briar Barrage much better choices, due to their shorter fuse time and bigger radius, especially if the enemies happen to avoid the first explosion of the shard bombs and stand in the middle where the shard explosions wouldn't hit them.
Overall, these bombs are enjoyable to use, but whether they are useful or not is a different story. These shards at the current state they are in are just outclassed by other bombs. The haze-bombs are better at delivering status to the enemies, due to their huge radius and still able to pack a punch, Dark Retribution is better at kiting and does more damage per second, Dark Briar Barrage and Nitronome have a better radius and the fuse time of all these bombs are shorter too, etc.
I hope this was good enough for my first feedback thread and I appreciate you taking your time reading this. Thank you.
~ Alpha-Puppet
P.S. I am from Portugal, so I apologize if my grammar is a bit flawed here.