Obsidious's Heart of Ice Review

So I just re-ran Heart of Ice the second time after it had been updated, and I gotta say, HOT DAMN that was nice. Although there a few minor things, I overall loved this mission. The Fiendish Memos are something that gave me a kick, and this is probably the most lore filled mission there is; and that's good since we know, or knew, barely anything about Devilites. Also, Harry Mack strikes again; the boss music is definitely very fitting.
Difficulty wise, it definitely gave me trouble during the 2nd level, with the first being merely a warm up as intended. That said, I'm not entirely sure of the gate behavior on the last encounter on the first floor. Killing a Howlitzer opens the corresponding gates, yes, but how does it close; I've see howlitzer's spawn and the gates remain open. One or two times I killed a Howlitzer, only to have the gate close again after another swipe, but that was only once or twice. The point is that I'm not entirely sure of the mechanics of those room beyond opening the gates, though this honestly isn't major issue.
Regarding the heart boxes before the 'Stadium' area, I believe there's a hidden spinner switch to open it, but I'm not sure if it consistently appears. On my first one, I destroyed a 3-hit block near the party button for the 2nd Fiendish Memo, and found nothing; 2nd try, I got a switch. I assumed this is random, but a friend of mine was doing a separate HoI at the same, and he said he couldn't find the switch anywhere, either at the memo room, or on the block that was in a square barricade with two devilites. Pointing that out in case that's a bug.
Now the boss fight itself. Although really cool and nice, I've noticed a couple of issues. In particular, the 'Skolvers' (Bear in mind I was soloing this), will sometimes idle in the corner rather than teleporting about and aggressively attacking, which seems really odd. I usually have to attack them to get their attention when I've been far away from them for so long. Also, there seems to be times when Maulos's attacks have absolutely NO affect on me when they clearly smashed right ON TOP of me. This was especially noticeable when I was directly at the intersection point of two ice lines, as I was simply standing there, whispering to my friend, while Maulos's mace was constantly smashing away at me...with no effect. There was even a point that I underneath the his arm as he smashed and nothing.
Could be a hitbox issue due to the ice blocks.
As of now, it's difficult for me to gauge...difficulty wise. It was certainly tough to solo, as I died about 3-5 times before Maulos, but I normally work with parties. Still, the difficulty seems proper for the most part, though like some have stated, I can see the boss being upped a notch for parties.
Speaking of that, a suggestion. While others have certainly stated to increase his health, when I see Maulos, I actually expect to do LESS damage with a full, frontal attack, where else he's more vulnerable from behind; much like Arkus in The Silent Legion. This could overall make him tougher, and place more strategic work for parties.
That is all. Keep up the great work.