Hey guys it looks like Harry finished Boss 2 for us and i heard it play during the Mini-boss fight in 42, it sounds amazing! So for those of you who have yet to hear it i've uploaded it to YouTube for you all to enjoy! =D
Here you go everyone!
I like it a lot Harry, hope you got new tracks coming in the future.
Harry Finished Boss 2!
O.o But in the Clockworks Confidential, didn't Harry say that Boss 2 would never be put in the game?
Maybe I'm just getting old. ._.
Anyway, trying to play Boss 1, the origional Boss 2, and the new Boss 2 all at the same time so they're synchronized. SO AWESOME.
BTW, this is the origional Boss 2, apparently. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HISs7PAzMVQ&feature=related
Harry replied to this question.
Doctorspacebar asks: I'd like to ask, did the rest of OOO tell you what Boss 2 is going to be for?
And answered it like this.
No, just Nick.
Honestly, the file you’re listening to is an experiment piece not fit for public consumption. It’s an unfinished song that will never get put in game as is, so consider it a collector’s piece that only the coolest of cool know about.
He said AS IS, so the old boss 2 wasn't completed, and since you can hear the old boss 2 chunks in the current release one can only assume he finished the work and its on par for release by his terms :v Im curious is if someone could mesh all 3 together and make it sound nice.
Now if only the game would finish patching so I could play, its been GODDAMN HOURS, HOURS!
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