What is the most over powered weapon you can think of in spiral knights? Ranging from Lock down to missions.
OP weapons?
Currently, RSS is likely best weapon in terms of cost per use; It costs roughly half as much as most 5* items, and is better than many. This is likely to change in 2-3 days however. Its also very usable in PvP atm, although I'm going to mainly only focus on PvE.
The best overall disregarding costs would have to be the electron vortex. It sucks in and traps mobs, and is usable to clear out most situations of mobs easily. Not many players have it due to the high cost to produce such a weapon.
Other weapons are still relatively OP, especially when you get to know how to use them; blitz needle is usable on most enemies for instant kills on the charge (and also has greatly reduced costs), shivermist buster is a good keystone of many strategies while most of the other status bombs can be used to clear out most arena like situations with ease, the brandish lines have incredible DPS and an amazing charge, alchemers can be used to richochet inside of enemies on the charge while firing incredibly quickly when switched out after every shot, having dark briar barrage is a winning condition for all fights involving only beasts... there are more, but I won't go on.
Keep in mind that these do not deserve a nerf, with the exception of RSS, which SHOULD be moved to 5*, keeping its same damage... a nerf in crafting price, not in damage dealt. They are only OP compared to normal weapons, and even then its more of "are mildly op once you know how to use them".
A brandish. They can deal status affect, they have great knockback, & there is no penalty in using them. You are very flexible with them. Did I mention the damage is great too? Heck yeah! Hell, there's no need for a party as long as I'm carrying my trusty Game Master weapon, my sexy brandish the Combuster!
I am referring to the charge & it's UV on ultra, VH, or max.
WRH so easy to dodge... I get overjoyed when people swap their toothpick for the hammer and think, "ohhh! Free kill!"
-Warmaster Rocket Hammer (5*); Ridiculous in LD since it only deals elemental damage and is an overall heavy weapon. Also ridiculous in PvE where turrets are a joke and other big enemies (Trojans and lumbers) are ridiculously easy.
-Polaris (5*); In LD it IS the most hated weapon since it is medium speed and shoots massive balls of pure elemental damage that also cause shock which cuts off choke points. Also good in PvE I'm the sense that it deals with almost anything at long range since it's knockback will keep then at such a range.
-Brandishes (5* versions); In LD they don't get too much use but can do a fair amount of damage with their charges. In PvE, they are so good that pretty much everyone has one. The easy to use and powerful charge attacks make quick work of anything. The elemental ones also inflict a status effect that usually helps to survive and kill more enemies.
-Radiant Sun Shards (4*); The bombers' swiss-army knife. This thing is a must for any successful bomber. Dealing Peircing and Elemental damage, it causes tonnes of mayhem in LD being able to bring down practically any enemy. In PvE, it acts as an incredibly powerful multi-directional gun. It's damage types allow it to deal a fair amount of damage against almost everything, making it one of the most useful weapons in game.
Don't forget support bombs. The shivermist buster makes otherwise impossible levels seem trivial: it immobilizes fast enemies and extinguishes the fire on oilers.
Likewise, the venom veiler makes it possible to solo room 3 of arenas, and is apparently quite the worthy item for guild vs guild lockdown.
Remember me? :D
Anyhow. I don't really think there are any overpowered weapons in the game per se, but there are a few underpowered weapons, e.g. the Ionized Salt Bomb or the Cautery Sword. Popular weapons include the Divine Avenger, Polaris, Radiant Sun Shards, and the various Brandishes.
In PVP: Polaris and Haze Bombs
In PVE: Depends for each class. There is no OP weapon much, really.
In GMVP: Ban Stick
You must be new.
Also, this belongs in Arsenal.
And there really aren't any OP weapons, though Blitz may count for PVE if you decide to stack everything on it. (DMG and CTR)