So i previously had a sun shard bomb (i didn't rage craft the day of...) and have received a 2 variant ticket.
I want to get some ASI on a magnus i have, so i only need 1 UV. Should I:
-Attempt to sell the ticket, and just get a single variant ticket
-Use it and hope i get lucky
-Craft another magnus (unbound), use it, and sell it if i don't get what i want
Use or sell UV ticket?
You'd probably need a lot more than a ticket to get the UV you want tho, because you are at the mercy of Random Number God, and she is very wrathful. I used my one and only 3 variant ticket and got 3 lows - slime, beast and ASI on my Combuster.
Best method of obtaining UV: rage craft the 2/3* version. I'd say sell the tickets, but not right now. Many would be selling too and the price won't be ideal.
except to add second UV to an already Uved item (that you're happy with). Sell it and buy multiple single tickets instead. Yes, the price of the 2-UV will rise somewhat if you wait, but so will the price of the 1-UVs that you want.
Evilnut, I can't fathom why you'd roll a triple on a clean item. Also, ragecrafting 3*s is more expensive than using 1-UV rolls.
Erm, ah, I see you received it from the bomb you had for awhile. Don't know if one roll will do it for you, but with 2 at the same time, you can increase your chances for that one ASI. I've heard people getting great UVs on the first try even, and it's not just a couple of them.
That's an interesting choice, I'd probably do it if I used it a lot. Depends if you want to get something else I guess. It is hard to get something good on the first try, but then again I've heard numerous people get great ones on their first try. But I'd probably get a lot of single ones in case first like they said cause you're probably not going to save a lot and wait for someone to sell it.
As for the weapon itself, I've turned my Magnus into a Callahan back in Sept or Oct, and got an ASI med over it. I don't think it's noticeably different in faster animations but one guy said he noticed how I shield canceled faster. But it just sits in my inventory, cause I picked this as my choice of weapon before blitz or fang of vog against with Vanaduke among others like Catalyzer and Pulsar lines(just wanted to be different from all the AP users), it turned out okay; had one teammate that thought the battle turned out rather okay to his standards. I've brought it back out for Heart of Ice, but I'd probably prefer using my AP or Magma Driver for fiends and howlitzers. But it is a neat weapon to have, and I know a lot of people feel better when using it as it takes a bit of skill to use like the alchemers, and the satisifaction you get with its radius against groups, a plus if the status effects hit. I just wonder if there really is gonna be a buff update on it later on. I like the ASI Med since it was same UV I got on my first gun, the Blaster, which was Low, Callahan being the 2nd in a row. Just gonna keep that as a momento just like the crappy Neutralizer Beast VH I had, as well as the Beast High Crystal Bomb I crafted on the day before the update to remind me of that bad day I had.
I think these ones are cursed.
Beast and gremlin dmg bonuses.
On elemental alchemers. :(
Sooner or later you might want to roll 2 UVs on something. It's a matter of time. But do you need the crowns right now?