oh shut up. -_-

How does one 'make everyone a hard time'? Do you use flour? Or maybe ecto drops?

@Rangerwillx I'm not the guy who realized that people should not take action of humanity brainwashing.
@Aplauses MAKE ME
@Grise(whatever I didn't see yer name properly) fixed

Hey nerd, why do you keep talking? I think it's a bad idea to think you can get away with getting others banned while you think your account gets protected. That's just bad policy, you're trying to be the 'aggressor' here without actually doing anything really, and in all likelihood, you've probably never had a good health history.

I've been called a nerd to by other players on here. I told a guy to hold a toasty vitakit for me while I go to the vendor and get some more cr. He sold it to the next person in less than a minute when I got back. When I got p'd at him, he thought I was a troll, and then later he said he had another one to sell, and I told him I had my pride to keep and no thanks. And then he called me a nerd. I only call people nerd when I need to bring them back to a social reality stratosphere, and stop this nonsense that certain nerds are cooler than the rest of the nerds, or compared to jocks. If you're gonna praise yourself of wins and such, at least do it like regular competitive people and do it with class, or is that a bad thing?

I know, i'll stop all the conflict, controversy and distasteful discourse by screaming & shouting expletives at everyone. That'll be sure to work! The poor gramar is just icing on that lovely peace cake.
someone's got a lot to learn about peace making.

"humanity brainwashing."
So I'm not the only one who knows the truth about Nj..
I was going to make this thread, but then I realized people would repeat this one.