8% is the total of a full Merc set. They give 4% each.
Mercurial Set - doesn't really make a difference

(Sshh, can't you see I'm trying to help him here? If they don't get ripped a new one early on, they stay too nosey and keep thinking it's ok to just go join discussions without reading a fraction of their posts. Also, I really can't stand people with Lockdown arguments.)

And I like to ignorantly assume that the MSI makes a difference 8D

mercurial demo, yes
mercurial, yes
black kat, no
serious, black kat is powerful enough by itself

merc demo, no
mercurial, yes
black kat, no
Merc demo is so that you can charge a bomb and run as fast as your teammates, not so you can be uberspeedy. Also makes mercurial really really useless... Pierce defence is already pretty useless and merc demo has bomb damage increase...

+1 to all of post 53.
The amount of people I have to put up with that are like this XD I couldn't even escape them on my extensive Dual-Wield discussion thread.

uuuhhhm... I agree with your opinion on the merc demo's intended purpose.. but;
It doesnt actually even let you run as fast as teammates while charging a bomb. You STILL manage to move a bit slower. In a word, to OOO: Fixplz
I don't think your time is that valuable anyway if you're on here in the first place. Don't worry I don't intend to stay in this thread. Thanks for the reply.