It is EoS. Njthug is OBVIOUSLY Eurydice, as we all know so well ;). After everyone knew that Eury is Nj, the supersecret guild tried to take attention from itself for making a cake and cookies party...For themselves. All the pieces are falling into place now!
We all know the supersecret guild!
Yep! My super secret alt name is [redacted]. Nobody would have ever guessed that huh? :D
Just a thought, not like the thread is in need of a bump, but a new topic seems wasteful.
Even if Eury walked up to me ingame, slapped me with a fish then the ban stick, and then yelled "I AM NJTHUG" I still probably wouldn't believe Njthug is Eurydice.
I'll believe it when I see them posting from the same IP address.
I'd choose the second part of the comic. Because I am suppose to be a medievalian characteristic.. (part of my dreams)
That guild is all they have! Have pity on the poor guys.
It's only a matter of time before people realize that we removed the RSS to mess with everyone.
hey choobski...are you implying that you are a GM in disguise? by saying the RSS thing?
Well EoS sent OOO a cake, why would they send themselves a cake? That makes no sence!
The cake is always a lie, haven't Portal taught you anything? :P delicious. I am jealous that Njdice or is it Eurythug? Got more than I did.
Yes. Echo of Silence is the super secret guild; you can tell because silence is all you hear when everyone asks OOO questions about the game and we're all second accounts.
Also everyone is my alt.