I have just started a new account after a little "hiatus" away from playing Spiral Knights. It seems like they've updated it and it looks a lot better, so is the game play. But here is my problem:
I'm in the Rescue Camp and Rhendon has just given me the Mission "Securing the Camp". But every time I go to click Start is says in the chat box: "Insufficient Energy". Can somebody please tell me how to fix this or what's going on?? My energy bar on the bottom-right isn't showing up either if that helps...
...that is odd, I'm pretty sure that mission isn't one that actually uses up any energy.
You should probably report it as a bug in game, since that isn't something I can help with.
Normally the obvious answer would be that someone has played and run out of mist, but given that it's a new account and you're still on the non-energy missions, that should not be an issue here. :U