Who is selling 14 trinket slots price arranged to block and reduce the price for them at the AH, just like they game the CE market?
Trinket Slots

I'm sorry but what.
Dude, have you never looked at the buy option? It goes right to the cheapest, and right now, getting one is cheaper than buying 100ce.

Normally the price has tracked the price of CE very closely, but recently people are posting up a block of auctions, all same low price to force the price down. But I mean, who keeps 14 trinket slots around just to do that?

Force prices down? Probably not.
Unable to sell them on the market easily, and therefore will sell them to recover their costs while taking a hit on profits? More likely.

Syp said it all, I can't count how many times I've sold things cheap in bulk so they will get bought quick

aaaaaaaaand: scene! That's a wrap, people. Good job out there today. /thread

this is like the guy I saw in haven crying because someone decided to sell their cooling cell for 200cr instead of 1kcr.
Isnt this a good thing?