Nick used to do "What in development threads" that I really enjoyed reading, because it gave us some SK news. It has been so dead around here lately I really have no idea what is coming next. Except the interview that nick had which revealed a new 4th danger mission. Anyone have any light to shed on this.
What happen to Nick's monthly update threads?
They're still working on stuff from the last "What's in Development Thread". Namely: guild updates, more danger missions and some super-secret new combat mechanism.
Can we have old RSS back please? Or at least a statement from you regarding the voices from the community that your decision to remove needs more careful deliberation?
Really? Are we still going on about the RSS? The old one is gone and never coming back. Focus your attention on the things we have now.
Just a few people who do not understand the severity of the decision, or people who setup petition (which they should know from history it does not work on Three Rings), it does not make the problem go away!
The problem is still here. It is the problem that people are voicing after. Nick please respond to queries from your P2P customers.
Eh, I actually kinda like the new Shard bombs. Before someone goes "you're just saying that because you've never played with the old RSS and aren't even a bomber!" and other assorted statements, let me say this: I did use the old RSS months before the changes were announced. Heck, I regularly did Vana runs as a bomber just so I could spam the darned thing and clear rooms in the second level faster than some swordies xD
I do dislike a couple of things about the new shard bombs, though:
1. The damage they deal is pretty meh even with Mad Bomber Mask and Suit, so I think it wouldn't hurt much to buff them a little (please? :3);
2. The knockback they have is just annoying. I know it's there so the initial explosion pushes the enemies towards the shards, but it makes it so much more dangerous for bombers to spam the bombs without having a mob pushed against them. =/
Anyway, to get back on topic: I never knew Nick used to make that kind of thread (I only come to the forums very rarely), but I'm guessing they're either busy with stuff from older updates or they just got tired of having a good part of the community foaming at the mouth and flaming them non-stop with stuff like "You have time to work on this but you don't have time to fix bugs that have been plaguing the game for god knows how many updates?!"
At least I think it's that. Can't be sure though, as I doubt that I lurk the forums regularly enough.
What happened? I feel like quitting, nobody knows what the heck is happening.