You are talking out of your butt, he never mentioned he doesn't want spend money, all he mentions is stuff that isn't a real problem if you actually want to spend money. In the end F2P just don't want to look bad so they circle around the issues and make up stuff. Don't trash talk the society when you're contributing to it's degradation.
The Asian Servers! (Guide to Installing + Video + More information inside!)

Neither does he mentions that he wants to spend money, and going by how irked he is at the fact that you can buy passes with in-game currency in the Asian server, I'm inclined to think that he doesn't want to spend money on them if possible. And what may seem like no problem to you may actually be a problem to him, but I'm sorry for assuming you were sensitive enough to know that. Clearly, you're the bright hope for society too, mirite?
"In the end F2P just don't want to look bad so they circle around the issues and make up stuff. "
You claim I am contributing to the degradation of society and yet you spew THIS rubbish out? What a hypocrite...
Let me lay it out in simpler terms for you: To answer your original question, no, spending 6bucks won't kill anyone here, but if people were given a choice of being able to obtain something in-game with either real money or in-game money, there is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing the latter. I don't know if Serell has a job, or a credit card, or has already purchased CE with real money and simply wants to save some extra bucks by not wanting to buy a pass, but the reasons he give are all valid reasons for someone who doesn't want to/can't purchase a game item with real money or if they want to remain strictly F2P. You accusing him of giving 'lousy excuses' only paints yourself as some arrogant high and mighty P2P who wants to make himself look good BECAUSE he is P2P. Oh my, doesn't that sound familiar...

"Oh my, doesn't that sound familiar..."
Yeah, it does, its the sound of missed assumptions.

It's good to know that you only have enough intellectual capacity to respond to one sentence from the entire post. Also, "it's", not "its".

Oh boy, you are a tool. It wasn't a possessive pronoun. Don't try to correct others when you clearly have no clue what you are even talking about. No wonder you think you are so obsessed with xenophobia when you are so self-conscious and trying to be superior here and showing off [and failing] to show your superiority.
EDIT: actually, I'm wrong but still, you are a massive stool to retort to grammar when I'm not even a native english speaker, so point stands, nonetheless.

And the hypocrite strikes again~
So I make a short comment on your grammar after typing out paragraphs to counter-argue your point, and you jump and wail on it like a 10year old who just saw his favorite candy in a shop while completely ignoring the actual relevant parts of my post? And then, not only do you admit you were wrong, but you maintain the insult used back when you thought you were right, and STILL continue ignoring all the points I made in post #53? This is just borderline on crying.
The only person trying to portray themselves as superior here is you. Don't believe it? Kindly refer back to posts #35 and #40.

There is no relevant parts in your posts, all you are doing is whiteknighting parasites who don't want to pay but instead prefer to look good by saying that they have no way of paying. And like I said, your assumptions are off mark, so using the word hypocrite towards me makes you only as gullible.

This is hilarious. 'Whiteknighting parasites'? And 5 minutes ago you claim I'm the one trying to be superior here? So yes, I'm calling you a hypocrite. Also, let me get this straight, just because you think people who don't want to pay are parasites, you deliberately ignore the points I make and pretend I didn't even make any? You don't even know whether Serell, or anybody else out there, genuinely doesn't want to pay or genuinely has no way of paying. Are you so concerned with image and insecure that you feel the need to call people out on their reasons for not spending money? How does them reasoning their decision to spend or not to spend money even affect you at all?

Yes, people who don't [want to] pay are parasites. It's a fact. You can't progress in this game without leeching off the paying playerbase, the game would end for you barely after entering into Tier 2. All you would be able to craft is 2 star items. Even basic stuff like trinkets cost more than the mist tank can hold. The only thing I'm concerned with is compulsive liars.

More like, your assumptions allow you to dwelve in such a delusion. But sure, go on.

Oh, and your elitist attitude towards the F2P playerbase is so much better, right? Your impression of the F2P is that they do NOTHING but leech off the paying players, which is wrong on so many levels that it's not even funny.

Well gee, sorry my parents don't like me buying stuff for games with my irl money :D
Seriosuly. Give me a reason why it shouldn't be on this server when it's on the other server.
It won't make them less money, and it shouldn't take much time to implement when it's already been freakin made. 6$ = 2,400 CE, sooooooooooo how is having another payment option going to hurt their funds? And if it would, why would they put it on one server and not the other? You still ahven't explaned that.
Also, LOL!!! F2P are parasites? Ummmmm who do you sell your CE to for crowns???? The games needs both F2P and P2P.

STAB STAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Please don't spam, thank you!]

Let me say it again three times:
It won't make them money because paying people have already loads of CE, it being a payment only forces you to actually pay and not "recycle" what you bought previously
It won't make them money because paying people have already loads of CE, it being a payment only forces you to actually pay and not "recycle" what you bought previously
It won't make them money because paying people have already loads of CE, it being a payment only forces you to actually pay and not "recycle" what you bought previously

Ok. So what happens when the other server has a load of CE? Still absolutely no reason to not have it here when it's over there. And t would stop those people from selling their CE onto the market because they would have another use forit, which would drive CE prices up, which would make them money.
You are devoid of any logic though if you honestly believe F2P are parasites. So, who do all those people that are rich in CE sell it to?

and all of u will stop talking because all of u are dead
*stabs serell and paweu*

Bog, no.... bloood.... I ish blood mage! *summons demons from his wound*

Let me repeat it three more times, now with < strong > on keywords because it seems you missed it:
It won't make them money because paying people have already loads of CE, it being a payment only forces you to actually pay and not "recycle" what you bought previously
It won't make them money because paying people have already loads of CE, it being a payment only forces you to actually pay and not "recycle" what you bought previously
It won't make them money because paying people have already loads of CE, it being a payment only forces you to actually pay and not "recycle" what you bought previously
"You are devoid of any logic though if you honestly believe F2P are parasites. So, who do all those people that are rich in CE sell it to?"
Why is it irks you that much to be called a parasite when you are a parasite? F2P don't contribute anything else that the paying playerbase doesn't while F2P burn through CE like an old mercedes. You know how ZOOs function? You can feed there animals, CE market is pretty much a ZOO.

Again. Then why the hell is it on the other server and not here if it won't make them money? Again, those rich people would have more use for their CE, thus they would be using more of it thus they would be sellling less of it thus there would less competition thus CE prices would raise.
Also, those rich people need F2P'ers so they can sell their CE to them for crowns to roll because they are too lazy to get all the crowns for themselves? How is that hard to understand?

OMG :O We just got an Elevator Pass via the daily prize O.O
If anyone is gonna join, do it RIGHT NOW, so you can claim the prize too. Also, thanks to Artceps for showing us how to claim the daily prize ^^
EDIT: oh nvm, its only for 2 days, still better than nothing though ._.

"Again. Then why the hell is it on the other server and not here if it won't make them money?"
Culture differences, different business practice, industry standards.
"Also, those rich people need F2P'ers so they can sell their CE to them for crowns to roll because they are too lazy to get all the crowns for themselves? How is that hard to understand?"
Like I said, CE market is a ZOO, there is no real need for paying playerbase to even use it, they can just buy an elevator pass and every crown they make is a profit. Nothing they couldn't live without, meanwhile, you are pretty much doomed if you don't want to be a parasite.

Someone had to have bought the CE with real money, so allowing elevator passes to be purchasable with CE simply shifts the money spent from one person to another - no money is being lost. If you're referring to the same paying player only having to make 1 payment instead of 2 separate payments, the outcome is still the same - the player is now 2400CE poorer, and makes up by buying more CE with real money; if the player chooses to pay for CE with CR, there are always other paying players out there who buy CE with real money to sell for CR. Doing this also ensures a constant stream of CE into the game because elevator passes are hot items favored by people. Of course, this may cause CE price to skyrocket and be even more dependent on new content keeping the paying players playing & paying (boy, what a tongue-twister...) than we are now. I don't know about you, but between OOO and Gamecyber, I'm more in favor of the company who doesn't restrict their paying players so much.
It's also utterly hilarious how narrow-minded you are at calling F2Ps 'parasites' on the basis that they contribute nothing at all. I'm going to give you a little hint: if there were absolutely no F2Ps in the game, P2Ps would have no reason to buy additional CE since there is no one to sell it to for CR - other P2Ps can choose to just buy CE with real money when they feel like it - this results in a slow income for OOO; put F2Ps in the game, and P2Ps see that there are people willing to buy CE with CR since they have no other way/do not want to use real money, thus they are more inclined to buy CE to sell for CR - this results in a faster income for OOO since the demand for CE remains. If you still can't see why this means F2Ps are required in all MMOs that have P2P segments, then...well, there truly is no more hope for humanity.

"Culture differences, different business practice, industry standards."
Sooooooo... they're smarter?
"there is no real need for paying playerbase to even use it, they can just buy an elevator pass and every crown they make is a profit."
BUT it still takes TIME to make all that cr with an elevator pass, which is why they still want F2P'ers to sell their CE to for instant crowns.
Also, I'm not a F2P. I have bought CE thankyouverymuch. I'm just not allowed to spend much on games.
Paweu started a conflict on the sole fact that Asian players can buy their Elevator Pass in the Supply Depot, and he keeps feeding the debate. Let us award this brilliant mind for the chaos brought to one more thread of these forums.

- Unfortunately right now there is no way to transfer gear and believe me i feel your pain. I'd do anything to get to play with my toys on this server.
It should also be noted that this will likely never happen, as it is a different company running it all together.

F2P just means the game is free for parasites to enter. Parasites are parasites, they aren't needed. SK runs on the Amazon cloud which dynamically costs OOO more money if there is more parasites unwilling to contribute.
Six bucks a month.
"Sooooooo... they're smarter?"
From what everyone keeps saying the community on those server sucks, sounds like a ghost town. Does this mean they are smarter? Will you think that they are smarter if they sink after few months?
"BUT it still takes TIME to make all that cr with an elevator pass, which is why they still want F2P'ers to sell their CE to for instant crowns."
Selling CE to get crowns doesn't provide gameplay, like I said, it's a ZOO!
"Also, I'm not a F2P. I have bought CE thankyouverymuch. I'm just not allowed to spend much on games."
And I'm F2P if you know what I mean
I'm not complaining about the asian server having such a feature, just saying that parasites shouldn't complain about not getting premium features that are exclusive to paying playerbase. Don't assume stuff that hasn't been said, it's outrageous.

"just saying that parasites shouldn't complain about not getting premium features that are exclusive to paying playerbase"
Mhm. Ok so how is it fair that Asians can get something that is premium and we can't? And um.... F2P aren't parasites.... lots of F2P means lots of people who want to trade CR for CE, which lets P2P'ers selll their CE for more CR's soooooo yeah they should be happy,...
And it still wouldn't hurt their budget. More use for CE = more demand. Basic economics. F2P'ers will want to buy elevator passes, but in order to do so they must buy CE from P2P'ers. So P2P'ers will naturally charge more since their CE is more valuable. And with raising prices, more people will want to just buy CE with irl moneyz for themselves.

Dude, do us a favor, and keep that [redacted] thing you call a "mouth" shut and locked away in some underground place. I don't think we F2Pers deserve to be called "parasites" in a game that is allegedly F2P itself.
If you're trying to derail this thread into a flame war, congrats, you're suceeding. Please, take this [redacted] conversation somewhere else, this thread was created to allow players to understand how to log into the Asian servers.

Ahhhh, the age-old "F2Ps aren't needed" argument. Tell you what, go to any MMO forum that has both F2P and P2P players, and start a topic with your wonderful logic that F2Ps aren't needed. Then come back and let us know how it goes.
im also trying this new server. any info on how to top up? i just want to get the elevator pass

According to Gamecyber's Facebook page ( for those of you with Facebook), they just got their first (I think) Danger Mission on 31 August, which involves the...Yamili Legion. Well, at least that's what Bing translates it into. It's most probably referring to LoA.

Griseolar? What is taking you so long? Hurry cause I am 3* already and I am dominating Tier 2 LD. Play quickly to we can form our team soon :D

My laptop is still combusted. Gonna take it to a repair shop on Tuesday, so it's still going to be at least a week before I can actually start playing again. THIS ABSTINENCE IS KILLING ME ARGH~~~

Oh boy, drama everywhere.
@Lessthantwo: I believe PayPal works fine.
@Artceps: Nice!
Todays daily reward is a mist tank btw, and the GM's launched another facebook event which I'll show later on how to join. (Basically you like their page, share their page and you get a free 2 day elevator pass)

Alliance is readying our kilowatt pulsars for an invasion of Tier 2 Lockdown!
Come join in on the fun :) We're active and diverse. It's a guild formed of wonderful people which would be impossible to recruit in the main server, because many of them are already in mature guilds. That's not an issue here...and it's great!
Also, not having much lag is terrific. Razor-Dash (asian ign: RazorD) has become quite the BN master, and Nordauf (asian ign: nord) has found an aptitude for lockdown. I myself am enjoying playing on higher levels of detail and not lagging a bit. Come try it out, and drop us a line :)

Not only shameless advertisement of guild in wrong forum section but also its related to completely separated server where players from here cant play with accounts made here...

So... I can't post anything in the only living thread concerning the asian server? Does it matter if I "[shamelessly]" advertise my guild? I had the feeling people already knew our guild from Enclavean's posts, including in *gasp* this thread. Also, why exactly are you playing forum police again anyway? You appear nearly every single time to other peoples' chagrin and general distaste. I don't even think the forum moderators pay heed to your policing, judging from your unimpressive track record. Yes, I've had the misfortune to read your posts for your entire Spiral Knights career.
"its related to completely separated server where players from here cant play with accounts made here..."
Broken english aside, I honestly think the forum moderators would've shut this thread down if they didn't approve. My own thread about the asian servers got over one hundred posts, and I wasn't contacted about any misconduct at all. I think this thread is where it should be.
Asukalan, lrn2english, and stop playing misguided vigilante on the forums. If there's an issue, the moderators will help sort it out.
Oh, and by the way.
~I'd like to take this time to recognize the sole english-oriented guild in the asian server, Alliance.~

Sorry exams keeping me busy :X Tommorow is my last day though so I'll have time for more Asian server stuff~
@Asukalan: I'm not even gonna bother replying to that post. Oh the days you will stop being a wannabe-mod here.~
@Etendue: Cant wait to get our LD and BN teams going!
Some news from the Asian server, the GM's hosted a Blast Network contest. Basically, the Game Masters queued up in GvG as a part of their event. Man, a ton of guilds playing GvG BN! (Whilst I didn't get to fight them I'm pretty sure they didn't use any OP GM stuff during the battle :P)
Right now, the GM guild is still on the leaderboard:
On another note, got a Trinket slot in the Daily Reward. I ought to make a list of all the stuff we've gotten so far.

Bumping this topic because I got a question. I got a new laptop and I tried launching the client from the link Enclave provided, but it's unable to load and keeps giving me the following error message:
I've installed the latest updated version of Java, so I have no idea what's going on here. Anybody know the solution to this?

Hey, someone told me that all beta testers of the asian server got 1 of every itme and 3 rose sets (like how beta testers here got groundbreaker). Is that true? If it is, no wonder CE prices are so high there xD

@Griseolar: Afraid I haven't seen that technical error before, but seeing "threerings" in the name makes me think its more related to the main spiral knights so I suggest posting in the technical issues forum. Let me know if it works out :)
@Serell: Haven't heard of that, but i doubt they would actually do that. :O
Also some breaking news, checked the Supply Depot, they added 7-Day elevator passes!

Nvm, got it figured out. Turns out I just had to launch main SK to 'season' up Java, then it worked fine launching the Asian SK. IGN is Grisolar.

and now I can't open it again!!
'silly me checked No Thanks when the game offered to create a shortcut on my desktop, and now I can't find the files on my computer to open it. This may sound noobish, but I really tried all search options and can't find the files or anyway to open up my asian-server SK game. Dx
I didn't get an option to choose where to save it, it's not in my normal program shortcuts in the start menu, and, and -- what do I do!?
Where are those downloaded files?
Btw! Akinesia is my new knight I made there.

Anyways, I believe if you go to this link,, go to the whatever you login with, then login. It should let you pick the server, then I believe it'll let you play. ;D
Says the guy who thinks not having a credit card is a 'pathetic excuse'? Oh society, what has thou degraded into...
If it troubles you SO MUCH that there are people who just don't want to spend money, be it a small or large amount, you might want to...I dunno, broaden your horizons or something.