Info: a knight name artlight get a sword call keyblade and then evil appear and artlight must form a guild of many knight and different races of people in order to stop this evil
the hero(will edit): artlight,
the villan (will edit): a squrd of wolfs. a werid looking person, a gun puuny, some grever and a sikwing
EP1: the sword with key on it top?
Artlight ran for his life and helped his fellow knights exit the ship, Skylark safey . artlight: come on move it exit as fast as you can! then a group of monster some how made there way to the ship and start attacking the knights . artlight run and try to kill the monsters. he aim at the gun punny first he drew out his sword and attack it the gun punny shot bullets, but artlight block the attack , and then slash at the gun punny and kill it. But the grevers were right behind him and attack. artlight fell to the floor and he very hurt then out the blue it HAPPEN! a sword appear in artlight other hand. he went What the but attack anyway with 2 swords and kill 2out the 4 grever but the the other were healing he then find out that the other one were healing the wounds on the other 2 and so went kill the healing one and then kill the other 2 grevers. artlight: wow that was hard monsters but they gone now. And went help the other knight in there pods and then a werid person appear with his body like a block and had white eyes say im watching you and then he disappear. artlight: what was that well i better get out of here since im the last one here! And got in the last pod and waited till he landed. When he landed a group of wolf appear he went un oh!
info on the hero,
will edited info on the hero
artlight is son fireherat and someone else. no one ask him much about his past .